Visa Papers.

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by ricky, Sep 28, 2004.

  1. ricky

    ricky New Member

    hey guys,

    this is Richard from Ontario and i am still waiting on my papers to come. has everyone started to get theres or have you had them already??

    just wondering it is not that long until we leave December 7th!!

    write me back
  2. Winnipeg gal

    Winnipeg gal New Member

    Hey Richard

    I got mine yesterday, they delivered it via UPS. They had actually been trying since Thursday, but the buzzer on the back entrance doesn't work so I missed it twice.

  3. rchafe

    rchafe New Member

    Hey guys, I got my papers as well! Very exciting!
  4. Robert

    Robert New Member

    i havent received my papers yet.. arrh!! i hope i get them soon! :)
  5. Stibymex

    Stibymex New Member

  6. cmaxdu62220

    cmaxdu62220 New Member

    I'm french, and i will phone us ambassy of Paris in february for an interview between 25 marc and 25 april, I leave france in april the 25th

    We must take SO lot of papers!!!! Really long moment before having a biiiggggg year of fun!
  7. Tibouchonz

    Tibouchonz New Member

    SOOO lot of papers , and SOOO MUUCH money to expend!!!

    Only for the visa, in france, 14€50 the call to take an interview, 85€ of visa fee, and 18€33 for the wrap in wich us embassy will return the visa!

    Pfiou! What expensive this trip is!

    I hope it's gonna be better than great....!! :D
  8. cmaxdu62220

    cmaxdu62220 New Member

    my appointment for us embassy in Paris is March 30

    Really excited!!!

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