Visa + Health Insurance?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by sarahuk82, Feb 11, 2005.

  1. sarahuk82

    sarahuk82 New Member

    Hi Guys
    I have my telephone interview this afternoon. Very excited but dont tell work!!!
    Anyway, just wondered what happens with visas etc?? Do you know if there are any conditions that would you stop you getting it?
    I'm not a crimianl or anything but do have a medical condition- apparantly! and this causes problems with holiday insurance!
    Any advice would be good
  2. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    Not sure. Best to ask Jason/Alexis at Yummy jobs. It might cause some problems such as higher insurance but not sure
  3. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    with visas if u get through to the face to face interviews ur asked to take passport plus copies of it and a copy of ur birth certificate with the real thing then they start the ball rolling, if ur acccepted that is, then u have 2 go 2 london around a month before departure to the us embassy for your visa interview

    i dont thing medical conditions have an effect on the visa at all

  4. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    good luck for your they'll hear it in your voice!

    as for the insurance, im not sure. sorry

  5. james_wales

    james_wales New Member


    Best of luck with your telephone interview...relax, and give it your best shot!

    Do let us know how it went,
  6. sarahuk82

    sarahuk82 New Member

    Thanks!!! Just want to go home and get the interview done with!!!
    will ask after my interview then and hope it doesnt.
  7. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    im sure you'll do great!
  8. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    i'm sure it won't sarah, fingers crossed. you'll do great i'm sure

  9. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    Good luck sarah!! let us know how it goes!!

    Have recently filled out all my visa and health insurance forms and the visa doesnt ask anyhting about health conditions so thats nothing to worry about.

    The health forms were a few weeks ago now and i cant remember what they ask. I dont think they ask about any pre-exisitng conditions as its not like travel insurance - its helath insurance that you have to have to get free treatment in the US if required!! I really cant remember what the forms asked though - sorry!!!

    Good luck again wiht your phone interview - youll do great just SMILE and be yourself!!

    Michelle xx
  10. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    From what I remeber the forms do ask for conditions. All it will probably mean is that you have to pay more for any medical treatments you have over there. You pay for treatment anyway so no matter what you have to pay, and it just might be a bit more expensive. I know I had to declare that I had a heart condition when I was a kid and was asked if it still effected me. I was told then that it might increase my premiums but don't think it actually did.

    Good luck
  11. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    Cant believe Ive only just filled in the forms and still cant remember!!! Im rubbish!!!
  12. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    lol chelle, bless ya, its the excitement!

  13. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    I think it must be!!!!

    Have you aha the interview yet Sarah? Howd it go?
  14. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    yeah hope it went ok for u sarah

  15. Marie

    Marie Guest

    Hi Sarah - im sure youve got nothing to worry about. I think the only health question on the visa form two yrs ago was for hiv...
    Like michelle said it doesnt ask about ur health.
    Hope ur telephone interview went well,
    Marie xxx
  16. Pete79

    Pete79 New Member

    With regards to health insurance do you have to pay this or does it come from your pay? Or is it a CM benifit?

  17. sarahuk82

    sarahuk82 New Member

    Thanks for all the good luck!! Must have worked....i think.
    Waiting for that email that tells me, but the girl seemed pretty nice and was telling me all about the next stage etc, please be a good sign!

    Apparantly my premiuim maybe a little higher than normal but thats it. Just need permission from specialists etc!!! So off to ring them..oh maybe should do some work first???
  18. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    yeah you pay for your first few months of insurance, then disney pick it up. you have to pay before you leave, they wont let you in the country if you dont have it.

  19. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    OK just to clarify, you have to purchase the first 3 months and then after this Disney give you the option of insurance. You can choose from a number of different types and the benefits are explained to you. The money is taken each week out of your wages. You do have to pay for it but the Disney insurance works out cheaper than buying it seperately. It is however a good idea to ask those people who have already got insurance which one to get as some of them barely cover anything. Because of the way the american system works you can end up paying a fortune just to get seen by a doctor.
  20. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    I have a medical condition too and have worked in the states for the past 3 summers. My medical insurance went through the roof but only because my condition hadn't been 'stable' for 12 months. I think the worst you could expect is slightly different coverage to other people and maybe a little extra cost. That's what I think I'll be looking at.

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