Visa appointments

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Dougslar, May 19, 2006.

  1. Dougslar

    Dougslar New Member

    Just to give people a heads up....................the first appointment I could get for a visa interview in Belfast is 21st June!!!! :eek:

    Laura. ;D
  2. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    In that case (oddly) there is greater availability at London and Belfast. I took 13th June yesterday at London.
  3. doowop

    doowop New Member

  4. Emmy-Lou

    Emmy-Lou Guest

    When do u know when u need to book an apointment?? do u get told?
  5. Charlote

    Charlote New Member

    Can you book an appointment for the time that you want one or do you have to get told by yummy jobs when to get one?
  6. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    Doowop, I fly out June 25th.

    Emmly-Lou, I think Yummy will tell you when to book...I think it's when the DS-2019 comes normally.

    Charlote, you phone up the US Embassy and sort the day/time out with them.
  7. Emmy-Lou

    Emmy-Lou Guest

    brill, thanks adj!
  8. Ona

    Ona Member

    Hmm.. panic is starting to creep in... :-\

    Still haven't been contacted by Yummy. I tried calling today but there was no answer. I so need them to get in touch so I can book this interview. :-\

    Panic, panic, panic. :-\

    Ona x
  9. Dougslar

    Dougslar New Member

    Ona, can't you make the appointment anyway. There is such a long wait, I think you would have the forms in plenty of time.

    I'm thinking about calling back and maybe saying I have to leave earlier now to see if I can get an earlier appointment!!! ??? The only thing is it costs so much to call! I must have been on for about 10 minutes today as you can do the payment over the phone with a credit card, so that's going to the most expensive call on the phone bill this month!!! :eek:

    I heard Belfast was better than London that's why I wanted to go there plus it is the easiest (&cheapest) option for me from Glasgow.

    Laura. ;D
  10. Ona

    Ona Member

    Hmm.. I was under the impression that you can't make an appointment until you have your forms or at least the number :-\ (Int. Rec. gave me a specific ID number to use when calling to book an appointment for the alumni prog). I figured it would be the same idea. :-\ I know Jason at Yummy has been out on recuriting trips in Europe so perhaps I'll hear on Monday. :-\ The problem is, it's soooo difficult to call while I'm at work. I work mon - fri, business hours. Next week is my last week. I don't quite know how I'm gonna call the embassy. :-\ I'm pay as you go and I'd hate to get cut off half way through booking an appoinment. ::) :-\ Do you reckon I should just try calling them and see whether they'll let me book? :-\

    Oooo, I'm breaking out in a cold sweat. :-\ ;D

    Ona x
  11. Dougslar

    Dougslar New Member

    I actually got my forms through today but I was going to call anyway without them. The woman (who was again Scottish, everytime I phone the Embassy they are always Scottish.............why is that???) only asked for my start date on the form which I knew anyway and for my passport number, and the other obvious things like name, date of birth, etc. I reckon you could probably phone safely but do be prepared for at least a 10 minute call if you are going to pay the fee by credit card, and at £1.20 a minute it ain't cheap!!!! :eek:

    I would have thought Yummy would have been aware of the length of time it takes to get an appointment! I may even look into going to Paris or Amsterdam as someone suggested. Their wait times are only 2 or 3 days but I'm not sure if you can apply in a different country, plus it would so much more expensive to get to there too! Belfast is cheap!!!! ;D
  12. Dougslar

    Dougslar New Member

    Ooops forgot to mention Ona, I'm pretty sure you can call for an appointment on a Saturday between 9am and 4pm. Not sure if those times are accurate but I'm positive you can call on a Saturday. :D
  13. Ona

    Ona Member

    Awesome Laura. I'll try calling tomorrow. Nothing ventured, nothing gained eh? :-\

    Belfast would be easiest and cheapest for me too. I was kinda' plnning on making a mini trip out of it and staying with my friend in Belfast for a day or two. But I'm also heading down to London for a mini reunion in a couple of weeks so if i could schedule an interview around that it would be cool too. But I realise that's more than a little optimistic. ::)

    Oh well, I'll give it a bash. Was anyone else asked any other questions when they called to book an appointment? If not, then I shouldn't see it being a problem. :-\

    Ona x
  14. Charlote

    Charlote New Member

    If i booked an appointment in London for a time but i don't get my papers through in time will it cost me to cancel and re-book? I'm just worried that before i leave for disney i have one last family holiday that it would be nice for me to attend because i'm not going to see them but if i don't get a visa appointment until the last minute then i won't be able to go but if i arrange an appointment and i don't have the papers through yet is that going to be a waste of time? So many questions, so little time!!!
  15. Ona

    Ona Member

    Ok well I am now majorly stressed. I called the embassy and sure enough the earliest date available was June 13th, in London (I agree, odd :-\).

    I went ahead and booked it. However, I'm almost def. not gonna get my visa in time. :( Apparently it takes 5 working days to process then 2 to deliver. I've got 4 days total! :( Grrr... life is never simple. ::) I really need to get on the phone to Yummy on Monday. Surely, they must have a good idea of the current availabilities and wait times concerning visa applications. ???

    Anyone who recently received their visa fancy sharing how long it took to actually get your passport back. :-\

    Btw, Laura the guy I spoke to was Scottish too (west coast aswell I'm sure). I bet we're paying £1.20 a minute to talk to folks in Paisley or something. ::) ;D

    So Andy, it looks like we've got appointments on the same day. My appointment is at 2.15pm. When's yours? Apparently they close at about 5.30pm so hopefully I'll not be too :)-\) long in there.

    Charlotte, you don't have to pay anything when you call to book the appointment. They are piloting a new scheme to pay the visa application over the phone rather than using the bank etc. (that's what it is Laura right?). I wasn't asked at all. Technically, you are supposed to have you DS-2019 before you call. You don't require a number from it or anything, they will simply ask whether you have it or not (little white lie going on from me there :-[).

    Ona x
  16. Dougslar

    Dougslar New Member

    I'm considering calling again on Monday to see if I can try and get an earlier appointment. Probably won't work and will cost me a fortune!!! :eek:

    I was thinking about changing to London but if they are saying it takes that long to process I don't know if it would be worth it! They advised me on the phone I would get my visa in 2/3 working days at Belfast. Just really scared to go ahead and book a flight when I won't actually have a passport in my possession!!!

    You do get the option to pay over the phone now. I thought that was easier but now in hindsight I'm thinking maybe it's just a ploy to keep you on the phone for longer and charge you a small fortune!!! :mad:

    Does anybody know at all if you can go to another European country to get a visa interview? This was suggested to me and looking on the US Embassy website it appears that Dublin has a 14 day wait, Paris around 8 days and Brussels only 2! I could get to Dublin just as cheap as Belfast but I'm not sure if you can do that. ???
    Can someone help? I've trawled through the FAQ's on the website but can't seem to find anything!!!!

    It was so much easier when you could do this whole visa thing by post!!! ;)

    Laura. :)
  17. doowop

    doowop New Member

    indeed it would!!
  18. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    Ona, I also have a 2.15pm appointment! I'll PM you about meeting up nearer the time.

    Laura, last year I was told 2/3 days for Belfast. It arrived home the next morning - beating me!!
  19. Dougslar

    Dougslar New Member


    My debate now is to whether call the expensive Embassy line and try and get an earlier appointment in London or stick with my Belfast appointment and hope that they send my passport back as quick as you say! ??? I'm tempted to stick with Belfast if as Ona said, it is a 5 day turnaround at London.

    Advise from anyone who has been to London or Belfast recently would be much appreciated!!!

    I don't officially start until July 1st but I was hoping to go out at least a week before as because I won't be technically working for Disney I have to find my own place to live so I'll have a lot of organising to do!!!! ::)
  20. Spaztaz

    Spaztaz New Member


    I was in belfast on Tuesday and my Visa and passport arrived at my house on the Wed!
    Was there for a max of 2 hrs aswell which is not bad going

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