Universal Studios International Program

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by sam17, Jun 3, 2011.

  1. sam17

    sam17 New Member

    Not sure if this is the right place to put this, but not sure who else I can ask.
    Basicallly how does it work? There website is abit rubbish and I was hoping someone on here could help me : )
    What does it have to do with Uni and everything. Im in the first year of sixth form so it would still be over a year if I do it.

    Thanks for your help : )
  2. TalkingDug

    TalkingDug Member

    Hi, Universal Studios does a program similar (but not quite the same) as disney, where uk students can go and work there for 3 months during the uni summer break. So it's not actually connected to university, just a summer job.

    Try this link:
    this is what you will need to fill in to enquire about the program
    (but don't enquire until you're at uni and ready to apply, as they will just come back and say contact them nearer the time).

    Here's a link to the Universal website, click on Student Spotlight and then International Students

    If you would like any information about the disney program, don't hesitate to ask as I, like many, have done the program!
  3. steviebobs

    steviebobs New Member

    Hi Sam,

    I've done the year program for Universal, you have to be a student who is returning to Uni to do both the Summer and Internship, as it's a J1 visa, to obtain it you need to prove you are going back to your country to return to Uni to use your new found knowledge of American business operations, hospitality, work ethic and culture etc, as well as partying :p.

    I had the most amazing time, Universal are a great company to work for, not as strict as Disney from what I can see and the year program is very personal, theres a dedicated program manager, you meet with them monthly and it's only a small group of interns. You rotate into 6 different roles, 3 in Entrance ops and 3 positions in Rides and attractions, you can climb the ladder and enter a higher position or stick within your rotation. I became an team leader, one of the girls prior to me became a Supervisor - which was a great achievement. I did this as my placement for university.

    The three month program is over summer and you could be placed in any role in the resort, you get to list your preferences though, with Harry Potter world opening, most of the brit summer students seem to be put in that area, but you could work attractions, food and beverage, merchandise, shows, entertainment etc!

    Universal come to your uni to do the presentations, usually in the autumn before the summer you are due to go.

    If you have questions, drop me a pm!! :)

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