Under 21s

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by pinksparkles2, Dec 12, 2009.

  1. pinksparkles2

    pinksparkles2 New Member

    Who else will be under 21 when out there?
    Anyone whos already been and been under 21, is it really that strict about the alcohol in the apartments? I mean, I know its the law.. but I dont want to miss out on fun!! Its not fair going from being able to drink and go out as much as you like, to having to stay sober!
  2. Jar

    Jar New Member

    They are strict. You will be sent home pretty much immediately if they find you with Alcohol, or any alcohol in your apartment, you don't get a second chance.

    I've seen a lot of people get sent home for drinking.
  3. StevenC

    StevenC New Member

    basically... its gonna be the crappest 3 months for us ever lol

    im not going out if i cant drink.

    in some places too they charge under 21s like entrance fees of $24 whereas its free for over 21s.

    all just a big con.
  4. Jar

    Jar New Member

    Ok I've never seen a $24 dollar fee, but it is true that you will get charged, as for not going out, Drink a lot of red bull it has some sort of an effect..

    I always ended up working all the night shifts anyway so barely got a chance to go out! Thats what working in MK does to you! :(
  5. BANGItsLaura

    BANGItsLaura New Member

    I wouldn't risk drinking anything alcholic at all if you get sent home straight away, totally not worth it.
    It won't be too bad... well... some times.
    Okay so we won't have the booze to loosen up, but we won't have the hangover the morning after before a 12 hour shift!
    I agree with the red bull. Sugar is always a good alternative! lol.
  6. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    I don't think drinkings such a big deal most people are going for the opportunity not for the night life, its disney =s
  7. Sab.loves.Disney

    Sab.loves.Disney New Member

    i agree you can have fun without drinking it wont be worth it if u get sent home
  8. gevernon

    gevernon New Member

    Dont worry about it! I went to Disney last year on holiday when I was 19, and I couldnt drink and it just wasnt a big deal. Theres soooo much to do, the theme parks r open til really late anyway so theres not much chance to go out! Id sooner b on rides all night rather than getting drunk...
    Ill b 21 when I go on the ICP, but will only go out a couple of times I think. Would sooner get the most out of the amazing opportunity weve been given! And all the under 21s, I wouldnt risk having a drink.....(r pro plus allowed?!) If so, take a few of them! Same effect as red bull! At least u will save the money u would have spent on booze and u can spend it on bringing loads of new stuff home with u (instead of paying for a hangover!) lol. xxx
  9. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Completely agree!

    To be honest, I really didn't miss drinking.. as other people have said you are sooooo busy working and going to the parks that you just don't think about it. And they are VERY STRICT about alcohol in apartments - think of all the effort, worrying and passion that's gone into getting this job with Disney when you want to drink underage because you'll be on the plane home before you know what's hit you if you get caught! Just a warning!
  10. pinksparkles2

    pinksparkles2 New Member

    Okay, I don't think I'll be drinking then! You're totally right, it isn't worth the risk and I'm sure I can live 3 months without it!
    And tbh, I would prob rather spend my money on Disney merchandise than alcohol anyway, even if I was over 21!
    Whats the deal with under 21s going into the over 21s apartments? Is that allowed? If so isn't that an easier way to drink or would you still get caught?
    Not that I'm going to do it.. but just wondering!
  11. omgmeve

    omgmeve New Member

    I'm guessing if you do get caught, you and the person/people who provided you with alcohol will get terminated.
  12. ariella

    ariella New Member

    You can go to the over 21's apartments, even when there is a party and drinking going on. However, if security comes and you are caught with alcohol, you are gone. If someone who is over 21 gives you their drink to 'hold', both you and that person are gone. Their really serious when it comes to under age drinking. You'll hear all about that in your first few days with the presentations they give.
  13. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    A lot of my friends who were over 21s didn't even let under 21s in their party. It's too hard to keep track, because if one person under 21 is drinking and gets caught, the whole apartment can get sent home.
  14. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    And if you get sent home, it can make it VERY hard to get back into the States.
    I never drank, don't drink much anyway so didn't miss it!
  15. ariella

    ariella New Member

    Yes and under age drinking is a serious thing in the States. Apparently my last week there someone got arrested for underage drinking in one of the housing complexes.

    I wouldn't risk it if I was under 21. There is so much to do that doesn't involve drinking. Plus if you end up working at MK, you'll never be home in time to go to any of the parties ;D
  16. Jar

    Jar New Member

    That is a 110% true! ;D
  17. nix123

    nix123 New Member

    i knowwww, its gna be rubbish!!! ah well, we dont always need alcohol to have fun, i think the Disney adrenaline will be enough for all of us!!!!
    we can just crank up the music and have a good old boogie in our houses :D

    cant waittt!!!
  18. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Personally, I don't drink, and think it's a little sad the perception that alcohol is necessary to have fun!

    It really isn't - there's a reason MK is alcohol free!

    Some places will let you in if you're under 21, you just either get a stamp/don't get a stamp depending. You're just charged a lot more for entry.
    But there's so much to do around the place - wandering around Downtown Disney late at night is aweseome!
  19. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Totally agree!

    If you get chucked off the program and out of the US because of drinking it is breaking the law and may mean you can't get back into the USA even for a holiday in later life.... or at least it makes it difficult to.
  20. StevenC

    StevenC New Member

    EVERY single person iv asked who has done the program both wen they r under 21 and over 21 have told me that it was crap wen they were under 21 compared to when they were over. you miss out on a lot of things, get depressed wen all the oldies around u r drinking, and have an overall loess fun time.

    im looking forward to getting there, but its just gonna be the most rubbish night outs ever lol

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