
Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by elusivemoose, Oct 31, 2006.

  1. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    I was just wondering if a lot of under 21s do the programme? Particularly during summer. And do you think it would effect the experience at all by not being able to go to all areas, etc- would you end up being left out of a lot of activities, or are there enough 18-20 year olds for it not to matter? I know I shouldn't even be thinking about all this seeing as I haven't even had my face to face interview yet, and it's so unlikely that I'll even get in, but I just want to think about everything! I'm not really worried about the age thing apart from that though- I live with people aged anywhere from 18-23 now, but then there's no age restrictions past 18 here, really. So yeah, was just wondering if people have had any experience of being a younger, 'underage' CM, or know anyone who was... Obviously I'll ask about it in my interview too, but just wanted to hear it from the horses mouth...
  2. Jar

    Jar New Member

    I was kind of wondering the same thing, as I'm 18 at uni, and applied for summer 07's college program, depends how reliant we are on alcohol i suppose, i don't think ill miss it a lot but i suppose it will be annoying not being able to have a drink. But hey its a good detox for a few months!! :D

    Cant wait got my interview NOV 13th in Birmingham!
  3. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Heh, yeah, that's what I was thinking- will probably need it come the end of this year!
  4. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    You guys will all be fine. ;D Loads of people your age go!

    I might not be able to go until I'm 23 and to be honest I was really worried at one point that I'd be too old then!

    The only draw back to that age is the not drinking part. But theres plenty of disney fun to get drunk on anyway!

    Good luck in all your interviews!!!! ;)

  5. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Yeah, I wasn't so much worried about the alcohol as not being allowed in some of the clubs... But then I guess if there's enough 18-year-olds going out then it wouldn't matter so much, I just don't fancy feeling 17 again and being too scared to go out in case of being turned away! ;D I don't know why I'm thinking about this now- should be worrying about my interview first, really!!
  6. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    There's only 2 clubs in Disney World that are over 21....House of Blues and Jellyrolls....the rest let you in if you're over 18 but you get a special stamp and no wristband so they can tell how old you are and therefore not serve you alcohol. Most of the downtown Orlando clubs are over 21 as well, but I never went to any of those as i was quite happy with what was on offer at PI!

    You can have loads of fun no matter what your age so don't worry about it! :)

    Ellen x :D
  7. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    There are Clubs at Downtown which are for underaged ppl as well e.g. Kairos or Antigua. I think Club Paris is underaged,too ???
    Regarding the alcohol issue: U'll have friends which are overaged and get you some booze. You just can't drink in public but predrinking in your Apt is a lot of fun as well.
  8. Paco Aleman

    Paco Aleman New Member

    U WILL GET BORED!! WAIT UNTIL 21.. to get wasted!! lol
  9. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    Um, not the right attitude to have!! ::)
  10. kristen@disney

    kristen@disney New Member

    There are people under 21 there and really it depends on what your looking for the experience to be on wether you should be 21 or not. For some drinking is a huge part of life down there. Its not really fun when you have to watch everyone head off to Cowboys or Club Paris or what not and its always a risk if you choose to pick up booze and risk it. So I mean you can go and youll be fine you just have to realize that you cant do the drinking things. Some people are fine with it others arent. Depends on you
  11. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    That's all cool then- I don't mind the not being able to drink/ go in certain places thing when there are others in the same boat- can have just as good a time without alcohol! I was just wondering, as we all know how annoying it can be to be the only sober one around a load of drunkards, or feel stupid because you're holding people back from going where they want to go on a night out, you know :)
  12. Shivasauras

    Shivasauras New Member

    Most ICPs from the UK are under 21
  13. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    Yea, there are ways to have alcohol if you are under 21, but most ICPs i knew didn't drink and still had a great time.
  14. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    Yeah theres loads of chances to party with or without the alcohol.

    And the less drunk you are out there, the more you'll generally remember of your experience!

    Just out of curiosity is alcohol any cheaper to buy over in the states than it is here in the UK? Not that I'm planning to smuggle any in lol.
  15. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    alcohol in the liquor stores is soooo cheap... u can get like a 1.5 litre bottle of smirnoff for like 18 dollars! :eek: :eek: :eek:
  16. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    WOW!!!! thats amazing!!!!! im glad that if im lucky enough to get a place over there id be 21! not that im a total alchoholic or anything but i do like the odd cheeky vodka now and again!!! and at those prices you cant go wrong!!!! x
  17. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Don't tease us with what we wouldn't be able to have :p Mean ;) Still, doesn't quite beat the prices in Russia- apparently they give out free 'sample' shots in shops!!! According to my sister, anyway... Why I didn't get her to stock up whilst she was over there I'll never know...

    Aaaaaand back on topic... :p
  18. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    oooh, I'm going to be one of those under-agers. Which is such a burn because I just got back from Quebec where I was 18 and legal, and it was cheap and accesable! Like seriously, the corner store a block from my house had everything I ever needed. I was so amazed at seeing alcohol being sold in the grocery stores that I actually stared at a giant pyramid of beer and gaped for a few minutes.

    But I don't want to risk this dream job, so we'll definately be creative in making our fun!
  19. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Exactly! I'd be so greatful if I got in, I'd rather not risk it! It would be weird coming from university and having alcohol around you constantly, but I'm sure there's plenty of disney magic to make everything great fun, sober or not!
  20. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    yeah,theres going to be so much to see and do over there so i dont think the drinking thing will really be that much of a big deal! are we all on the 3 week wait to hear now????? when would you all be heading to Florida???? Id *hopefully* be going there mid-march!!!!!! Kerry xx

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