Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by gemmalou, Dec 7, 2006.

  1. gemmalou

    gemmalou New Member

    Hey guys

    Sorry, just to let you know that as of January 1st 2007 no one under the age of 21 will be allowed into Pleasure Island. Weve got an email through from Disney International Programs today telling us all!! I cant believe it, it completely sucks!Monday nights won't be the same anymore!!! :'(

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Just thought id let everyone know!


    PS Sorry the post is in more than one thread, just didnt want anyone to miss it!
  2. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    i got that email too...that SUCKS!!!!

    im over 21 so doesnt affect me directly, but how shite for all the under 21s booooo
  3. doowop

    doowop New Member

    yeah guys got the email... really sucks what are we gonna do for last song, or anything after lads and lasses!! totally sucks!! :(
  4. lovely

    lovely New Member

    That is the area with several clubs right?
  5. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    yep thats right, where everyone goes on a monday :(

    its even worse for boys than girls coz girls under 21 can get into clubs in downtown orlando, but boys under 21 cant really get in anywhere :-\
  6. lovely

    lovely New Member

    That was fast :)
    SO ok, my next question would be if one could go somewhere else, so that's good.
    Why can't the boys get in? At all? Or why can the girls?
  7. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    i dunno why girls under 21 can get in but boys cant... just the rules most clubs follow. pretty crappy tho for boys :-\
  8. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    aparently under 21s will still be able to get into the comedy warehouse and the adventurers club
  9. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    yeah that's what my e-mail said, which isn't bad but I don't think thats where people go on Mondays.
  10. aussie_gal

    aussie_gal New Member

    aw thats crap...so now i hope even more they create an australia pavillion so i can go on the cutural program when im 21!
  11. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    so true... i cant see us partyin after Lads and lasses at adventurer club lol
  12. Trev

    Trev New Member

    A party at the Adventurers club would be awesome, good old Anal Blowhole, that rather cute maid and the old classic
    'drop your draws, drop your draws, I'll drop mine if you drop yours!' It would be a hilarious disaster.
  13. *Cecilie*

    *Cecilie* New Member

    Whaaaat?? ??? ...That sucks!! :mad: I was really looking forward to seeing what PI is like... damn.
    Do you think they'll ask everyone for ID... or can you get in if you just look older that 21? :p
  14. Trev

    Trev New Member

    They ID everyone. Even if you look 30, you'll get carded just in case. They love making mountains out of molehills out there.
  15. 'drop your draws, drop your draws, I'll drop mine if you drop yours!'

    how the heck can you remember that! we were so erm well mickeyed!!
  16. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    hahahahaha we sang that for weeks afterwards! pmsl!!!!!
  17. --Toño--

    --Toño-- New Member

  18. Paco Aleman

    Paco Aleman New Member

    Dont Worry! i promess make parties Until 6 am! @ commons! u wont miss Pleasure Island! lol ;D
  19. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    Boo to the new rule. I'm over 21 but half the people I know are under 21 ... that's half the party gone right there.

    I presume HoB is still 18 for girls, 21 for the guys ... so UK Lasses and Canadian Girls could opt for Sunday nights (not to mention the free drinks before midnight for the ladies over 21), but Lads and No maam are out in the cold.

    This sucks ... we need to find a workable solution for everyone.

    We can blame all of the under 21's who risk drinking at PI for this ... and I'm sure most of that problem was guests not cast members.

    It'll be interesting to see what happens to the party in the new year ... to be continued ...
  20. *Cecilie*

    *Cecilie* New Member

    ok, so I'm not actually there yet... but is PI were everyone always goes, apart from commons? Aren't there other good clubs in the area where people can go? What is HoB? I got really disappointed by this new policy as I was really looking forward to the clubbing :p ...I'm sure the parties at the Commons are nice too, but I assume there won't be as much dancing there :p?

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