So I have absolutely no idea when we find out the results from the face to face interviews? I think I remember hearing 3 weeks? That would be Tuesday!
It'll be either Monday or Tuesday as they said we'd be notified within three weeks. Not long to wait now!
Yeah i got an email today. Rather vague. It says all positions have been filled for 2012 and i am currently being considered for a position in 2013. Expect to hear more in June when they have their 2013 numbers. No Idea if that means yes or if that means no.
Lots of us got that email! I guess we'll hear more once Disney figure out how many people they need on which dates for 2013
Yeah, I got that email too. Are either of you on the facebook group? If there's lots of people that have the email its proably nothing to worry about. Well done to anyone who got start dates today!
Does this mean we are going to Disney? Not going to Disney? I don't wanna pop the champagne corks just yet
I gather it's not a yes but not a no. A bit like we are in the same boat as yesterday before emails but we've now got to wait to June to get an answer! (and I'm awful at waiting!) Stacy, if I PM you my Facebook URL could you possibly send me an invite please?
Yeah of course..add me and i'll add you both to the groups (We have two that everyone from the very beginning of applications is in and one for everyone to chat etc and then another little one for the people who got the June email yesterday ) Disney are just waiting to see how many people they need and when for early next year so they can then let us know
Could you let me know when you've added me so i can add you 'cos i've just had three friend requests and i don't want to end up adding random people into the group haha.
I've added you. Sent you a message too. Just send me one back when your added me in. It's Claire by the way! In my profile pic with a boy on my left and girl on my right. Thanks!
Ugh i hate waiting. I need to no if I should apply for a Canada visa before they run out or not. It looks like no one has received a No reply then. I cant believe how quiet this forum is. It was a lot busier a few years ago.
I think its 'cos we have the Facebook group so everyone just chats on there And i've seen a couple of people got "no"'s.
Hello Bit late to jump on the band wagon but would someone be able to add me to the facebook group, got a start date from these results 16th October eeeeeeeeeekkkkkk! F&B!/profile.php?id=601319041 And Happy Easter Much love xxx