Hey. So I think I've read about this somewhere else but I'd much rather have a first hand account of it. So here goes... I got my phone call the other day to arrange a phone interview for next weekend and I'd just really like to know what sort of stuff they'll ask. The lady said it would just be a general chat, but still... Also I think I read somewhere that they ask you what you would do if a customer complained to you. And for some reason I'm drawing a blank with what to answer?! What did all you guys that are in say? I'd really appreciate your help, would stop me stressing slightly, lol. Thanks, M x
Hmmm are you applying for cult rep or the college program? A couple of people have said they've had calls about phone interviews but I've not had one...she said they wouldn't be looking at the CVs for another few weeks so I'm starting to get a bit concerned....?
emi i think i read somewhere that these ones are for people who can go in April as obviously its much sooner they would be leaving! As u are a July hopeful then maybe u will hear a little later! Im sure u will be fine! x
I've had 4 years retail experience with both a department store and supermarket. I worked in customer service roles in both of them. I think answers here are quite difficult. I won't give away the answers (will save them for my own phone interview) but just remember that people travel to Disney with EXTREMELY HIGH expectations. If you were to get a dissatisfied guest, it is essential you still abide to Disney practice and do not tarnish the image. Remember, to that angry guest, you briefly become an embodiment of the whole company in which they take out their anger. Don't let Mickey Mouse catch you getting snappy back. On the other hand, if they are personally aggressive, $6 an hour is not enough pay to be treated badly by guests. Swiftly call management.
dont worry about the phone interview - mine lasted all of about 3minutes,i got asked very basic questions (name,date of birth,date id be available to go to florida etc) and i wasnt given very much time to answer or ask any questions back - it was very fast and to be honest it just felt like they wanted to see how well i could hold a conversation on the phone!! Dont get stressed over it - its easy and totaly straight forward!! Good luck!
See I've seen you post something similar to that before but I've also read that people get asked about things like their feelings about the monarchy, some interesting facts about their country etc. I think you might have just lucked out with your phone interview darlin.
yeah maybe but i can only go on my own experiences im afraid! what did you get asked in your phone interview??? just dont want people to get stressed out about something that wasnt really a big deal! i worried about the phone interview for about a week before i had mine and then it tunred out to have all been for nothing!
My phone interview lasted about 5 minutes and was nothing to terribly phased about (although I was at the time). They just asked about where I was from really and how I enjoyed living there. I think it's more of an enthusiasm thing on the phone to be honest... I think if you sound like you're a happy, positive person things will be grand.
Ive been asked to go for an interview in London on Feb 13th. Ive not had a phone interview though! Is this a good thing or bad? People who have had the phone interview, did u then have to go for the face to face interview? Thanks, Claire.
Don't think it'll matter too much either way like, but probably more of a good thing if you HAD to label it... And aye after the phone interview you get asked to a face to face (if you do good enough)... but that wont matter for you ;D
my phone interview was short as well. They asked brief vital statistic questions, then asked about where i'm from as they really push the cultural aspect and want you to be able to sell your country to guests that ask. I know i did talk for a quite a while about that as i had a prepared! As for customers, i've worked in retail and in hospitality for a long time and we are constantly trained the same thing. Be attentive, listen to the guest/customer and let them have their say. If it's something you can deal with, deal with it and get them on their way. if you need help from higher up, then get someone just remember to stay calm and be as helpful as you can be to that person and be sympathetic should the need arise.
Sorry if i seem like i am crashing this post, but i want to say Linsey, your a star you have filled my brain with ideas for the telephone interview! I have my telephone interview at 6pm tomorrow (saturday) straight after i finish an 8-5 shift! Hopefully it'll be ok and i'll get myself down to London! Other help in here is fantastic, once again sorry for crashing the thread but just want to show my appreciation for the people who offered help ;D and i'm a little hyper about it too Thanks Mark
hi all i have my phone interview on the 6th of feb ( tomorrow!!) and i need so advice, so if any of you can help me i would really love that. i would like to know how it goes like what they will ask and how long it lasts for and also do they tell you at the end if you have got a face to face interview or do u wait to find out ???? so i would really like help from you pros!
Something I wanted to ask too, when you finish the interview, will they invite you to the F2F right there and then? Or will you wait on an email?
you will have a wait of probably about a couple of weeks!! I think in Canada they tell u there and then, but for us UK'ers its all another part of the waiting game! Good luck to those who have interviews in the next few days!! xxx
when i had my phone interview they asked me at the end of the conversation to go for the F2F,so i didnt have to wait to hear back which was cool.
i just had my phone interview today at 12:15, i think it went ok only lasted about five min. they asked me 1) why i wanted to do this 2) what could i offer to Disney 3) if someone asked about my culture what would i tell them 5) what would you say about our traditions 6) do i have any tats or pearcings i hope this helps people who have there phone interview soon p.s. please tell us how u got on!