UK 'Canon' Storys

Discussion in 'Alumni Discussion' started by Danman, Mar 8, 2005.

  1. Danman

    Danman New Member


    Any ex UK merchies have any Canon stories? For those that are unsure, Canon is where we closed of an area outside the Rose and Crown to get ready for the fireworks. We used to have a nightmare gettin guests to go around the back of the shops for there own safety while the first firework went off. Patience was clearly missing from these people.

    One evening I had not a guest but a Cast member try to get through and when I stopped them they had no understanding of what we were doing. I always thought certain Cast members made the worst guests!!

    Any one else...

    Daniel (Scuzzer)
  2. gempop1

    gempop1 New Member

    Hi Dan!

    WELL, when I was there (99 - 01) they used to let food and bev help out too - it wasn't my fave job I have to say!

    I remember blatantly shouting at people - "there's going to be a great big cannon flying over your heads any minute!"  but obviously we were only doing it for our own amusement!

    I remember this one really awful horrid fat american guy in his fat mobile, he literally ran over my foot and knocked me over to get by me when i blocked his way, whilst shouting "Get out of my way!" Seriously, in england couldn't we call the police and get him arrested for common assault?!!
  3. robynchic

    robynchic New Member

    Oh, I love ECVs...It annoys me when there are people that obviously don't need one rent one, and the family takes turns on it. My family saw that in Epcot over New Years. My mom and I started talking loudly about how much I hated it when I was working there and saw families like that. We saw them later that day at the restaurant we ate at for dinner (Restaurant Marrakesh)...and there was no ECV... ;)
  4. soleil plage

    soleil plage Guest

    i loved canon! - getting leave your shop early and dancing to that irishy jig type music  ;) 

    Anyone remember Robert Mastriani ? (Brilliant uk/canada merch manager) he HATED doing canon!!! he just didn't like shouting at people - one time some guy tried to run across the fenced  off area and Robert near enough rugby tackled him into the bushes near Tea Caddy - it was tremendous :D

    Dwan and Doug were always the best dealing with 'difficult' guests :)

    Anyone know if Lori and Paula still work as managers in UK/Canada MAC ?
  5. charlie

    charlie Guest


    neither paula nor lori, are there any more. i was there from july 03 to 04. during that time lori was never there so don't know were she went too. but paula was my homeroom for most of my contract and she actually has moved into her dream job with disney as a recruiter, last i heard she is still loving it. Robert leave to work in disney hotels i think he is at fort wilderness, he so used to hate canon i agree!!!!

    Canon used to be great criac!!! it was the only time we could shout at guests and get away with it. but some people are so thick and rude!!!! you could easily get a smack in the mouth from some of them if u didn't duck out of the way!!!!! i think someone did when i was there but can't remember for sure... lol...

    charlie.. Uk merch
  6. Ona

    Ona Member

    Hee hee! I can just picture Robert doing that. Lol! ;D

    I think Vaz had the best cannon story ever.

    It was her first floorstock shift which also happened to be the first day of food and wine. Needless to say it was mental! The park was absolutely heaving! By the time canon came around, she was, how shall I say it, ....... a little frazzled.

    When she went to check the garden, she found that it was not empty. There, amongst the bushes was a man. Peeing. Seriously! In the middle of Epcot! She had had enough by that point and so told the man not quite all that politely, (in a typical vaz manner) to please put it away, this is a family park!!!

    Lol! Hilarious! I mean really, who came up with the wine part of food and wine!!! ;D

    The funniest thing that happened to me was also when I was floorstock and hence stuck in the garden. There appeared a random pair of trousers hanging amongst the bushes in the garden near the path. There was no chance I was going anywhere near them and I couldn't leave to get custodial until after cannon and they were really obvious to all the guests. It was so funny. Guests would kindly point them out to me as they walked by and I'd act like I hadn't noticed them each time. " My goodness, how did they get there?" I'll leave that up to your imagination! ;D

    Ona xxx
  7. Andy S

    Andy S New Member

    I was always amazed at how bad tempered they got having to wait a few minutes, when they wait in line for rides for hours!! Remember some people trying to run under the rope, have shouted at guests doing that!! They had changed the cannon music when I was there in November, it wasn't the same!!

    Daniel/Ona, good to see u guys last weekend, we all need to get together again soooooon!!

  8. *Laura*

    *Laura* New Member

    ahhhhhh cannon! wat a classic part of the day!!


    il never forget the time that it was absolutely pissin it down and there was big lightenin storm..... kim was manager of uk/canada that eve and she had this huge umbrella that she carried round with her.....not so good for the old lightenin! it was raining so much that we were soaked rite thru, even with ponchos on!

    think it was me, vaz, danny, cardi, melsh out doing the ropes and garden and we decided after tying all the ropes back up after the cannon had been shot, we thought it would be a good idea ot stand under those gargoyles outside sports, and got even more wet! as u can imagine, us girls had no dignity left due to the colour of our blouses, and i dont think the bus driver was impressed wen we stepped on the bus and u could see the water running down us and coming out our shoes! lol

    i attepted to dry my shoes in my massive dryer back at the apt but it dint work! hehehe

    wen i remember more stories, il tell them!

    was good to see all u lot in eastbourne and/or glasgow, we shoudl def have another reunion soon!

  9. Ona

    Ona Member

    Lol Loobie. ;D I remember that night. I have never seen a storm like that in my life!!! Mental! I was in the park with Leanne and Laura and we got caught in Italy with no ponchos. We were SOAKED! I mean SOAKED! Illuminations still went on that night but there was noone watching around the lagoon. It was that crazy! We tried to get back to the car, via the UK pavillion, you guys were hilarious! Kim looked at me lke I was from mars! she was like " you're out in this by choice!!!". Lol! Good times.

    Ona x
  10. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    I loved when you guys in the UK were understaffed and we got to come over and help with Canon. I loved being allowed to yell at people! Guests were so confused as to why there was a lumberjack in the UK, so we'd make up some ridiculous story about the commonwealth or being lost or whatever. Kinda like when we ended up over there with glow...

  11. Danman

    Danman New Member

    Shannon we loved having you there to hehe!!

    I do remember one evening (though im sure this happened quite often) I was on the 'hill' with the light saber thing directing people through the garden, when a group of kids ran straight past me with their parents. I yelled to them that they had to wait to go through but they didnt listen. Anyway one of the kids wasnt looking where they were going and ran straight into one of the ropes and nearly knocked themselves out!

    Looked funny as hell though im sure the parents werent amused!! BAAAAAAHHHHH!!

  12. irishliv

    irishliv New Member

    hello danny,

    i miss it sssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooo much, and u of course. I loved cannon , i thonk i got chatted up there a few times hehe!! misss ya !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  13. Jo Wales

    Jo Wales New Member

    I havent been yet but that sounds soooooooooooooooooooooo funny dan, fair play theres nothing better than a bit of british humour!!!
    I'm going in 3 weeks cant waitim doing merchandise so does this mean i'll get a chance to do cannon (whateva it is!!) and shout at guests?? :-\ hehe
  14. Dan

    Dan New Member

    Around Xmas time, some bloke threatened to get me sacked because I wouldn't let him through the area at Cannon. He then proceeded to push me outta the way and go through anyway.

    I also remember some womans ECV breaking down in the middle of the area, a few seconds before the firework went off.


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