
Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by 2005CP, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    OK, i know the UK and Canada are neighboiurs on the world showcase, but what is the particualr reason for the seeimingly closer realtionship between the Canadian and UK CRP ppl-other than the cultural, historical links?

    Just seems interesting to me
  2. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    Cause they have the same mother tongue ???
  3. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    LOl-they just seem to get on better with eacbh other than say the Brits and the Americans (who clealry dont speak English ;))
  4. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member


    I think maybe it's because they talk so much on here beforehand!! I've noticed that it's mostly Brits and Canadians on here, but then I realized that's only because I only read the english threads. lol.
  5. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    good point-there does seem to be mainly brits and canadians here-i cant read german so i wouldnt know what the hell they were saying in the german section
  6. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    I am German! ;D and I have to say that I partied most with Canadians and Uk ppl on my last program. Maybe I am an exception ???
  7. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    Ive got my interview on the phone on Friday and hopefully if all goes well ill be comin out to do the year thing at the end of the year, worijing int he UK section. I did the summer college programme in 05, and lived in Vista so i didnt get to interact with many CRP people. However those we did speak to seemed genuinely friendly------------with one exception, and this exception was only in one place (the Bus), and may well have been just me and my friends.

    The French CRPs!!!!!!!!! ;)

    Seriously, no offence to any french people-i love france and the french and ive been there many a time. However, i worked in outdoor food at Epcot, and the last thing you need at 11 at night when your struggling to find the energy to climb onto the Bus back to Vista, is the sound-as regluar as clockwork-of french CRPs who keep making animal noises? Seriously, they would spend the entire bus journey home making crazy noises. I can speak some french and they certainly were not having a lound conversation-they were practicing their zoo impressions-every night..........for three months!!!!!!!!! :mad:

    Clearly i liked my quiet bus ride home-i couldnt sleep in my apartment, because my room mate, as much as a friend he was and is (i see everyone of the people i lived with regualrly), snored........oh dear lol. So i slept going to and fromwork
  8. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    One little tip: If your room mate snores, just sleep in the living room. And I am not joking... I knew a few ppl who did it.

    Why didn't u join the french people and showed them some animal noises? :D
  9. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    Oh, i did sleep on the couch on the living room-it was surprisingly comfortable and the fact that i wasnt using my bed to sleep ment i had more space to store my general debris collected over 3 months lol.
  10. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    sorry but that animal noises post really made me laugh!! :D ;D :D
  11. flavour

    flavour New Member

    @ crissi: you're not an exception! :) me and my best friends mainly partied with canadians was just the best parties! and the people were ace!!
  12. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    I know they rock. Back at my time I was kind of an expection. The Candians just called me "Germany", because most of the time I was the only non Canadian/UK at the parties.
    Quite funny when some Canadians came to the pool and I was there with some German mates. The Canadians said "Hi Germany, how's going?" and every German answered. I was just lieing next to the pool thinking: "ahem, they actually talking to me and not u..." :p :D

    And another reason of the UK-Canada relationship could be that they spend their breaks together. They don't have the same break room but an outdoor thing( as far as I remember ???). And during breaks you talk about parties, trips and just get to know each other better.
  13. kekepuana

    kekepuana New Member

    I cant wait to join all the festivies down there... Im Canadian.. leaving June 12th and from what i have heard its gonna be a blast getting to know everyone!

    Any tips from you guys for a first timer?? seems like alot of you on this thread have been down there so0metime recently???
  14. flavour

    flavour New Member

    @crissi: well, actually, me and my friend were kind of an exception too! most of the germans actually stuck to each other! and like you said, we were treated special 2! i really miss those times!
  15. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear New Member

    For the lads anyway, the two main drinking clubs around the World Showcase are the UK Lads and Canadian "No Ma'am" and it's a constant battle between them as to who are the loudest and the better drinkers!! Haha
  16. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    This just reminds me of the bus rides to PI. Every nation is singing as loud as they could in their language. ;D Poor bus driver!
    I miss the bus to PI :'(

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