Toronto/Halifax/Montreal 2008

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Tazzy, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. Tazzy

    Tazzy New Member

    Hiya Everyone!

    I just did the interview today and had a great interview (even the snow couldn't stop the interview!). I wanted to wish everyone luck and hope to see some of you at Disney!

  2. IloveTink

    IloveTink New Member

    good luck to you to Gary!
  3. ndigreg

    ndigreg New Member

    HEY i live near toronto, and i want to apply so bad to disney!
    all the information you could give me would be amazing!
    my email is!
    thanks so much!
    p.s. where was your interview if you live in Canada?
  4. Kaytee

    Kaytee New Member

    I am also interested in applying, and live near Toronto. If anyone could pass along some information on how to do so, that would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Kaytee

    Kaytee New Member

    I just looked on the website for the Canadian contact and there was a posting there from Eric saying they are done booking for this year and to try for next year :( That's not too bad for me, I guess...cause I mean I was hoping to start towards the end of this year beginning of next year at the latest so that's ok. This way if I get in (which I hope I do) I will have that much more time to put extra money away to have down there with me. That's something I wish I could've done the first time around when I worked at Portofino Bay at Universal for my co-op in College, one thing I learned is you can never have enough $ to spend down there you're always busy doing something and going somewhere.

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