Tornado/Hurricane Watch in Orlando

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by jean, Jun 14, 2006.

  1. jean

    jean New Member

    Hi guys..

    I just heard from my friend that from June to October Orlando, Florida is in "Tornado/Hurricane Watch, which is somtimes in that month
    there would be Hurricanehit the city.
    For example, last year in 2005 Disney's animal kingdom got Hurricane attack 3 times between June until October.

    And he said that there are possibilities that the Hurricane will hit Orlando again in June.
    And now Orlando is having condition called "Tornado/Hurricane depression" where Orlando is having heavy rain with thunderstorm
    And he also said that in last 2 days there are heavy rain in WDW which made he got heavy flu coz he should workin the middle of the rain.

    And I don't know, coz he said that I should rethink about my decision of working there, since I am going in July 18. I am getting worried now, but actually I still really wanna go to WdW..

    Please help me... maybe there are someone who can make this thing more clear.. I really need ur advise!!!!!
  2. Ona

    Ona Member

    Waoh sloooooooow down there! :)

    Yes Florida has begun it's hurricane season and yes it rains pretty much everyday there durning the summer. But that's not as scary as it sounds. Orlando is in central florida and so rarely gets badly affected by hurricanes (in fact all the folks from the coast are evacuated to Orlando).

    It is true, back in 2004 all the parks in WDW (not just Disney's Animal Kingdom) closed due to the highly unusual occurance of 3 major hurricanes in the area. I was still working there for the first one, Charlie. And yes it was a little scary but for us IPs/CPs it was actually rather fun. But that was very unusual. The last time the parks closed (besides 9/11) was back in 1992 (I think?) for huricane Andrew. So that's a gap of 12 years where nothing too scary headed to Orlando. There may well be a hurricane or there might not but it's not something to loose sleep over at all.

    And you WILL get caught in the rain while at work (well assuming your role requires you to be outdoors ;D). But it's warm rain. I only had the cold (or flu)about 3 time during my year out there which was brill as I usually have one every other month at home. ;D

    So def. do not change you mind about going to WDW. I hope you don't mind me saying but who is this 'friend' :-\ ..... it rather sounds to me as though they are tryng to put you off your program a wee bit.. :-\ hmmm.. :-\

    Hope I've put your mind a ease a wee bit. :)
    Ona x
  3. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    I don't believe the parks actually closed in 1992. I think the first ever closing was 1998: Hurricane Floyd. Then there was the 9/11 closings, then three in 2004, and a half-day in 2005. There was no closure, as far as I am aware, for any reason, between 1971 (resort opening) and 1998.

    As Ona says, Orlando is about as central as can be. There will doubtless be hurricanes around, but they won't effect Orlando as, say, Katrina effected New Orleans. Orlando is just about as safe as one can be in Florida :)
  4. brodie1

    brodie1 Guest

    Don't worry about the canes.Last year was an all-time high for the number of hurricanes, it likely won't happen agian.They are predicting 27 named storms this year, way less then last year.By the time the hurricanes do hit Orlando they are downgraded usually to a cat 1 or tropical storm, which is actually not that bad and can be fun.

    Tornado watches are frequent in the south, but it's rare they touch down in a populated area.However there was a time in 1998 when I was there that a tornado touched down in Orlando and killed 40+ people(worst in florida history)
  5. Ona

    Ona Member

    God that's awful. Was that the Kissimmee tornadoes? We had a couple of small twisters plough through the Commons and LBV during Charlie. Noone was hurt however. Nothing major thankfully.

    Ona x
  6. Ayaya

    Ayaya New Member

    i'm so excited ¤_¤ ! i want to see huricanes and twisters *_*

    yeah orlando rocks !
  7. FeeBleu

    FeeBleu New Member

    I have to agree, Hurricanes are not that bad...
    Ok a few winds here and there, but the end of the world has not come yet lol
    Personaly, I cant wait to live a real huge hurricane, because in France.... only rain no hurricane... boriiiiiing....
    Dont let it get to you.... Disney will take care of you, if not Uncle Walt will protect from where he is... ;)
  8. brodie1

    brodie1 Guest

    Yeah Ona, those tornadoes were in Kissimmee.Only a half mile down the road from where I was there was a trailer park were most of the deaths occured.

    Another thing is everything in the Reedy Creek district was built around EPCOT building codes, which are built to take Cat 5 winds (200 mph).I'd imagine these same codes are in place at the housing complexes.So it's quite safe.
  9. brynna87

    brynna87 New Member

    The whole hurricane thing is kinda fun once you get past the rain. I got here on Sunday and it rained non stop Monday to Tuesday night. It soaked you immediately but that's about all the harm it did. The non stop rain was kind of annoying but it was very nice how it cooled the place down. You'll be begging for a little rain this summer, so don't worry about it.
  10. monkian

    monkian New Member

    Ah yes Hurricane floyd. i remember him well...mostly because it was amusing to my brother who had left his dog, Floyd, at home. but other than all the warnings and leaflets it was just a bit breezy for the day.
  11. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Yeah, I would agree not to let it turn you away from coming here. In fact this tropical storm we're having called Alberto right now is actually kind of fun. Even working outdoor foods where I got totally drenched on Sunday, its definitely an interesting experience!

    Besides, I heard that if there is a hurricane, then the outdoors foods people get put at the resorts to help distribute food to the guests. I think that'd be pretty fun! And that you get paid 24 hours a day while you're there... don't know if its actually true, but it'd be fun anyways!
  12. PopcornPrincess

    PopcornPrincess New Member

    Hurrican Watch! The best thing you could ever do, We got to stay in the animal kingdom lodge, best rooms! We got to eat the best food and sit the hurrican out, it was the biggest pay check we ever got from disney :) and oh don't forget the hurican parties, those are the best!! were we all just party till we go to bed wake up and party again!! It's CRAZY! so much fun! but don't go outside, cause you will get caught by secuirty and also you can get yourself hurt, I remember going down the stairs to my apartment and i saw a shingle from a roof top just fly right past me.. Scary!! it could have cut me in half SCARY!
  13. jean

    jean New Member

    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)






  14. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    I'm not a huge fan or hurricanes and I'm terrified of tornados but I am definatly looking forward to the lightning storms!

    To settle the confusion on the first date Disney World closed, it was late August 1999. I would know, I was there the day before and fortunatly it closed down the day after my vacation ended. It was super cool though, you could see the edge of the hurricane shaping the clouds.

    "In summertime, you can expect thunderstorms too: and in 1999, Disney World guests were treated to extra excitement, when Hurricane Floyd brushed Orlando and Walt Disney World was closed for the first time in its 28-year-history. Generally, hurricanes aren't a worry because Orlando is inland, but torrential downpours do occur, usually in the afternoon. The rain rarely lasts more than a short while, though. Bring plastic ponchos, or buy the Mickey poncho on the spot."
  15. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    Yes, sorry, I meant 1999...!
  16. gemmalou

    gemmalou New Member

    I dont mind hurricanes/ tornadoes/ rain/ wind- in fact it can snow a blizzard as far as Im concerned- ONCE IM THERE! I DO NOT fly well, and i do not fancy landing in a storm much- this is going to be my biggest stress!

    However at the rate Im going, Im going to miss hurricane season anyway! :-\

  17. Ona

    Ona Member

    Oooo now that would be something! Random thought, how odd would Blizzard Beach Look in the snow. ;D

    Gem, I sooo feel your pain. I am the worst flyer. And the most irriating thing is that it gets worse rather than better, every flight. :-\ My last flight (from Orlando) was awful so I am super dreading Sunday. :-\ Esp. since I'm on my own. God help the poor folks sitting next to me. I really am a total mess for the whole nine hours and to make it worse, I can't take any medication since I'm driving when I land. :-\ It's sooo irritating since I can never get completely excited about a holiday (or indeed leaving on Sunday) due to the fact that I'm so stressed about the flight. :'(

    Ona x
  18. gemmalou

    gemmalou New Member


    Glad Im not the only one with flying problems! The first time i ever got on an aeroplane was funnily enough to go on a trip to WDW ;D And i cried! It was a bad first experience as my ears felt like they were being ripped off my head during landing- NOT FUN :'( However, since then I have only flown to Corfu and New York, and although I didnt have the ear pain again Ive developed serious issues with take off and landings- I sit there holding on and breathing like Im having a baby :-\ So if things go badly and I dont end up with my flying buddy (which its looking increasingly possible) then I apologise in advance to the random stranger who gets put next to me- especially as on top of that I'll be crying! lol

    :mad: BUT i refuse to be afraid of getting on planes- FACE THE FEAR! lol :mad:
    :mad: (these are my determined faces- I do realise in another post they were my angry faces- but Ive gotta work with what Ive got lol) :mad:

  19. gemmalou

    gemmalou New Member

    oooh- silly boards doing that thing where it doesnt show Ive posted- so heres my post post post (if you get it) in order to bump my previous post into existence ::)
  20. Ona

    Ona Member

    OMG Gem you sound exactly like me!

    Take offs are the worst (randomly, landings are my best part of the journey ::)). I have my fingers in my ears till I can't hear a single thing and my fingers go white, my feet HAVE to be off the floor and my whole body has to be constantly moving (I look like I've got ants in my pants ::)), my breathing is really heavy and I will sometimes be crying too. And I'm like that till we level off. All of it is so that I can't feel the movements of the plane or hear the engine noises. Sometimes I relax (a tiny wee) bit once we're up but at the slightest tiny bit of turbulance or turn or any movement, I sit bolt upright, feet of the floor, both hands gripping the arm rests.

    The best way to describe it is that feeling you get when you get a fright. Imagine that instantaneous moment when you jump 3 fet in the air, and then draw that out for a whole 9 hours. Sooooo exhausting. :-\

    I know I look like such a freak but like you, I WILL NOT let it stop me from travling. When I think of the experiences I would have missed had I not flown, it acts as that great final incentive that makes me get on that plane.

    Sorry for changing the subjet folks. :-\

    Ona x

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