Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by minnie :), Jan 28, 2008.

  1. minnie :)

    minnie :) New Member

    does anyone know how the tips are? I was just reading that you get paid under $4 an hour if you have a "tipping position"...
  2. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    Yes that's true. I guess it varies a bit after which country you're from. The norwegians make the best tips because we have the princess character dining. So we get in average around $200 a day in tips.
  3. minnie :)

    minnie :) New Member

    wow! thats insane...
    What about Canada? Have you ever heard from anyone?
  4. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    I'm not sure really... But if you go there you'll have my old manager Brandon ;D He was moved from Norway to Canada!
  5. TraceyBrown

    TraceyBrown New Member

    I think I may go with a tipped position. I'd rather be a seater or a greeter.
    I do believe though that the united states is the only place where "tipped minimum wage" actually exists.

    18% gratitude is required on all dining plan people so would we get those tips?
  6. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    Yes, Disney is very nice that way, you keep all tips and gratuities you earn! And it's custom to pay about 18% in tips I think even if you're not on diningplan or anything... But everyone doesn't pay that much though! Of course a lot depends on the service you give too...
  7. minnie :)

    minnie :) New Member

    how do you go about requesting a tipped position?
    do you think that would lower your chances in getting a job?
  8. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    You just put down f&b as your first choice! You won't be able to be in a tipped position at first, but after being there for a while, you'll get the opportunity ;)
  9. minnie :)

    minnie :) New Member

    so you start out as a greater.. and you make $6.67?
    how long does it take to move up? or does it depend on you basically?
  10. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    Yes you'll start as a greater, seater and so on. In norway you're supposed to get to be a server after six months, but you may get to be a server earlier if they need more. And the ones who arrived first will be the ones who get to be a server first, so it doesn't depend so much on you. I think they might hold you back from being a server if you have reprimands or a very bad record card though.
  11. WinterSun

    WinterSun New Member

    Canada has tipped minimum wage as well, however I believe it's gone up to 6.75, since min.wage is now 8.00
  12. SteffieDavis

    SteffieDavis New Member

    yeah, it kinda sucks that in canada our minimum wage is 8 bucks, but if we work in the states we make way less than that.. but I guess working at disney makes up for the crappy pay...
  13. i know! i can't belive how low the wage is! the minimum wage in the UK in equvilant to about $9.50! GOOD JOB IT'S DISNEY!

  14. TraceyBrown

    TraceyBrown New Member

    That's why I feel comfortable with the interview.
    Disney is ALWAYS looking for people because they pay so low, there is really no reason to go work for them unless you want the experience.

    My interview is TOMORROW!
  15. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    Oh you're lucky! Good luck tomorrow ;D
  16. disneyprincess87

    disneyprincess87 New Member

    What's minimum wage over here these days? I was thinking that it is more like the equivalent of $11.60 p/hour! (About £5.80?)

    I'm not too worried about the poor pay over there because most of the time we have off I'm sure will be spent playing in the parks...which is FREE!!
  17. i'm under 21 so it's a lower mimimum wage - for us 'iccle ones.

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