Hi, I saw on the programs website that they can give you time off for things like graduations etc and I just wondered if anyone had had time off for anything like this, and how likely it'd be for me to get time off for something. I know it won't be paid, but that doesn't bother me. It says that they can't decide until you get there but I'd hate to get there just to have to give it up so I wouldn't msis my graduation! Thank you! Keira
to be honest it totally depends on your area. It also depends on how early you enter the days you want off in the hub. It is also depending on how many other people have already booked that day off. As your graduation is most likely going to be in the summer, then there is a good chance alot of people in your area would have taken the same periods of time off.
im planning on going to nyc on my birthday which is in may i come in september do u think this will be likely to be done? x
i would say if its not for too long then you should be able to do it. Just put your dates on the hub as soon as you know them and you should be fine. You will probably have more luck if you do a back to back. The working week starts on sunday so if you take Friday and saturday from one week, then Sunday and Monday from the following week you will get 4 days off in a row. Because the dates are taken from 2 working weeks, it is more likely to be accepted than, for example Mon,tues,wed,thurs.
Thank you! I really just wanted to know what my chances were, so that's been a great help. xxlora_182xx are you from the UK? What program are you doing and for how long? xxx