*** Time it takes ...??? **

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Kerry J, Sep 14, 2006.

  1. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    Hi all
    just wondering - how long does it take from the date you apply to the date you actually land in Florida?? Just coz when i sent my app of,2 weeks ago and got an email back from yummy jobs they said that they were looking for people to head over from Feb 2007 but when ive been reading posts on here it seems there are some people who are getting into one set of interviews but having to wait MONTHS (like i mean 5/6 months!) for the next interview! im just not sure how long the whole process takes ...??
    Im in the UK by the way and have applied for the Cultural Exchange,have my phone interview on 27th Sep!!!!!!!!!!
    Kerry x
  2. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    usually the interviews are en october/november depends on country and march/april, so i guess u are going for october/november ones, in this interviews the leaving dates are beteween january - July so u maybe wait a few months to land in florida, if u are on march/april the dates are between august - december

    if u have phone interview in september then u will have yur f2f on october/november ;)

    good luck on the process!!!


  3. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    thanks for that,feel a bit better now,i just really want to go and as yummy said February to me ive kinda got myself all prepared for then!!!! Dont really no what im gunna do if i dont get in or if its gonna take ages!!!! I did asume that F2F interviews for me would be in November (if i get past the phone interview that is!!!!) so fingers crossed!!!! also,il be 21 at the start of March 2007 so if i was to head out to Florida around that time it would be the best birthday present!!! (and i could legally have a drink!!!)
    This website is fantastic btw,full of really cool people!
  4. TeaCake

    TeaCake New Member

    I couldn't agree more, this board is amazing!

    I emailed Yummy about when to send an application for July 07, as i will be graduating from Uni then, and i was told applications end middle Jan 07, so it seems like they work on 5 month turnaround or so. Here's hoping you get out there in Feb! Good luck x
  5. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    yes, this board its really usefull!, it help me a lot in my process ;D

    glad then info was useful for u :), fingers crossed for both of u good luck :)

    yes Kerry that would be the best present!!! im sure it will be in that way ;), remeber smile and be yourself even in the phone interview smile, they dont see u but it really help dont b nervous recruit team are very nice!!! :)

    *Throws pixie dust!*


  6. KirstyLouise

    KirstyLouise New Member

    Yeah it all depends on when you get your application in.

    I didn't know about this board when I applied so sent my form in February, then had to wait until July for a telephone interview and then the face-to-face in November...as it was university commitments prevented me from having my face-face until March, but I'm glad I waited coz I met the best people ever.

    Some people are lucky and do the whole process in a matter of a couple of months. If you say you can go in february then they will try and accomodate but sometimes you might get a later date. A friend of mine said he could go in September and isn't actually going until December so it just depends how many people want to go when etc.

    Prepare to save money coz it isn't cheap getting everything sorted hehe.

    Anyway any help I can give just ask.


    (Hi Ely...hope everything is going ok with you :) )
  7. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    Hi Kirsty!!!

    everything good here, the waiting list its ending for me! yey!! time to reapply lol, how its everythig there?? how are the nervous?? just a few months!

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