the wait....

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by emma, Mar 1, 2005.

  1. emma

    emma New Member

    just thought id set this up so we can all be nervous together! and yes i know ised i wouldnt e on this site again but alredy preparing my Cv to re-send in march 15! awww! xx
  2. tiggercharlotte

    tiggercharlotte New Member

    Aww Emma, sure you did great! Was fantastic to meet everyone- hope we all meet up again- in Florida!!! Good luck to anyone there today! The first interviewees will be almost going in! That presentation was so fab- want to see it again!
    Charlotte x
  3. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    Hey guys, I had a great time yesterday! Was lovely to meet all of you and the whole day was fabulous!!

    Good luck to you all! :D
    Ellen xxx
    P.S. Emma, your 'Loves it' thing is contagious...I said it yesterday!!! :-[
  4. tiggercharlotte

    tiggercharlotte New Member

    Lol Ellen, you cracked early! Or is it going to be a radio silence type thing- we can't possibly hear today so today's ok to come on here ;) Hehe! Yep- good luck to everyone!!! ;D :D ;D
    Charlotte x
  5. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    haha what are you like! your already stressed and its day 1!

    emma, did you get 'loves it' of simple life? i allways said that for a while after hearing it on that! ive stopped now, my friends found it anoying!haha

  6. emma

    emma New Member

    2 be honest its kinda been a thing almongst my friends for years! i gues we all do love it! did julie give much away to u ellen and char sorry 4 got who u had! ie "see un in the futre?" awww!!! im stressin...ive acepted its more than probable im not it! so...
  7. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    i love saying it but my friend shout at me when i do!haha

  8. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    yes charlotte...I cracked, but did reason that there's no way anyone will find out today, so i'm safe!! :D

    Ellen xxxx
  9. Zanitta

    Zanitta Member

    I suppose it could be worse, we could have to wait a lot longer for the results so 2 weeks is frustrating but not bad.

    julie mentioned that she was going to birmingham and the edingborough after the interviews in london, were there any other interview sessions planned other than the two ays in london?
  10. emma

    emma New Member

    no i think they just go on trips
  11. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    i cant believe all of us are on here and we said we wouldnt lol!
    Im doing the same as emma to resend in march!
    its not to long to wait tho is it i just have vissions of jason phoning me going 'sorry but u hav been unsucesful' if he does i dont think a letter would help this time round lol
    It was lovely to meet you all and i cant wait to meet you all again,
    ellen/charlotte when are the pictures of sunday nite gonna be put up?
    Kel xx
  12. emma

    emma New Member

    hey kelly i dont think they ring to tell u u are unsuccesful..its just if you havent heard anything by march 15th u ring them ive alredy planned that! i was so nervous which isnt liek me! who interviewed u kelly?
  13. Zanitta

    Zanitta Member

    Hehe, I never said I wouldn't come on here - I knew I wouldn't be able to resist the temptation!
  14. emma

    emma New Member

    wish i was that definetley not cummin on from friday i cant bear to know that theyve started calling whne they havent rang me! and they wont lol :'( if at first u dont suceed...c'mon we all know it.............! TRY AND TRY AGAIN!
  15. Zanitta

    Zanitta Member

    naaah, you'll be okay I reckon. The all you'll have to worry about is being put in the 'wellness' apartment. It kind of sucks that they put you in there automatically.
  16. emma

    emma New Member

    i know...but i got the alcohol question anyway! i knew i would and it was fine i explained im sociable anyway and its not a matter of choice in that i would never be so ungrateful to disrespect disney in a such a way! i wouldnt do it full stop! i think that q went ok!
  17. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    Kelly, I'll have my photos up asap, but my mum's taking the camera on holiday with her til next tuesday....hopefully I can get them after that!!

    Ellen xxx
    P.S. No will power!! :'(
  18. tiggercharlotte

    tiggercharlotte New Member

    I'll post them as soon as I've finished the camera- I've still got a fair few pics but I'll do it asap!! :D I knew I'd never be able to stay away! Although I'm going to dread it when people say they're in! Don't get me wrong- I'll be genuinely thrilled for you, but I'm still going to get depressed! ::)
    Charlotte x
  19. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    No, not depressed, slightly saddened but then you'll pick yourself up and try again! :D but everything crossed that it won't be like that!!! :D :D :D and if i can, I'm going to stop coming on on there some thing you can set on the internet so that you can't open a particular page!? Someone might just have to tie my hands behind my back so that I can't use the computer!!! ::)

    Ellen xxxx :D
  20. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    Lol ellen!!!!

    I tried to stay away but couldnt manage it!! Matt did though - youll have to ask him what his secret was - he stayed away pretty much the whole of the wait!!! V impressive!!!

    Michelle xx

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