The wait is killing me lol

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by aabbiiee, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. aabbiiee

    aabbiiee New Member

    How is everyone coping with the waiting period? I just want to know if I have F2F interview or not lol. I check my email at least 10 times a day haha.
  2. Carissa_93

    Carissa_93 New Member

    This is what every day has been like for me for the last couple of weeks: Wake up, think "Maybe we'll find out the results of the phone interviews today!", spend the day trying not to think of it too much (luckily exams have helped a fair amount with this) but still checking my email way too often, then at the end of the day being angry that we didn't find out and saying "well there's still x number of days left this week". And now it's Friday afternoon, and we still don't know so I'm guessing we aren't finding out this week :(. Last weekend I was so mad that we hadn't found out last week because I was so sure we were going to, haha. It's such a long wait though, my interview was more than 2 months ago!
  3. TalkingDug

    TalkingDug Member

    What is it you're waiting for? Have you applied from the summer work experience? (and are you from the UK?)
  4. whiterabbit

    whiterabbit New Member

    I'm from canada and they're still doing phone interviews apparently... I did my phone interview just over 2 months ago...the wait is torture! But I'm trying to convince myself that they wouldn't keep us waiting if they knew we failed the phone interview. that would just be cruel.. so hopefully the wait will be worth it :)
  5. aabbiiee

    aabbiiee New Member

    I'm Canadian and I applied for the summer work experience. I had my phone interview in October, and now I'm waiting for if I get the F2F
  6. aabbiiee

    aabbiiee New Member

    Are you me? This is pretty much how I've been living my life this past month and a half hahahaha
  7. aabbiiee

    aabbiiee New Member

    Hopefully! I'm in the middle of exams right now and i want to know now but at the same time I don't because if I didn't make it, I'm going to be so sad and have no motivation to study for my exams.
  8. Abeille

    Abeille New Member

    I just had my phone interview today and the woman said we'd know in 4 weeks time, so not that much longer to go!
  9. whiterabbit

    whiterabbit New Member

    not much longer?? are you crazy?!? that's a whole month away! omg they said we'd know in early december :mad: its so annoying cuz i can't think of anything else and until i know whether or not i got the job i'll be obsessing :p

    oh well. c'est la vie :)
  10. aabbiiee

    aabbiiee New Member

    Do we all get our emails the same time? maybe some people get the email before other people, especially if they had their phone interview earlier.
  11. Abeille

    Abeille New Member

    I hear you! Just pray we get a face to face. Where would you be going for that?
  12. aabbiiee

    aabbiiee New Member

    I just got my email for the F2F interview! :D
  13. Carissa_93

    Carissa_93 New Member

    I got one too! :) What city are you going to go to?
  14. madaflynn

    madaflynn New Member

    I just got one too! I'm flipping out! I'm probably going to Toronto since I'm from Manitoba. :)
  15. aabbiiee

    aabbiiee New Member

    I'm going to go to the Toronto one. What about you?
  16. Carissa_93

    Carissa_93 New Member

    I'm going to Toronto as well!
  17. Abeille

    Abeille New Member

    good job you guys! I hope you guys nail the interview! When do you guys go for it?
  18. aabbiiee

    aabbiiee New Member

    she said sometime in February but they dont have a specific date

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