Don't be scared it's the easiest thing in the world. Basically you spend ages queing up and then get told to take a seat and wait for someone to call you foreward. You then go to a counter like a bank counter and someone checks your papers. When I had mine they litterally just chit chatted with me. They asked me something about where I worked at the moment. A group of us went up together (all getting Disney Visa's) and they asked others in the group about movies and the weather. I think its just chit chat that's all.
ok a week till visa interview and i havent recieved the notice of action form i-797a or b yet! should i panic? have you sep 10th guys recieved yours yet?? and what do we take as proof of return to Britain!
i emailed yesterday about the i797 and michele said it would be sent separately starting to panic slightly too and the check list from yummy doesnt say anything about proof of return to uk?
its not on yummy's checklist but its on the offical one from the us embassy, maybe i shouldnt panic that much about that one if yummy say nowt about it i panic way to easily, somebody slap me please!
i think you just need a recent bank statement... i took my letter of deferment but if i hadn't got that in time i was just gonna take my bank statement. don't worry about the questions...its just what do you do now and why are you going over...thats all i got asked anyway! all good!
me too :S im always in my overdraft lol hahahahahahaaha!!!!!!!!!!! but i dnt think that this applies to m e:S do any of u knw if it does or not :S
To my knowledge it applies to anyone who is applying for a non-immigrant visa gav! I would take something with you! A letter from your Uni saying you are going back after a year would be fine! Colin
looks like its gonna have to be the bank statements for us the jilly! lets hope they just dont look at the numbers!!
colin wot are u taking as ur proof? really dont wanna take my bank statement and i also dont see how a bank statement means i plan to return anyway
I asked Yummy about it. Our acceptance letter counts as proof. Or some sort of letter that we should be getting. I hope so anyway as I don't have any proof that I'm returning to the UK, other than to see my family and friends!
To my knowledge they cant discriminate against the balances on ur bank statements as they have no proof that any debt hasnt already been resolved and is being dealt with. I dont think it would be correct as its not like ur getting credit cheked so it shouldnt matter debts left in this country will be dealt with by whomever the person is in debt to. Im taking wage slips and bank statements because ive now left work and plan to go to uni wen i get back. Mike