The Ticker

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DisneyDreamer85, Mar 16, 2008.

  1. DisneyDreamer85

    DisneyDreamer85 New Member

    Hey Guys!

    I made a ticker at Mouse House and I'm having a heck of a time trying to get it to post on here...

    HELP! ha ha ha

    please :)
  2. TraceyBrown

    TraceyBrown New Member

    The best is to go with what everyone else has here...I believe it's ticker factory?
    just click on mine and make your own. All you have to do it copy the URL it gives you into your signature.
  3. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    Yes, do as Tracy said! I had a Mouse House one once, but it stopped counting down before it was supposed to :-\
  4. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    i use to had one of mouse house and works really good, it finish :p, but i have seen persons having problems with it, like stoppig like Tink say, so i recomend u ticker factory ;) and u dont need a password there!, i forgot mine in mouse house hahaha

    if u need help with it let us know! ;)
  5. DisneyDreamer85

    DisneyDreamer85 New Member

    Thanks for all of your help guys!
    I finally got it to work! :)

    Yee Haw!

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