the first 24hrs..... what should i expect?!!

Discussion in 'Alumni Discussion' started by Kerry J, Jan 7, 2007.

  1. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    hi everyone
    i am heading over to work at epcot in april this year but im a bit nervous about the first few days/nights - dont really know what to expect at all!!
    I will be making my own way from the airport (Sanford) to the commons and i think i should arrive by about 5.30pm - just going to get a taxi from the airport - SO.......
    Can any one give me a run down of what to expect in the first 24 hours or so?!
    Im really not sure how it all works - where do i go when i get out of the taxi,will there be newbies arriving at my appartment on the same day,will the others in my appartment be aware that there is a new girl arriving???? Is there anything organised for newbies on that first night (a meet and greet for exmaple) is there a shop nearby for me to go to and pick up some food (i assume il be arriving to empty food cupboards?!)
    Im just worried that im going to get there and be all on my own!!!! dont really fancy wandering around like a lost sheep all day and night!!!!!
    Thanks guys!!!
    Kerry x
  2. dont worry they'll be some others over there waiting for ya!
    im going on feb 6th, so just let us know when your getting to the commons and we'll meet ya!
    as for shopping dont worry, the prem outlets is like next door, theres a bus to walmart etc etc you wont starve! you'll prob be so knackered from all the chaos you'll just want to sleep, and the next morning your straight into form filling (with free breakfast! thats what we got last time so hopefully they'll still do it!),
    the important thing is dont plan what you'll do! and dont worry!
  3. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    il come meet u on the day u arrive chick, and il make u dinner or sumthing if ur hungry!!! there will probably be a meet and greet.

    Wen u arrive there should be a package waiting for u at front desk with ur room key, and ur itinerary for the first few days, and then u wll go to ur room, meet ur roomies etc. Ur roomies will be aware that someone new is arriving.

    il give u my apt number and my mobile number so u can ring me wen u arrive!! Publux and the outlets are close by but on that night u might not have time ( or be bothered) to go over there!
  4. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Ok so I lived there a while back but this is how I experienced my first 24 hours...

    I came with a few more germans and we were picked up at the airport by someone from Housing. We then "checked in" at the clubhouse ( this should be where you are first heading to ). It's right next to Building 8, across from Security. They took pictures of us for our Commons ID ( which you need to get in and out ), great because I was sick with the flu and sooo tired from the long flight. Then someone brings you to your new apt.! This was the most exciting part. He didn't tell me how many people lived there or what to expect lol. My roomies were aware of my arrival ( they will get a note prior to your arrival that someone new is coming and if they want go to the clubhouse where they can find out your name and nationality ), but there were about 10 people in my apt. although I only lived with three. Apparently I had just walked into a mexican party lol. My roomies were all super nice, my french roomie even made me tea because I was sick. My roomies had all lived there for different amount of times. My norwegian roomie had just arrived 2 months ago, my french roomie 5 months and my mexican roomie ( who I was sharing my room with ) had already been there for a year ( she extended her contract to 15 months ). You might come into a very quiet apt. or a very loud one, with many people around or maybe none. So you can expect EVERYTHING lol I've had friends that arrived to an empty apt. because everyone was at work or just out with friends. I also had someone arrive to an empty apt. because all the people that moved in arrived that night. Especially with the 8 people apt.'s it can happen that you move in with someone from your arrival group. It all depends on how many people are arriving at the same time etc.! The new living experience is one of the most exciting things!
    My day continued by being picked up by approx. 100 germans and having my throw in. The next day we first had free breakfast at the clubhouse and then had our first orientation thing from the club house and you have to sign tons of papers. We also were taken to WalMart to do a little bit of shopping ( you already get a lunch box the day you arrive so you have something to eat ). Some countries also throw you a welcoming dinner the night you arrive ( which is an awesome idea ).
    Don't worry though, it will all go well, you will meet so many great people right away and they will make it so much easier for you. Everyone is in the same boat, so there is really no reason to be worried. I hope you will have great roomies and a fantastic year!

  5. naiades06

    naiades06 New Member

    so... do we have to make our own way to the commons for does someone pick us up ??

    i come over feb 6th, got a bargin flight in the waiting, getting visa on the 17th, sta travel, brought a youth card for £7, and will save over £300 on the virgin flight, which is cool flight times, lands about 4 in the afternoon.

    nervous to the max, booking own flight so will hopefully get a nice random to chat too....for nearly TEN hours.
  6. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    if u fly to MCO someone will meet u at the airport, if u fly to sanford u have to make ur own way
  7. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    I know some people that booked their own flights or drove down to Florida, so it was a little different for them. We got our flights booked by Disney and were 4 germans that all met at the same airport ( we could find out about each other because we had the same green Disney tags on our luggage...that was exciting ). Another girl joined us at the airport in Orlando, she was on a different flight.
    If I were you I would contact Disney or the Club House to find out if anyone will be picking you up. Just to be sure...

  8. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    the first 24 hours is very exciting :D
  9. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Yeah I agree. It's the most exciting part of the year. From then on it's meeting crazy, fun, new people every day, lots of trips and lots of partying. Oh and a little bit of working lol

  10. cartwheel69

    cartwheel69 New Member

    The first 24 hrs in Florida? I arrived and don't remember much after the 6 hour? LOL

    Just enjoy it you will never experience anything like the year you are going to have. Meet as many people as you can and just take it all in and enjoy it.

    Everybody went through the same thing so they will know how you feel.


  11. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Um yeah there's one crazy person I met. Haha Love ya Cardi!!!!
  12. karolyne

    karolyne New Member

    haha my first 24 hrs were pretty awesome, i met ppl on the plane (and on this website) and when we arived, me and 2 other girls were walking from the security to our apts with all our suitcases and stuff, an on the way we walked across 2 guys who went "hey we're havin a party tonight come over" so we went to ur apts, met our roomates, took a shower changed and went to the party, like an hre and a half after we arrived...that was pretty cool

    So very first night=drunk and the the next morning i et my other roomates and i think we had a day off so it was just chillin at the pool and meeting ppl.....good times :( i wanna go baaackkkkk

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