the dreaded IQ test!!!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tinkerbell, Apr 25, 2005.

  1. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    i really dont think i want to do this test!!!!!/////................................. ;D
  3. PixieDust

    PixieDust New Member

    I thought I would take the plunge and be the first to admit to my general inability to understand IQ tests!!!

    Here it is!

    The results have been tabulated, and your IQ is...

    That's about average for your age and sex.
    (Your IQ is calculated by comparing your raw test score against others of your age and sex. An IQ of 100 is exactly average. An IQ of 200 is twice as smart as the average person.)
    Compared to other 26 year old females...

    53% dumber than you — 2% as smart as you — 45% smarter than you
    Some fun facts...

    You took approximately 15 minutes to finish the test.
    The average test-taker takes about 27 minutes to finish.
    The highest IQ recorded by someone like you is 199.
    At your age, girls are DUMBER than boys.

    I guess it could have been worse!
  4. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    i got 117 in that test ;)

  5. low

    low New Member

    tink it took to long i lost intrest hehe sorry ill never no how smart i am last time i did one i think it was 100 and something not sure hehehe
  6. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    That's about average for your age and sex.
    (Your IQ is calculated by comparing your raw test score against others of your age and sex. An IQ of 100 is exactly average. An IQ of 200 is twice as smart as the average person.)
    Compared to other 24 year old females...

    42% dumber than you — 2% as smart as you — 56% smarter than you
    Some fun facts...

    Ok just blame it on the lanuguage barrier ( I didn't understand a third of the questions lol ) and that I was chatting to a friend while taking it haha

  7. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    That's about average for your age and sex.
    (Your IQ is calculated by comparing your raw test score against others of your age and sex. An IQ of 100 is exactly average. An IQ of 200 is twice as smart as the average person.)
    Compared to other 21 year old females...

    58% dumber than you — 2% as smart as you — 39% smarter than you
    Some fun facts...

    You took approximately 23 minutes to finish the test.
    The average test-taker takes about 27 minutes to finish.
    The highest IQ recorded by someone like you is 204.
    At your age, girls are DUMBER than boys.

    would be interesting to see the answers and what i got wrong/right!
  8. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    um 149!!! I'm a genius! .... Im not quite convinced!lol

  9. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    lol linz ur a genious mate!

  10. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    Blimey Linz, what do you do? i hope you take advantage of your genius ability! :p
  11. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    um yeah i did, when i left school and went to study....wait for it....DANCE!!lol yup def taking advantage of my brain!haha

  12. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    haha ur one smart cookie matey ;)

  13. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    LOL I took 60 minutes for the test! But I barely paid attention because of my friend that kept on talking and talking...
  14. Dave_roberts

    Dave_roberts New Member

    ok,well i did not score to well on this test.Maybe beacuse Im the out doors sort of guy.


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