The Disney Difference

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SteffieDavis, May 13, 2008.

  1. SteffieDavis

    SteffieDavis New Member

    Ok, so in Canada we have Tim Horton's, a donut shop that is amazing and well loved. At Tim Hortons, they have timbits, which are donut holes worth about 16 cents. A woman from London Ontario got fired recently for giving one timbit to a fussy child who's mother was waiting in a long line. She has since been hired back after there was a great deal of outrage about this in the media--but all I could think as I was reading the article was that Disney encourages customer service like that and to make special moments for guests. That is the Disney Difference.
  2. TraceyBrown

    TraceyBrown New Member

    It really is a dream world. I've always wished I was able to do these "Disney difference" things at my current job. The fact that there is a place where you are encouraged to do these things makes me explode with happiness.

    When I used to ride the bus I would fantasize about letting someone know who is having a bad day that I love there shoes or just share things with strangers and in many societies this is frowned upon.
  3. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    I can't believe that donut place! What jerks...
    I had the coolest conversation with this woman on a bus yesterday. So random but I think we cheered each other up a lot just by listening and talking to each other! I wish I could do that all the time... as you say though Tracey, it seems frowned upon to look people in the eye let alone talk to them! And god forbid you should ever open your mouth to say something other than, 'excuse me' (and that's when you know you've found a reallly nice person most just shove you over....). Muttering under your breath is apparently acceptable too, the more obscene the better.

    Grrrrrrrr I can't wait to be NICE and not be looked at like I'm weird!
  4. TraceyBrown

    TraceyBrown New Member

    Don't get me wrong. I live in one of the most friendliest places in the world.

    But we still follow those stupid social rules.
  5. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    I can't believe Tim Hortons did that either!!?? Talk about cheap! I wouldn't have gone back to work for them if I were her lol

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