The "coming in September" crowd

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Siggi, Sep 13, 2004.

  1. Siggi

    Siggi New Member


    Fee, Ellie, Ann Helen, Annie and so on, where have you all gone?
    How irritaiting is it that our departure has been delayed with another two days.

  2. HLovo

    HLovo New Member

    Hia matie, I didnt know you guys had been delayed again!!!!

    Do you know if anyones gonna be delayed for 21st???

  3. ann helen

    ann helen New Member

    Good afternoon my sweeties,

    I am soooo tired of waiting!!! Last week was good, I went to Bergen and Oslo to see some friends. Weather was good, people were happy. This week is a waste of time. Nothing to do, I'm just spending lots of money on expensive coffee, hanging out with people I've said goodbye to several times. I'm missing my husband as well... I want to go to the states! Now!
    Hope you guys are having a blast!

    All the best,
    Mrs Cain
  4. Ellie

    Ellie New Member

    Hey everyone!

    Siggi, I'm still here! It just took a while for me to get back on to these boards! I'm loving the new look of the whole place now though! ;D Are you all set for Thurs now? It's actually starting to feel real this time - the last couple of departure dates didn't feel quite the same because there was always the doubt at the back of my mind that the flight would be cancelled because of the weather. There doesn't seem anything to stop us this time though! :D (hopefully! ;))

    Helen, nope I think all the 21st crew are still going out on the same date! I'm sure they won't push your arrival date back just because we've been delayed through bad weather :)

    Mrs Cain, glad you had a good time in Bergen and Oslo! I know what you mean, it does feel like we've been waiting around forever - I can't believe it's only been a 9 day delay! It feels like a lot longer! ::)

    Anyway so much still to do...making sure everything's in my second case for a start! :-\

    Till later my lovlies! :)

  5. Siggi

    Siggi New Member

    Ellie I know what you mean, I was certain that I wouldn`t be flying out on Thuesday,
    because of the info from watching CNN. But I think you`re wright, there is no stopping us now.
    Think thats the reason why I`m starting to have some breathing difficulties, but no worries you will see me on Thursday, I`m just getting a little nervous about it all.

    And I`m sure I`ve packed to much but I`ve gone thrue it twice, there`s nothing more I can leave behind.
    And I have to pack everything else I own in boxes as well, because my family is moving in to a new house while I am gone, so thats stressing me out a little to.

    But I`m sure it will be fine, just my brain thats on overload.

    see ya ladies
  6. anniebanannie

    anniebanannie New Member


    WE ARE LEAVING TOMORROW!!! ;D ;D ;D Still can't believe disney did not call me this time to tell me the flight had to be cancelled... :eek: ;)
    I had to unpack my cases and then pack them again yesterday, cause somehow there was no room left....I have to leave a few things at home which i actually planned to take with me :'( but as i know my "shopping addiction" ;) I am pretty sure I'll get soooo many things over there that I won't really miss the clothes and shoes i left behind ;) at least I hope so ::)

    today some friends are coming over to say goodbye... :'( but I think because of the "extra" 9 days (It REALLY seems LONGER!!) I pretty much realized that I HAVE to leave the city I've been living my whole life...there was just NOTHING left for me to do... :-\

    next year when I'll get back to germany I have to move to a bigger city so I had to pack all the stuff I don't take with me to the states into boxes as well so that it is not getting too stressfull next year...@siggi

    oh my god, the new life will SOON begin :eek: ;D ;D ;D

    can't wait to meet you in atlanta or orlando (depends on when you're leaving...)!!
    @all sept 16th sisters: I won't recognize you at all!! what about some stickers that show our names?! ::)

    *Mrs Timberlake, aka Anne ;D
  7. Danielle1883

    Danielle1883 New Member

    Hi guys! I'm so glad you haven't gone yet! I didn't get to say goodbye/good luck. Hope you all have a blast and i'll c u all in December!!! Make sure you look in on us here every so often to let us know how u r all doing! Do some shopping for me! ;D ;)

    Danielle xxx
  8. ann helen

    ann helen New Member

    One more night of sleep. Last hours in my comfy bed. Last glas of norwegian milk tomorrow morning. Last slices of dark sirup bread. Final goodbyes to parents and brothers. Sitting on the airplane with Siggy and Kirby tomorrow, thinking: this must be the beginning of a new experience. It is going to be awsome! So few hours.. Oh butterflies, lay still, leave my stomach in peace. I'm looking forward to see you my girlies!

    ¨Have a safe trip all of you.

    Hugs from
    Anna aka Mrs Cain|
  9. kelly

    kelly New Member

    hey don't forget me, justa really quick one to say good luck, sorry if im too late. i'm starting to getscared now but keep missing the phone call about the flights so still doesnt feel real yet. well sorry its quick computer keeps crashing, good luck, take care, have a safe journey and i shall hopefully see you all on the 21st. kelly x x x x :-*
  10. andy-devonuk

    andy-devonuk New Member

    Hi Everybody

    Its Andy, I'm leaving on Mon from the UK ;D.Can't wait, getting all the goodbyes in!! Had to register again to get back on the boards!! Got my flight details yesterday, all feels real now! Anyone else going Monday?

    Fee, hows it going? get back on the boards, along with everyone else we have lost!

    Stu, put some posts on, tell us how its going out in Florida

    Well good luck to anyone who is flying today, or has already gone. Hope to hear from everyone soon.

    Andy ;D
  11. HLovo

    HLovo New Member

    Now then people,
    Got my flight details yesterday, flying on 21st September from Manchester on the Delta 65 departing Manc at 1105, fly to Atlanta, then on a flight from there at 1735

    Anyone else gonna be on either of these????
    Also if its not too late to people going before then, good luck, have a great journey, and Ill see you next week

    Cheers maties

    H Lovo ;D
  12. Dan

    Dan New Member

    Howdo Guys

    This is just a liitle msg from all here in the UK pavilion, how you doing????
    We were just wondering whos coming out on Tuesday, as Andy youve confused us all by saying Monday???? Do you know how many of you are coming out on Tuesday???
    Sorry we've got so many questions but we wanna make sure we find you all when you arrive!!! ;D Cant be loosing any1 really can we!!!

    Make sure you all pack something to sleep on, for Tuesday night as they are making you all pay for bedding, and it is definately not worth the money!!! If you really cant fit it in, dont sweat, weve got plenty we can help you out with, AND you will take a trip to Walmart in the 1st couple days!!

    Dont be nervous, we cant wait to meet you all so we shall see you all on Tuesday!!!
    You can always post us qs on here 2!!! ;D
    See you in 5days!!!

    Dan and every1 else in the UK pavilion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. HLovo

    HLovo New Member

    Hi Dan
    Hope your still loving it out there!!

    Im coming on Tuesday as well as a few other people from the UK, Id guess that on this site theres about 5 people, Im sure theyll post in the next couple of days!!

    Cant wait to get there and meet you all

  14. tobi

    tobi New Member


    I'm part of the German Sept 21st arrival group... I guess we are about 7 people.
    But I'm a little bit concerned about Hurricane Jeanne which is going to reach Florida on Tuesday! (See here...)

    I hope we're not gonna be delayed, because I really wanna leave on Tuesday!

  15. andy-devonuk

    andy-devonuk New Member

    Hey everyone

    I'm coming out on tue, going to the airport on monday night! ???Sorry, excited! So i will see you guys on tue!!!!

    Pretty close now! Thanks for the advise on the bedding Dan. Been 50/50 on bringing it. Hows the weather affected you?

    I depart heathrow 11.30 on flight 921 to Washington then internal flight no. 1565 to Orlando, that gets to Orlando 7.55pm ;D Any one else on these flights?

    Be good to meet you all

    Andy ;D
  16. nia

    nia New Member

    Hi All,

    Im on that flight Andy ans I think Fee is as well. We should try to check in together so we will be able to sit together on the plane.

    By the way anyone know where we pick up flight tickets?

    See you soon
    nia xx :)
  17. HLovo

    HLovo New Member

    Hi Nia
    As far as I know we pick up tickets at the airlines desk when you get into the airport i.e at the Delta desk

    I think thats right anyways

    See you in Orlando on Tues

  18. Michelle82

    Michelle82 New Member

    Hey everyone.... Michelle here... i came out on 31st August and loving it... you're all gonna love it too... can't wait to meet you all!!

    Hello Dan... didn't know you came on here :)
  19. poptart

    poptart New Member

    I've only just found out about these new boards!

    I'm leaving tomorrow and am Soooooo scared!!! But really excited!!

    I can't wait to see you all out there! eeekkksss!!!

    Fee xx :)
  20. Danielle1883

    Danielle1883 New Member

    Hey everyone- just a quickie to say good luck to everyone going tomorrow. c u in december.
    Danielle xxx

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