the astrology matchmaker test

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tinkerbell, Apr 26, 2005.

  1. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

  2. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    Your stars are sending you straight into the arms of a Scorpio. Your man's water sign reveals that he's strongly intuitive and in tune with your emotions. But be careful - his symbol is a scorpion, which represents his secretive nature and his ability to be vengeful when threatened. As a Scorpio, he's a bundle of contradictions. He has the ability to demonstrate both the best and worst qualities that characterise human nature. Generally, he's intense and passionate, yet he can be stubborn and competitive. He uses his intuition fearlessly, and he tends to explore philosophy and religion. Although it's difficult for him to trust others, when he meets the right one (i.e., YOU), the result is deep and powerful. You should be excited to be a perfect match for a man with such dedication, drive, and persistence. Your Scorpio will be known and respected for his imagination and idealism.

    How to catch him:

    Be careful: This Scorpio has lots of testosterone! He's a man who likes to have control. A man of mystery, he possesses a sexual magnetism that's hard to resist. Some tips to keep in mind when dealing with a Scorpio: He's unpredictable and can turn on you quickly. In order to avoid that situation, listen to him carefully - he knows when you're not being honest with him. Scorpio men are extremely curious, so make sure you include all the sordid details of your stories, or he may deem you boring. Be careful what you say to a Scorpio in the heat of an argument. He's proud and doesn't take criticism well. Also, he loves social events. So take him out, show him off, and have fun!

    Famous Scorpio men include:

    Leonardo DiCaprio
    Prince Charles
    Pablo Picasso
    The Kray Twins

    lol yay prince charles :-X ive never been out with a scorpio,,,, so thats interestin
  3. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    The Astrology Matchmaker
    natalia, your result is Pisces!

    Your stars are sending you straight into the arms of a Pisces. As a water sign, your man is characterised by his emotional, intuitive nature. He has a magical, spiritual presence, which is why Pisces are said to be "old souls." As a Pisces, he's especially imaginative, artistic, and sensitive. Also a loyal and generous friend, he is known to be the quintessential romantic — lucky you! He thrives on change and adapts quickly and effortlessly to new situations. Another bonus about being with a Pisces is that he aims to please and hates to say "no" for fear of disappointing you. A true Pisces is a wonderfully caring and invaluable friend for anyone. And a terrific boyfriend! As a Pisces, he's most noted and admired for his abundant compassion.

    How to catch him:

    As a hopeless romantic, your Pisces man will sweep you off your feet. He's willing to devote himself to you completely - on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. He's considerate, loving, and wants to know absolutely everything about you. Although your man sounds perfect so far, you must be aware that he constantly craves change. Unfortunately, this quality often leads him to change the woman in his life. He's known to have quite a rocky love life, so be careful to protect yourself. Once he commits himself to you, though, your Pisces will be dedicated to making your dreams come true. A Pisces is passionate about the arts, so show off your knowledge in that area. He's also a great listener, so tell him as much as you're comfortable divulging. But most important, be sweet and sensitive. Your Pisces is a sentimental soul.

    Some famous Pisces:

    Bruce Willis
    Ronan Keating
    Albert Einstein

    lol...ok ok date albert enstein (if he was still alive ,oh well unlucky ;) :D :D
  4. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    lol@prince charley boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...ha :D :D :D :D u got pablo picasso..if only u were around in thsoe days u would of been in!!! :-X ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
  5. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    lol pisces, thats my ex and hes the exact opposite of all that! except the one wanting 'change' especially with the women thing! good god hope he dont read that cos that'll b the next excuse... its in my stars! lol

  6. T-belle

    T-belle New Member

    Your stars are sending you straight into the arms of a Sagittarius. As a fire sign, your man is energetic and restless - quite the explorer! He has a strong case of wanderlust, which reveals his adventurous, independent spirit. Your Sag will always keep you entertained. He thrives on change and will always have a new idea in order to avoid monotony and routine. He's in tune with his stars and always seems to be in the right place, at the right time. In addition to being sensitive and devoted, he's a generous friend with a great sense of humour. Because of his free-spirited nature, however, it's often hard to tie a Sag down. But once he finds his mate, he's completely devoted! His symbol is the archer, which represents his strong ambition and his straightforward, honest qualities. Always fun to be around, your man is known and admired for his unyielding optimism.

    How to catch him:

    Sorry to say, but a Sagittarius is harder to tie down than a herd of wild horses. He craves freedom and doesn't like to feel cornered or smothered. So, when you're in a relationship with a Sag, make sure to give him his personal space and respect his privacy. He also loves outdoor activity, so keep that in mind when planning events. Your Sagittarius is adventurous and seeks change, so keep your relationship exciting by always introducing fun new things for the two of you to do. Just don't count on him sticking around for too long. His inability to roost is by no means an insult to you, though. This bird just needs to fly.

    Famous Sagittarius men include:

    * Brad Pitt
    * Gary Lineker
    * Kenneth Branngh
    * Jamie Theakston
  7. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    Your stars are sending you straight into the arms of a Gemini. Your man's symbol is "twins" because of his uncommon versatility and adaptability. With him, your life will never be a bore. Constantly entertaining with his new ideas, he'll go to great lengths to avoid monotony. You don't have to worry about game-playing with him, because as an air sign, he's very articulate and a natural communicator. His need to be part of the coolest scene, however, may cause him to act a little superficially sometimes. But his lively, energetic spirit allows you to overlook that fault. He's an intellect with many curiosities, and his wit will keep you interested and smiling. Although you admire him for his intelligence and expressiveness, he is revered for being the most responsive sign in the zodiac.

  8. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    watch out u geminis annies on the loose!!!!!!!1 ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) :-X :-X :-X :eek: :eek: 8) 8) 8) :D
  9. cinderelli.jessy

    cinderelli.jessy New Member

    Your stars are sending you straight into the arms of an Aries man. Your future man's feistiness and energetic demeanor, coupled with his optimistic outlook, make the two of you a perfect match. As an Aries, his assertive, independent manner will guarantee him success no matter what career he chooses. The only problem is how little time he gives himself to achieve his high goals. Patience is definitely not an Aries virtue. His open heart and creative mind, however, give him an air of self-confidence that makes you melt. And let's not forget his very sexual, impulsive side. As a fire sign, he's able to ignite your passion, and he has no problem keeping your interest. His symbol is a ram, and he is respected most for his courage and bravery.

    How to catch him:

    An Aries man is adventurous, and he wants excitement in his relationships. Despite his questioning nature, he'll only fall for an honest, innocent woman. Possessing a fairy-tale approach to romance, he won't tolerate devious behavior. His adventurous nature extends to the bedroom, where he likes to act out all of his fantasies. In all respects, this man wants to take charge. So sit back and relax. Let him take the lead, make the plans, and take care of you. You'll be in good hands if you let him sweep you off your feet.

    Famous Aries men include:

    Alec Baldwin
    David Letterman
    Quentin Tarantino
    Matthew Broderick


    okie... any aries out there??? lol
  10. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    that i am sharky that i am!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    lol george!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 is on the loose and shes a maniac who likes tacos and men who tend sheep.
  12. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    aaghhhh but at least i like human!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) :D ;) ;D ;) :) :D
  13. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( u make me cry george!!!!!
  14. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    i'm sorry sharky!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know i am kidding!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!!!!!!!!!1 :D :D ;D :D
  15. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    Your stars are sending you straight into the arms of an Aquarius. As an air sign, your man is a great communicator and an independent thinker. On top of that, he's incredibly popular. You won't be able to resist his inviting personality and altruistic nature. Also ambitious and creative, he tends to be inflexible when it comes to his views. He might shy away from romantic relationships at first, but once you break through that barrier, he's yours! His sign is the water bearer, which means that he gives off a special energy that is received as a gift by others. Your ideal fella is a people person, and he genuinely wants everyone to be happy. He's also a progressive intellectual with an analytical edge. So, not only will he provide interesting conversation, he'll make sure you're always smiling! In addition to possessing all of these redeeming qualities, your Aquarius is most commonly known for being the friendliest sign in the zodiac.

    How to catch him:

    Your Aquarian man places the intellect above physical stimulation. He needs to feel that the two of you have made a deep, meaningful connection before he'll enter a relationship. Passionate and exciting, he'll put you on a pedestal once you have had a meeting of the minds. Aquarius stands for truth, and your man will be honest to a fault. So be careful not to ask questions such as "How do I look?" and "Do these trousers make me look fat?" when you're just looking for reassurance, because this man just might give you an answer you don't want to hear. But he's trustworthy and devoted (as long as you give him his space).

    Famous Aquarian men include:

    Bob Marley
    Robbie Williams
    Wolfgang Mozart
    John Travolta

  16. Goldytap

    Goldytap New Member

    ok, i got aries as well, but the blokes they listed arnt great

    anyone else know any famous aries (male)!

    Sarah :D
  17. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    lol i dont but alec baldwins hot!!!!! :D
  18. cinderelli.jessy

    cinderelli.jessy New Member

    alec baldwin???? are you kiddin babe????? he is FAT!!!!! lol well, too many drugs i guess... lol ;D

    and david letterman??? :eek: :eek: :eek:

    i either fall in love or have a crash on virgios!!!! LOL ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  19. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    sharky you have very strange thoughts???????? i'm worried!!!!!!!
  20. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    lol.maybe im cofused there are so many quentin tarintino is cute too.................hey alec baldwin apperead in friends,did he???

    lol@jessy ;) ;) :D :D hmm im usure whether im kidding :D :D
    and george.dont get too worried!!1 :D

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