According to my semester dates I don't finish until the 25th June, I chose the 20th June start date knowing that my college will allow me to take those 5 days. But is this going to affect me when I go for my interview? I've filled out my forms using the 25th term date end as I would be lying if I said the 20th. I'm really worried about this as I don't want to miss out just cos of the date
There is another thread on this subject as many of us are in the same position with "official" end of term dates vs. the date you're free to go! Have you already had your interview? If you haven't, then I reckon the best bet is to get a signed letter from your college stating that you're free to leave early...if you've had your interview then probably an email to Yummy Jobs is the way to go ;D
I had my F2F yesyerday, and although my end date isn't until the 25th June, it wasn't a problem - Yummy lookd at the letter adn then asked me when I would be free from - so as long as your free before the 20th June, you'l be fine! When it comes to visas, the embassy may want more information though xx
I gave them a ring because i break up two months before my uni does as no exams, they said to get my main tutor to write an authorized letter detailing this.
Thanks for all the advice, I'm gonna ask my tutor to write me a letter giving me permission to leave 5 days early
My tutor has been horrible to me about leaving 5 days early she wrote in the letter that she can't release me early if I have any outstanding work or any other college situations (i.e if I have to be there to do a show, or give a presentation etc.) So basically she's saying that even if I get onto the program and book flights etc, techically she can tell me I can't go. Is this going to affect my chances? Its really upsetting but I can't force my tutor to see what a good opportunity this is. I can go but just as long as nothing changes during those 5 days. Its not fair If only the start dates weren't so early :'(
Well... if you know you won't have any work and you can slip away without them noticing... is it even worth giving Disney the letter? Naughty I know...
Could you possibly get a different tutor to sign off on it, luckily my tutor was a godsend with it all especially as i break up two months before my uni does. He made sure my letters met the earliest May dates Disney wanted to override the official ones Uni gave. I suppose it all depends on the uni and the person you ask. Sorry you're having troubles though, it's so unfair!!!