This may be a dumb question, but I can't remember what the deal is about the telephones... Is there a phone in each apartment and all local calls are free? Okay, if that's right, then is it possible for people from home to call me and they're the ones making the long distance call? I've picked up a number of calling cards in order to call home myself, but I wasn't sure about the whole thing... Any information would be great!
Yip that's right. All local calls are free and anyone can call you from anywhere but will be charged their regualr rate to call Florida. Ona x
No, Ona was right... You can call local Orlando and toll-free numbers as well as WDW/complex numbers.
I'll definetely take it.. ...but I'll use it just for emergencies.. To call my parents and friends I will use my pc.. is a nice free software!!!
I'd suggest using skype too, it's just so easy and cheap. Google talk is another option. Another one would be to just get a cheap mic and webcam and chat via MSN. Or if you have a Mac, iChat.
yea google talk and msn could work but then your stuck talking to people who know how to use it... skype is good since you can use it like a messenger for people who know how and voicechat that way, or you can buy skypeout credit and call any "first world" country for 1.7 cents a minute.
Skype costs money? I downloaded it awhile ago for free I thought... haven't used it though. I might bring my cell down and go on the Talk North America Plan with Telus. Allows me to keep my phone since it is not able to just use a new sim card... and only costs I think $20 or so more than my plan already is... plus the minutes are long distance!
Can someone explain to me what this skype is? lol ... so people who are not taking cell phones are going to rely on skype and apartment phones?? Cat
It's a free software.. you'll find it at! It works with a mic and a webcam (if you want, otherwise you just talk) and it allows you to talk for free to any people who uses skye thank to a contact list which very similar to msn's one. if you want you can buy sort of "tokens" to call landphones instead of using your mobile.. ...and that's a very cheap solution... Any question, just ask!
ive been thinking about skypein its in the beta stages now but it could be really sweet after the kinks are worked out... how it works::: your in orlando for a year with a computer with the software on it you live in london, or toronto etc and thats where most people trying to call you from will be (like your friends and relatives from home) you register with skypein and you get a number anywhere you want in the world, so you get it in your home city!! then people call that number, and they pay for a local call, while skype routes the call to your computer anywhere in the world! best part of all its cheap!!! 10 pounds for 3 months or 30 pounds for a year! i know i will definitely be getting it in a few years when i go down!