Hi Guys All new to this I have been advised that I am to submit my CV in July which I will do. Can anyway give any advice to what questions are asked if you are successful in getting a telephone interview? Thanks and eagerly awaiting the 01st July Laura x
Hay laura, welcome i got a phone interview last year don't remember much .... they did ask about where i was from and about my country and why i wanted to do this program and would i be willing to share accommodation with people from around the world.... but i'm sure othere people will remember more than i do good luck i hope we get interviews xx
Hi Ya Thanks for your reply - every little info helps. I am hoping I am successfull - the only thing that I think may go against me is my age (29) I assume that Disney are looking for younger employees. I did apply for this programme about 10 years ago and was unsuccessful after my second interview, but looking back I don't think I was really ready to make the move. As they same older and wiser now and really want to do something exciting before I get any older !!!! When did you do your programme - I bet it was fun? Laura
Hi there.... i haven't done a program yet got to the interview stage last year for 08 and couldn't make it as i had a death in the family .... but am reapplying this year..... I'm sooo ready to go i wouldn't worry about ur age (im 24) i was wondering if i was too old but there seems to be people of all ages going .... i cant wait wishing and hoping to get an interview this year as i cant think of a better way to spend a year.... xx
I'll have just turned 24 when I get out there, I really don't think age matters! The phone interview is a piece of cake and it's best not to get too worried about it. I know I did yet it couldn't have gone better. I was asked where I lived and what interesting things I would tell people about the place where I come from and then if i've ever been to America before and if i'd ever shared a room... that was pretty much it. The conversation only lasted about 5 minutes and it really was just like you were talking to an old friend. I know the questions asked will vary but just as long as you come across as a happy confident person then you'll do fine.
There are a couple of threads that have information on what is asked at the face to face and in the telephone interview. I found that the questions were fairly similar. Here's what I wrote on another thread (http://www.wdwip.com/smf/index.php?topic=5587.msg179825#msg179825) Hopefully it helps! _________________________________________________ Hey! I'm procrastinating and so I thought I'd find what other people wrote about the face to face and phone interview questions and post them here for you guys! - from TraceyBrown (Canada) - http://www.wdwip.com/smf/index.php?topic=5498.0 - from hsm - http://www.wdwip.com/smf/index.php?topic=5382.0 Just be yourself, and be positive! Best of luck! <3 Jenn
People have asked me for advice many times on this and my answer has always been... Be yourself. Be enthusiastic. SMILE! Smiling changes the tone of your voice and the recruiters will pick up on it. Faith, trust and pixie dust! Good luck! KC
Hi Thanks all for your advice its been a great help To all that are applying in July - Good Luck you never know we may all be working togther soon. Laura xx
Thanks so much for this thread, I had been stressing out about what things i might get asked if im lucky enough to get a phone interview and this has helped me feel a bit less nervous. Good luck to everyone who applies
Don't worry! The interviews aren't scary at all! You'll find your interviewers are really friendly and they make it so much easier. Just smile and have fun!
I found the phone interview to be the hardest. Only cause you cant tell what they are thinking and they cant see any body language. But when it was over it was not bad. (The face to face one was awesome. More fun then an interview.) One thing I can say about both interviews is make sure you know a few things about where you live, but also the city that the interview is in. I myself was not caught on it but I heard of people getting caught with that. But ya, smile and keep relaxed are the two most important things. (Smiling on the phone can be harder then you think. I drew funny smilies on my paper that I used to help me prepare so I did not have to say "I dont know." to anything. Then if at any time I felt like I was not smileing I looked at one of them. ) Good luck and maybe I will see you down there someday.
I must admit, the phone interview is what Im most nervous about cos ive messed one up quite spectacularly before. Glad that it sounds quite relaxed. But im def getting a ahead of myself here cos the next application process hasnt even started yet so must stop thinking about it for now xx
When do you know that you've got a place? Once yo've the phone interview or after the face 2 face interview?
You usually find out 2 weeks after the face-to-face interview, but if you get put on a waiting list it could be months!
I think its just going to have to be a matter of a waiting game. Wait until the 01st July, Then wait until your successfull for a phone interview and if you pass that wait until September until face to face, then wait again if your successful Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I just want it now lol..... I am going to stop thinking about it........................................ No didn't work, I am thinking about it again.
what is the disney answer to this question if there are 10 people waiting in line and a guest cuts to the front of the line, what would you do?
I don't know if this is the right answer, but what I did when I was on this situation while working at Epcot, is to kindly tell the person that you'll be right with him/her and point to the line (that way they'll see that they have to wait, and sometimes other guests tell them that there is a line). But if it is an emergency, finish with the guest you are taking care of, find someone to take care of the line and assist immediatly the guest. Hope it helps.