
Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Clairey2302, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    I have just had my Email from Alexis giving me the directions to the office in London. She also asked if I had any tattoos. I do have one on my back at the base of my neck but is covered when I wear a t-shirt. Has anyone else had this problem? I am scared incase this will affect my chances of getting a job. Thanks, Claire X
  2. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Is it covered when you're wearing a wide necked tshirt at the back? Like a vest top or something?

    If so then you'll probably be okay. :)
  3. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    if it an be covered with ur cloth or hair its ok ;) but still have to say to them u have one and where ;)
  4. tinydancinggirl

    tinydancinggirl New Member

    Tattoos won't be a problem if they're covered when you wear normal clothes. Remember your Disney costume will almost certainly be more covering than your regular clothes :) I had a tattoo on my lower back when I went out and it was fine (I now have a second one but that's the middle of my back so not a problem either :)
  5. stuart_peters

    stuart_peters New Member

    I have three tattoos... I was worried about it being a problem but it wasn't cause all three will be covered. Was a fair old relief when they told me that. Would have been gutted to miss out because of them.
  6. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    Thanks guys, feel a bit better now! Fingers crossed it will be ok! X
  7. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member

    You DEFINATELY want to tell them that you have a tatoo. If you don't then they might place you in a position where your costume might not cover your tatoo. Then you will be asked to go home :(
    If they know you have a tatoo, then they will put you in a position where your costume will cover it (assuming a costume CAN cover it). Once you're down there I don't believe you can switch positions and you will just be asked to leave, so definately tell them up front.
  8. kekepuana

    kekepuana New Member

    Hi there ... i think i have a tatoo in the exact same spot... right below my neck.. i showed my tattoo in my interview and i am
    leaving June 12th... so NO problem with a tatoo there as long as normal shirts do cover the tat!!! GOOD LUCK and dont worry about your tatoo!!! :) Stephanie-Canada-Merch-June12
  9. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    i have a tattoo on my ankle,i showed it to them at my interview and i leave for florida on the 24th april so dont worry about it at all!! Good luck ;D
  10. kekepuana

    kekepuana New Member

    HI Kerrry... where abouts are your from??? I;; be joining you down there on JUne 12th
  11. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    hey,im from way up here in the north of scotland!! where abouts are you from??
  12. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    Thanks again guys, I'm sure it will be fine as it can definately be covered by a t-shirt. And don't worry I have told them about it!
    Claire X
  13. imported_Alex

    imported_Alex New Member

    I have a friend with a tattoo on his calves (almost from the ankle to the knee)
    But he said this would be no problem, because all boy´s wear in the German pavillon a long trouser (merchandise) or a shorts with stockings, so no one will see it...

    But when I read this topic, it´s better to tell it, or what would you say??

    To take a risk, and say nothing at the interview, or say it?
    Do you know, if there are also jobs in the german pavillon, where you only
    wear shorts without stockings, because this would be a problem for him...

    Best Regards,

  14. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    Hi Alex!

    I think u answered your question regarding the german costume shorts
    If I were u I would tell them about the tatoo, cause if it is visible they'll send u home(it's better to know that beforehand).

  15. kekepuana

    kekepuana New Member

    Hey... Im from Vancouver, BC, CANADA! West coast... cant wait to go down.. i think its something like 125 days!!!
  16. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    DEFINATLY tell them about it. I've heard of them making costume adjustments for people whos tatoos are only partially obscurred (ie longer socks, or shorts) to help cover it and they'll PROBABLY want to know this in advance since your first day of work will be tough with no costume (you get it your first day from what I remember/have seen).
  17. imported_Alex

    imported_Alex New Member

    Ok thank you for your answer...

    Thank´s a lot!!!
  18. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Phone interview is good, but make sure to show them at the actual interview as well.
  19. erika_svart07

    erika_svart07 New Member

    Hey everyone! I have two tatoos in my back and didn't have to show them at the interview (hehehe...that'd been some show... ;)) I remember a Brazilian guy, that worked in MK, that during the day was Mr. Goody-two-shoes but during the night you could see he had A LOT of tatoos, piercings (even put a big one in his nose) you can definitely get away with it.

    Just make sure you let them know about them. Good luck!
  20. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    haha...I know who u talking about. He was a great guy.

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