swim test...?

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by hayley...x, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. hayley...x

    hayley...x New Member

    okay so im going to be a lifeguard for ICP 09 and i was wondering if anyone has any sort of idea what the swim test involves??

    thanksss :D
  2. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

  3. vik

    vik New Member

    a mate did it last summer and said it was easy as pie, though apparantly when they say a length of the pool at disney, they mean there and back again - thats all i remember her saying from the test! if you dont pass it, you'll probably get put in attractions at the water park as in standing at the top of slides, moving inflatable stuff etc. also being a lifeguard is the perkiest role ever because you get paid more than like anyone and if your at a water park, you get in there for free AS WELL as the other 4 parks - like i said, it has its perks!
  4. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    ooooh la la how much do they pay? It very well could be my second choice if it's slightly significant... although I loathe getting tan since I turn a brownish yellow :/
  5. jmac88

    jmac88 New Member

    200M Swim either freestyle (frontcrawl) or breaststroke
    swim 15m undwater and pick a brick off the bottom of the pool
    2 mins treading water with just your legs

    Hope that helps
  6. Andy0228

    Andy0228 New Member

    It's actually quite scary that those are the minimum requirements for being a lifeguard there. My 10 year old bro could do that but I wouldn't trust him to save my life if I was drowning. I can't believe you don't need the NPLQ or some equivalent to do the job.
  7. opherrichards

    opherrichards New Member

    I have an NPLQ and NaRS Pool Lifeguard as well as being a Swimming teacher, and was asked at my interview why I hadn't put lifeguard down (which I then added it on if it was the only way I could go to Disney), which I then explained no thanks as I would do that here at home. But also after previously looking at the swim test details was put off at how simple it was (Treading water may sound simple by the way, but for two minutes only using your legs isn't as easy as it sounds - definately worth practicing so you dont look completely dead at the end). I would just spend the entire time comparing what is different while trying to remember which method to use in an emergency to prevent anyone sueing me.
    Also, from watching and reading blogs the lifeguards dont actually operate the slides, that is the Recreation cast members, by the sounds of it they watch the pools (which can be an interesting experience with high volume of bathers) and probably the splash zones or the slides. So as Vik mentioned, if you cannot complete the swim test you will most likely stay waterpark/pool related.
    A good thing about lifeguard and recreation though, which is extremely tempting, is the tan while you work, and also free access to waterparks if you work there.
    But in the end it is just a job, it is up to you to make it an experience.
  8. hayley...x

    hayley...x New Member

    oh thanks so muc everyone! that helps so much! i was totaly worried in case the test was so hard but it doesnt sound too bad at all. the treading water thing would probs be the worst part!

    lol im totaly so excited about the good tan part! was thinking that was the best part of the job :D

    i didnt know lifeguards get paid more than others tho? whys that??

  9. vik

    vik New Member

    dunno, i guess its cos of the responsibility or something.
    be careful about the tan though, cos you dont wanna get a nice one-piece style hole on your back lol
  10. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member

    The swim test is one of the easiest things you'll do while you are out there. The training, and subsequent test that follows, are slightly more tricky but as long as you pay attention to what you're being told, then you'll be fine. Plus you'll be expected to do 4 hours of extra training a month, but not in the month that you do your initial training.

    Oh, and beware of VAT's...I cant honestly remember what they stand for, but they look like people laying on the bottom of the pool and you've got to get to them within...a 30 seconds? The guards that train you will go through everything with you, so dont worry about it.

    If you get put in one of the resorts, you may be operating slides...but by operating I mean saying when someone can go and stopping the flow of traffic if someones in difficulty at the bottom. If you get the chance, check out the pool of Disney's Yacht and Beach club, its the best (and biggest) of all the hotel pools. In my opinion ;D

    You're all going to have a great time!
  11. VickiG

    VickiG New Member


    I was a lifeguard in the Wilderness Region (Wilderness Lodge, Fort Wilderness & Contemporary) from April 08 - Oct 08.

    I kept a blog the whole time I was there about the day to day experiences of a lifeguard, have a look @



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