Summer Work Experience 2011

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by GXB977, Sep 9, 2010.


Applications 2011?

  1. Applications 2011?

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  1. GXB977

    GXB977 New Member

    Hi guys, I was just wondering if anyone has had a telephone interview or face to face interview yet for the Summer Work Experience Program of 2011? One person has already informed me that they have had a phone interview and this has made me somewhat nervous as I have not yet been contacted. Applications don't close until October, but I did send my application off very early and would have expected to be one of the first contacted if I had been successful. Argh. I'm pulling my hair out with this anxiety. Please help.
  2. GXB977

    GXB977 New Member

    Oh, and I'm from the UK. Please let me know where you are from!
  3. Kerbear

    Kerbear New Member

    is it with yummyjobs? im from canada, and I got an email about 3 weeks after I applied in june saying I had a phone interview and I had my phone interview in august. have you heard AT ALL from them??
  4. DisneySpike

    DisneySpike New Member

    I think I'm one of the only ones who's heard back about getting a face to face. But I had my phone interview a week before everyone else as I was going to be out of country. So everone should start hearing back soon about face to face if they've done their phone. And like it'll take 3-4 weeks after giving your app to get a phone interview as they do it in batches.
  5. GXB977

    GXB977 New Member

    Hey guys! I emailed Kristen at yummy jobs, and she said that no uk applicants will be contacted until after the application close date. So phew! I proper panicked, but that was before I knew you were from Canada, DisneySpike. I'm going to just keep playing the waiting game from now on I guess :)
    Thanks for the responses. Take care!
  6. Kerbear

    Kerbear New Member

    I'm really scared that I'm not going to get an f2f :( i was super nervous during my phone interview, I know had good answers and I was really professional but I feel like I wasn't enthusiastic enough about disney and how much I love it.. but I know I can show that in person! waaah what should I do? Disneyspike were you all crazy about disney on the phone? lol I want them to know how much I want this job!! I think about it everyday and feel sick when I do :p
  7. GXB977

    GXB977 New Member

    I'm sure you did fine Kerbear! Yes, they do want people who are going to be into Disney, but I think that they are also looking for people who are professional and can tell the difference between business and pleasure, which I reckon some people go wrong on. If you were all 'I LOVE DISNEY OMG SPACE MOUNTAIN HERE I COME' or something then they might think, 'What is this person coming here for? To work and learn, or to ride the attractions and take a vacation.'
    Where are you from? Just trying again to confirm that no-one from the UK has been contacted yet, since I got myself into a right state before I know DisneySpike was from Canada!
    Don't panic baby. I'm sure you will get contacted soon!
  8. Kerbear

    Kerbear New Member

    thanks! very well put! I sent Kristen a nice follow-up email about my concerns. so I'm feeling pretty confident again :) I'm from Canada as well actually, so I'm sure you'll be contacted soon too! :) x
  9. Kerbear

    Kerbear New Member

    I got the f2f guuuuys :) <3
  10. GXB977

    GXB977 New Member

    That's awesome baby! I knew you would be fine. What are you going to wear for the interview? And what is your most desirable work location?
  11. Kerbear

    Kerbear New Member

    I'm soo excited, I cant wait, I've been doing so much research on tips for the interview ! :D
    I'm not sure exactly what to wear I'll have to go shopping! dress pants, blazer.. hair back,
    my most desirable work location would be Animal Kingdom, I'm studying Zoology at the moment so I think it would be most appropriate :p I'd also love to be in Magic Kingdom, or Epcot, haha pretty much anywhere :) I'll do anything.
    what about you??
  12. beeg

    beeg New Member

    Hi all!

    I'm from Canada and I made it through the phone interview process and made it to the face to face part! I am super excited.
    I can hardly wait until then!
  13. GXB977

    GXB977 New Member

    Well done beeg! Good luck at the f2f. The same questions to you as I asked Kerbear?
    My DREAM would be to work on The Great Movie Ride, Jungle Cruise or Kilimanjaro Safaris. I really love talking and performing and what not so I reckon they would be the best roles for me. I don't really fancy working in Epcot, since I don't find it as 'magical' as the other parks, although I guess we get what we are given!
  14. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    hey guys, it's been such a long time since i've been on here but now i am considering this ICP or summer program as i think it's now called perhaps? anyway i may be going to university next september (i've got to apply within the next month or so). i was just wondering what you are all studying and where? when did you apply for summer 2011? do you have to be doing a particular thing like you do with the J1 program?

    thank you all in advance x
  15. beccathemouse

    beccathemouse New Member

    Hey Briar Rose!
    Hope you are doing well!
    My degree subject is nothing really to do with Disney (though I suppose you could loosly relate it if you tried.... I'm doing English (mainly literature based) at Exeter University, UK. For ICP you can be doing any subject under the sun so its in no way as restrictive as the JI program. What subject are you thinking of doing at uni?
    I applied just after applications opened in June but I'm in the UK. I think its different if you live in Canada. Where are you from?

    love and pixie dust xxx
  16. beeg

    beeg New Member

    I am thinking that I will do F&B or Operations, since that is where a majority of my experience is. It just depends on the choices we get though. I would be willing to do anything really.
  17. DisneySpike

    DisneySpike New Member

    I'm going to answer these questions just cuz- What are you going to wear for the interview? And what is your most desirable work location?

    Wear- Black pants, my fancy black shoes, black jacket and a purple button up more than likely... but not sure.
    Work Location- I really want to be a character attendant. I'll work anywhere.
  18. beccathemouse

    beccathemouse New Member

    is anyone else from the UK going stir crazy waiting to hear about the phone interviews..... and there is still potentially a month to wait until we find out!


    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  19. beeg

    beeg New Member

    Beccathemouse - I can imagine you are going stir crazy. That's how I feel about the f2f but at least I had a phone interview already.

    I think I am going to wear a knee length black skirt, black flats, white blouse and coloured sweater. That being said, I will probably buy a whole new outfit or ask for one for Christmas.
  20. Louiejordan

    Louiejordan New Member

    I am so scaredd!!! Ive only just got my job at the Disney store and really want to do this next summer cause im hoping to then do the animation internship the following year, but dear me, im so excited but at the same time absolutely terrified!

    I only started looking into this properly about a month ago and then i decided to go for it and now here i am, having sent off my application yesterday, painfully waiting haha. It sounds like so much fun though! And i think it would really give anyone an amazing life experience, i just have to remember that its very competitive and if i dont get it then there is always next year :)

    I just hope that i get the phone interview :/
    Anyway, Good luck to you all! ;D

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