Summer Programme Question

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by adz1991, Jul 11, 2010.

  1. adz1991

    adz1991 New Member

    Hi there,
    I am interested in doing the summer work experience scheme however if i were to apply I would be in my last year of university (it would be in the summer of my third year), and the guidelines state that:

    Be a student enrolled in an accredited, degree-issuing college or university; and returning to school for at least one term following the program

    So does this mean I wouldn't be able to apply?
  2. leeds disney fan

    leeds disney fan New Member

    no you can still apply, my friend was in her last year at uni, she graduated last summer and did it last summer not sure how it all works with the visa and other thing though
  3. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I am currently on the Summer ICP and I have just finished uni - got my results 2 days ago! Luckily my actual graduation ceremony is in November but I'm not returning to uni. You just have to be able to put evidence forward that you'll return to the UK after the program.
  4. DisneySpike

    DisneySpike New Member

    Mostly they say that to make it easy for Visa purposes. They just need to know you are going to return to your country after the program.

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