Hi, do you know if there is a summer program this year?? and if yes, for what dates? I reall wanna go back....still after 3 years..... Lonja
This applies for the UK, so apologies if that's not where you're from!! Anyway, it's only for students inbetween university years, and runs from either 4th June or the 24th June- 1st September (I think that's right... It may be the 5th/25th though, we kept getting confused!). Errm, that's all the important stuff I think?!
there's a new one in the UK for those who aren't students to go on a summer program now too. They asked about it on the application forms at the interviews and we had to say whether we'd be interested in it if we didn't get the IP. Best to email yummyjobs and ask about the details though, I don't remember much about it anymore!
Hey Linsey!!!! How are you getting on?! The waiting is really bugging me now!!!!! Did you tick the box to say you would be interested in doing the 6month summer prog if you dont get the I.P???? I did,i kinda thoght that 6 months would be better than none at all - if i dont get into the year long!!! Cant belive its only been a week since glasgow - feels like ages!!!!! Kerry xx
yeah, I ticked the ticky box, though I wondered for ages if that had been a good idea or not. I would likely take it over nothing but at the same time, I'd much rather get the IP or try again for it first if I don't get in... I've been checking my email constantly. I want to know what's taking so long!
well, that would reall suck, cause uni in germany goes until mid july....so maybe the dates for germany are different!!! so lets hope the best!! i just send out the application! cant believe i go from alumni so applicant discussion again back to waiting!! lonja
i just got an email from international services saying that the interviews are in france. the departure dates are may 27th until june 24th and it ends august 31! it looks like i got an interview!! im so happy!!! hopefully it wokrs! would be sooooo awesome to go back to orlando!! party, party, party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lonja
Congratualtions, any updates on how its going? Theres a few courses it would seem if the emails from YummyJobs are anything to go by, i've been sent details of the Academic Work Program, runs for a year but applications are being taken now for this July, could be cool! PM me for the pdf file about it