Summer ICP: How many do they hire from final interviews?

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by whiterabbit, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. whiterabbit

    whiterabbit New Member

    I applied to the Summer ICP and I've gotten to the final interview stage and my interview is in February so I'm wondering how many they hire from the final interviews? I'm also curious about what would really stand out as negative so they wouldn't hire you? Thanks :)
  2. Briggs682

    Briggs682 Member

    The biggest cut they make happens after the phone/ 2nd set of interviews - once you get through to the 3rd set you've usually got a fairly high chance of success :)
    I'm not sure of the actual number of CMs they hire for the ICP, but it's quite a lot as they have lots of different roles to fill across all parks, water parks and hotels.

    Try not to think about the negative qualities they don't want to see; focus more on showing them that you're friendly and confident, willing to work hard and understand that the program is a great opportunity for learning and personal development, and not just a long holiday! :p Try your best not to answer everything with a sugar-coated, rose-tinted answer (ie: 'Because I love Disney and want to be a Disney Princess!' a little bit over-exaggerated, but you get the idea! :p )
    Be realistic - you know it will be hard work at times and there will be moments when home-sickness sets in, but you're determined to give it your all :)

    Wow, much longer post than I'd planned - I'll shut up now!
    Hope this helps - if you have any questions, just message me :)

    Hope it goes well - just smile and relax :) x
  3. whiterabbit

    whiterabbit New Member

    thank you! that answer was very helpful! i appreciated the thourough-ness of it :) i agree, i think they're mainly looking for people with a positive attitude to ensure that the positivity of the CMs rubs off on the guests :) thanks again!

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