Summer Heights High

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MattSource5, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    bit out of the blue, but was just wondering if anyone had seen this show? my brother introduced me to it over christmas, and i love it...although i can't imagine them making another series. so yes, any fans of summer heights high yada yada?
  2. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    Is that the aussie one? I watched a bit of it and agree it was gooood!
  3. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    yeah that's the badger!
  4. Jodi

    Jodi New Member

    Hi! Yup its aussie lol actually filmed not far from my house :p
    I'm coming to disney in Feb maybe should i bring the series over with me??
  5. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    definately! "puck you miss. i said puck, with a p, it's english miss!"

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