Stress, much?!

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by Laura Jane, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. Laura Jane

    Laura Jane New Member

    Please tell me i'm not the only one totally freaking out at how soon we go..

    Haha, thought we could use a wee 'stress thread' to let it all out since majority of us have exams/assessments/visas/flights/etc to get through in the next couple of months!
  2. kandicombo

    kandicombo New Member

    I'm soooo stressed at the moment my Visa appointments in Monday and i'm stressing about that and then exams after Easter and after all that I leave on the 2nd May for Disney! I don't even feel prepared enough to go i still have so much to do and it feels like I don't have enough time to do it in!!!!
  3. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    lol i'm stressed about uni, it was all fine last semester but now we havto do group work, no1 cba apart from me and there all up for doing resit exams in july which obv i can't do! its a pain, and ive found out i haveto write a 4000 essay whilst im in florida! its about work and its gotta be submitted in August, can't start it now tho cos its gotta be about working at disney, hmmm and ive run out of money too i might haveto get emergency funding from uni cos all the wage i get has paid for flights and stuff

    I have my appointment next friday :) x
  4. Laura Jane

    Laura Jane New Member

    Yeahh, i'm feeling the no money thing.. I get paid tomorrow but will most likely have to put all my wages toward trekkin' to London for my visa (10th april =]).. Got a new project at uni and just do not have a clue what i'm doing for it.. At least i don't get any exams, but trying to get all my work finished by may is going to be a struggle i can tell already! xx
  5. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Is anyone a final year uni student out there?! I am soooo freaking out about the amount of work I have to do in the next 6 weeks... I am filming my final major project tomorrow til sunday which is about 30% of my degree mark! AHHH!! (I am a TV production student by the way!)
  6. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    nah im a 1st year student but if i dont complete this assignment in florida i dont progress to year 2 which is poo, ohh well :) I don't usually get that bothered about exams tho really its just group work that does my head in cos u cant just get on with it when u have the time x
  7. Laura Jane

    Laura Jane New Member

    I'm a second year art student; but just got so many different projects to have final outcomes for! And we're expected to continue drawing everyday over summer, which just didn't happen last year.. haha xx
  8. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I'm a final year... but my work isn't too bad atm.
    My dissertation was due before Christmas, and haven't had too much this term (they've usually been reasonable spread out) - got 2 more pieces of c/w, a field course and then finals... which are apparently worth 40% of my final mark... not sure how that's worked out! I've stopped trying to work it out!
    Just slightly stressed.... ;)
  9. pinksparkles2

    pinksparkles2 New Member

    I'm stresssedd, but not by Disney, if anything it's the thought of Disney that is helping me through it!
    I have so much work due in in the next few weeks and then after Easter I have EIGHT exams, so I'm going to be spending the whole of Easter revising. And I don't have my exam timetable through yet, but there's a chance my last exam could be the day before my flight.. which is stressing me out.
    AND I'm doing a year of uni abroad in Amsterdam when I'm back from Florida, and I literally fly back from Orlando, have about a day in England and then move out to Amsterdam.. AAAHHHH!
  10. kimmiedancer

    kimmiedancer New Member

    I have the same problem with the stupid exam timetable.... except mne could actually clash or be the day after - which isn't gonna work for me. So I am just hoping for the best!!!
  11. pinksparkles2

    pinksparkles2 New Member

    I just got my exam timetable through and I have 11 days between my last one and flying to Orlando! Hooraay!!
    Although it is 8 exams within 10 days.. but I guess it gets them all out of the way at once! :-\
    Good luck with your timetable Kimmie! I'm sure they can sort something out if there's a clash!
  12. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I have 8 exams, first one May 10th, last one June 1st.

    But I don't leave until the 20th June, so I have a LOT more time to get sorted than last year! (I was so disorganised!).
    Still can't book visa appointment, boo :(

    Good luck Kimmie, I'm sure it will all work out - the magic of Disney! :)
  13. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    I have no exams and all my work has been given in already. Im just sitting here waiting for it to come and its horrible. I like having other things that i have to wait for because i think that makes the time go quicker. With you guys you get to focus on your exams and then BAM disney!
  14. pinksparkles2

    pinksparkles2 New Member

    Trust me, I think you are in a much better position here!
    I would be VERY happy to be doing nothing for the next 2 months!

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