stranded on a desert island....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by monkian, May 9, 2006.

  1. monkian

    monkian New Member

    wih the new series of lost underway it got me thinking.....

    if i were stranded on a dessert island the ten things i would take with me are:-

    1)my mp3 player packed fool of disney songs (and manics songs)
    2)anne of green gables books
    3)poster of James dean bradfield
    4)a tiara
    5)a book of Neruda poems
    6)a colouring in book (winnie the pooh) and crayons
    8)my AK ears
    10)Nasea by Jean Paul Sartre

    darn i forgot to leave room for my tunnocks tea cakes and irn bru and guiness :'(.

    what would you take?
  2. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    1) Paul Walker :-* ( mhhh anyone seen "Into the Blue?" )

    OK I think he's actually good enough to keep me entertained lol but if I had to choose 9 more things it would be

    2) Tent

    3) Harry Potter 1-6

    4) Matches

    5) A camping grill

    6) Music

    7) Swiss Army knife

    8) Sun Lotion (lol)

    9) Spray against moscitos

    10) Ticket back
  3. kerrbear

    kerrbear New Member

    hmmm this could take some serious thinking .... hmmmm ..... right!!

    (1) my bed and covers and pillows and teddies

    (2) the hottest guy in the world

    (3) vodka , something to mix it with and two glasses for me and my mystery hot guy

    (4) some music to boogie on down too

    (5) a boat ... or i would settle for a lylo or a raft or something to float around on

    (6) a light of somesort coz it will get dark on the island a night and i dont want to be scared

    (7) a fishing rod so i can catch my food, and a lighter and some sticks to cook my food

    (8) my PJ's

    (9) some wood and nails so i could build a really cool tree house and look out over the pretty island

    hmmm and (10) some condoms ... dont want to re-populating the world on this island with my mystery fella!
  4. monkian

    monkian New Member

    ooohhh swiss family robinson tree house!!!!!! yeah!!!! and i could ride an ostrich everywhere!!!!!! yeah tooo cool!
  5. doowop

    doowop New Member

    oooh i like this.

    my first choice is purely from watching lost and the DANGER!!

    1) a gun in case i get attacked by a polar bear(!)

    2) my harry potter books

    3) a bed ( i know its lame but i need a bed im not into camping!

    4) condoms ( u never know who'll be there! )

    5) mp3 player

    6) Toilet roll ( im being practical )

    7) disney snowglobes so my hut looks pretty

    8) some playing cards

    9) A digital camera

    10) A boat
  6. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    1. Teddy Geiger
    2. Sun screen
    3. Corn Dogs
    4. iPod
    5. My dog
    6. My friend (I'm evil enough to drag a friend along with me)
    7. My friend's daugher (I think this makes me even more evil)
    8. A Nordstroms
    9. Starbucks
    10. My iBook.

    Aaand done!
  7. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Interesting indeed...

    1. My lappy! It has games and music and everything!
    2. A solar cell (so I can recharge my lappy!)
    3. My saxophone
    4. Soccer ball
    5. A halberd (A long stick with a blade at the end) You could use it as a weapon, and to catch fish like a spear!
    6. A hammock
    7. Hammer and nails
    8. Saw
    9. A lighter
    10. A satellite wireless card for my laptop just in case I ever want to get off (i know it's kind cheap, but w/e) :p
  8. monkian

    monkian New Member

    gosh you canadians are a practical bunch....wondr if i should bring my harry potters?
  9. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    OK so for this I have stolen a few other peoples ideas as well as some of my own:

    1. Paul Walker (again because of in to the blue but also because I'm sure I read somewhere that he can fish and that would come in very handy)
    2. My mp3 player and a never ending supply of batteries
    3. A duvet and pillows as I'm sure I'll be cold as I'm always cold
    4. An endless supply of matches
    5. A lamp that runs on batteries
    6. Harry Potter books
    7. My electronic suduko
    8. An endless supply of soap (hey if I'm on an island with Paul Walker I would need to smell nice)
    9. A gun incase of polar bears but also to hunt for food so it has to have an endless supply of bullets
    10. A hidden boat so that when I eventually tire of being on the island with Paul Walker (hard to believe but it might happen) I can escape back to reality
  10. monkian

    monkian New Member

    did i mention chesecake?
  11. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    NO I don't believe you did!! ;D ;D
  12. monkian

    monkian New Member

  13. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    And I THANK YOU for that sista!!
  14. monkian

    monkian New Member

    HOH YEAH!!
  15. GeorgyGirl

    GeorgyGirl New Member

    I'm trying to knock up my amount of posts, and this looks like a fun game to do it with!!

    I would bring...

    1. My boyfriend (someone to chase scary polar bears and and 'others' away!)
    2. My mp3 player
    3. Something to sleep on
    4. Sun lotion
    5. Books and magazines
    6. Fooooooood and lots of it
    7. Alcohol also :)
    8. A football in case I lose my boyfriend and need a new friend (thinking Wilson in 'Castaway'...everyone with me??)
    9. My cat
    10. and last but not DVD collection with something to watch them on!

    From my list, my fears of being stranded on an island are boredom and starvation!
  16. Charlote

    Charlote New Member

    OK so what would i take.....
    1. ipod - can't live without music
    2. some sort of light
    3. jeans - love my jeans i live in my jeans i think that it could be difficult to live in jeans in hot temps though
    4. bikini - would want to get a nice tan
    5. Clean Water!!
    6. Cleaning products - things have to be clean
    7. Tent
    8. Someone who knows how to put up a tent!
    9. Camera - so i can share my experience with myself
    10. Food
  17. flavour

    flavour New Member

    1) simple plan (to keep me enterntained in any way! ;-))
    2) my ipod
    3) my laptop with wirelless internet connection (hoping it would work)
    4) my csi: miami dvds (can't live a week without that show!)
    5) books
    6) a bunch of my best friends
    7) lots of alcohol (so we can party)
    8) food
    9) an abercrombie and fitch (need new clothes from time to time!)
    10) a raft (just in case we wanna leave one day!)

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