South East Asian- Waitlisted

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Kenanjani, Dec 23, 2011.

  1. Kenanjani

    Kenanjani New Member

    Hi all..

    Im Kenny from Jakarta, Indonesia. Is there any SE Asian Applicant here?
    I just got an email from the recruiter saying that they have filled the openings and that i should wait in case someone decides not to go. :(

    Any of you got the same mail? it'll be great to share your experience here..
    Hope im not the only one struggling with this feeling :s
  2. donymusic

    donymusic New Member

    Hi Kenny,

    That happened to me last year. I know that it was not a great feeling, aka "sedih".
    But I have waited and no one canceled, so I did not go.
    I decided to apply again this year and I got accepted.
    I actually do not know how many cast-member is hired per year, per country.
    SO I do not know how big your chance is.

    But my point is. I made it at the 2nd trial. Never give up and try again.
    Jangan Patah Semangat!!!!

    I also would like to know who will be going for CRP this April? SO I can start to make network.

    Kenny, I wish you luck. If you got in, tell me...then we will be working together. Hidup INDONESIA!!!!
  3. Kathalizsa

    Kathalizsa New Member

    Halo semua! :)

    I'm Zsazsa from Indonesia. I applied for this CRP program too but I didn't get any feedback from them :( I applied for the program on Aug '11. Tried to email and call them about my status of job application and they said that I should resend my application. Already did that but haven't got any reply til now.

    I hope you could share with us about this program and how to get it. I'm dying for this job! I really want to share Indonesian culture to the world! :)

    Thank you!
  4. donymusic

    donymusic New Member

    To Kathaliza:
    Gwe juga waktu september nanya..mereka suruh kirim lagi di NOvember...which I did.
    Sekitar tengah November gwe tanya Sue (ctc person utk Indo) apakah dia terima aplikasi gwe..karena ga ada reaksi sama sekali.
    Dia akhirnya ga lama bales en sekitar desember awal gwe di interview

    Ini juga aplikasi ke-2 gwe setelah taun lalu gwe gagal.
    saran kreatif..and show kalo loe cinta Indo banget

    saran buat hadapin interview...liat-liat VLOG alumni2 CRP yg banyak bisa diliat di Youtube

    Coba aja tanya lagi kalo loe masih bisa lamar untuk taun ini?
  5. Kathalizsa

    Kathalizsa New Member

    Hi donymusic! Thanks for replying!

    Iya nih sedih bgt nunggu2 bgt dr aug.. Kontak langsung gitu gapapa ya? Tp emgnya kalo daftar pasti di bales apa emg di gantungin aja sih? Soalnya 2009 lalu gw pernah apply juga. Tp buat summer work, pas aug jg. Dan nov di balas gada summer work untuk indonesia. Jadi gw pikir akan di respon mau dapet atau gak.. Ternyata gw ga dapet respon sama sekali sampai skrg huhu

    Kmrn sih tp daftarnya yang ke email general itu dan dibilang udah di forward ke recruiter yang responsible u indo. Tapi mungkin coba aja kali ya hehe. Btw, kenny ini temen gw dan pgn bgt kalo bisa bareng kesana! Kalo ga keberatan share2 gimana disana nanti hehehe

    Thank you!!
  6. annisa.thabiina

    annisa.thabiina New Member

    Hi All..

    I'm Annisa from Jakarta. Seneng bgt nemuin ada discussion forum untuk indonesian di web ini.
    Mau sharing aja, gw apply untuk program CRP dr Maret 2011, dan sekitar 2 bulan lalu diemail Sue untuk skype interview. Akhirnya sebulan lalu gw interview dan ga nyangka bgt about 2 weeks ago she emailed me and said that I've made it!!
    Gw bakal disana starting from July 10th 2012, menurut info dr Sue katanya bakal ada 1 lagi org dr Indo disana selain gw..but i didn't know yet wo is she/he.

    to donnymusic: May I have your email, facebook or mobile number? since you'll be there earlier than me, it would be good if we're keep contact. Gw mau nanya apa aja yg harus disiapin dan gimana keadaan disana nanti, hehe

    to Kathalizsa n Kenanjani: Jangan patah semgat guys! gw setuju bgt sama sarannya donnymusic, untuk interview bnyak2 liat vlog alumni2 nya di youtube, gw juga ngelakuin hal yg sama sblm interview and it truly helped me. Dan yg ga kalah penting tunjukin kalau lo bner2 excited untuk ikut program ini. Untuk proses dari appy ke response dari mrk emang makan waktu lama, so be patient. If you have any question, I'll be happy to share it, just contact me through my email :)
  7. Angel_HK

    Angel_HK New Member

    hi all
    i hv sent my cv in Sept/Oct
    but i hvnt received any follow up email/rejection/been waitlisted
    should i resend my application?
    ps. sorry that i dont know indonesian, can someone translates for me? thx
  8. Kenanjani

    Kenanjani New Member

    Hi Angel_HK,

    I think you're in the same situation like Kathalizsa, she applied on August and havent hear anything untill now..
    I had my interview on mid December only like 3 weeks after i sent my application, and a week after i got an email saying that my name is on the waitlist.

    We dont know exactly how the application process is. Like if there is a shortlist or not and how many of them got the chance to interview and stuff.
  9. Kathalizsa

    Kathalizsa New Member

    Re: South East Asian- Waitlisted

    To Annisa :
    Thank you atas sarannya :) td gw email langsung buat nanya2 goodluck Juli nantii

    To Angel_HK
    Hi there! :)
    Well I'm in a same position as you. What I did was I asked about my status of job application by email and they told me to resend the application. But I haven't got any response till now tho. Maybe you could ask them first :)
  10. donymusic

    donymusic New Member

    To Annisa: loe coba deh kirim fb request loe ke hotmail gwe di, jagan ke gmail gw.
    Soalnya gwe cari lagi Annisa Thabiina, dapetnya yg lagi stay di Poland...atau emang loe lg di poland?

    To Kenny: Terjawab lah sudah Kenny, siapa 2 orang itu: Gwe dan Annisa. Dan kita accept dua-2 nya. Kecuali kalo ada masalah sama VISA kita (jangan sampe.....plis GOD)

    To Kenny, Kathaliza en Angel: Good Luck...I have made it in my 2nd trial. So never give up to apply again.
  11. Angel_HK

    Angel_HK New Member

    Thanks all :)
    i think i better send the application email again as they reply me at least a month later
    i wonder agency of HK could send invitaion of interview this month or next
    as i heard ppl from HK would have interviews around March
    becoz we've got icp and crp interviews at the same time
  12. licia

    licia New Member

    it's been a while since the last time I open this forum..
    akhirnya ada yang berbahasa Indonesia jugaaa....

    salam kenal :D

    gue Licia, sekarang lagi tahun terakhir kuliah dan udah mulai liat2 program ini dari tahun lalu..
    sekarang gue lagi skripsi dan masih ada beberapa mata kuliah yg harus dijalani...

    yang mau gue tanyain, menurut teman2 yang udah pernah apply, mendingan gue kirim CV dan application kapan ya? agak bingung sama jadwalnya untuk Indonesia. gue targetin skripsi selesai sebelum september, apakah sebaiknya gue take the chance untuk ngirim dari sekarang atau nanti aja kalau udah lewat pertengahan tahun?

    makasih sebelumnya untuk tanggapannya..
    have a blessed day :D
  13. licia

    licia New Member

    oh ya...
    kindly share your CV and cover letter model with us, anyone?

    kita yg dari Indonesia kayaknya kurang banget infonya ya..mungkin seru juga kalau kita bisa dapet sumber info, mulai dari yang paling simpel, yaitu tentang CV. I've looked up in the internet dan kebanyakan info sharing datangnya dari yang CRP yang punya jatah pavillion di Epcot, yang sepertinya (sejauh gue tangkep) job desc-nya beda sama crew dari SE yang bakal kebagian di Animal Kingdom.

    Mungkin kalau kita bisa bikin CV dan cover letter yang seru dan eye-catchy, kuota untuk CR dari Indonesia bakal ditingkatkan? ;) *berharap*

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