Someone reassure me!!

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by pinksparkles2, Dec 18, 2009.

  1. pinksparkles2

    pinksparkles2 New Member

    A guy I know told me I'm making a mistake working for Disney because he knows people that have worked for them before and it's ruined their whole perception of Disney? He says they're awful employers and they don't treat you right and you won't come back a Disney fan.
    I'm hoping it's just some jelousy thing or something because I really don't want to believe that any of this is true! :(
    Someone that's worked there before reassure me pleaseee!!
  2. neevyweevy

    neevyweevy New Member

    :eek: Nooo....Don't believe it!!! It'll be the bext thing you ever do!! I think some people just go over there not knowing what to expect, but just by being on here you get so much help and advice!

    I still believe in the magic of Disney, if anything i love it even more! You'll know from being on here that the pay isn't great and you work long hours but the work is the most fun and you'll be working with your friends, who are all there to have fun with you, you'll meet soo many people and make friends for life! Obviously you're not going to get along with everyone but that's the same for every workplace, but most of the people are great and the managers can be so much fun!

    I think if you read the boards here and notice how many people re-apply summer after summer and then apply for the year long program then you'll see that it's really VERY rare that people end up with a negative view on the company!! I finished my program in January and there hasn't been a day when i haven't wanted to be back there, as soon as i had enough money saved i went back there on holiday and had an amazing time, i plan to go there on holiday again asap and am applying for the CRP!

    Go for it, you won't regret it!! ;D
  3. Jar

    Jar New Member

    This summer will be my third time back out there, kinda says it all really! :)
  4. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Dont listen to whoever said that, it is the greatest experience ever. I am still a massive disney fan and cannot wait to go on holiday again, it has not ruined the magic at all, it as more or less enhanced it. The work is long and can be tiring but as niamh said, it is fun, you enjoy yourself and get to know so many people.
    I was warned before i went about the supposed look on working for disney was but i didnt believe it and turned out not to be true what i had been told, which i was sooo happy about. The pay isnt great but you can live off it.
    Trust me, there is no need to doubt working for disney, you could not imagine having any better job in the world. I think about it everyday and compare how amazing it was to everything i do daily now, i cannot wait to return and visit, and anxious to work there again :D
  5. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I loved every minute of being out there, and I've really grown as a person as a result.
    Some people don't enjoy it (I will be honest) - mainly because they don't know what to expect, or they miss home. You WILL work long hours, you WILL work weekends, holidays, some nights, and will grow to hate the bus.
    But, life's what you make of it, and I really enjoyed everything there! I mean, where else could you ride Splash Mountain before work?

    Also, I came back for a visit this week (I now have no money!), and actually cried on the bus to the airport - didn't realise how much I would miss it now!

    Although, I must say the airport is ruining the magic a bit - due to the snow my flight is delayed by about 8 hours. Fun stuff!

    But go for it, and even if you work with horrible people, stick it out to the end of the summer, it will look a lot better on your CV, and you'll learn so much more!

    I still miss it everyday - especially the people.
  6. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    I will agree with everyone here, it is the most amazing experience you will ever have!

    My managers were some of the best I've ever worked with and never did I feel I was not being treated fairly. I will say you are not paid a lot, but that's expected as it is entry level positions that we are working in and you are clearly advised of what you're paid before you go. Plus, just the perk of being able to visit the parks at any time is more than enough.

    As for ruining the magic, I'll say this. If working at Disney "ruins" the magic for someone, I would question how much they believed in it in the first place. Along with everyone else here, I believe it strengthens your belief and makes everything even more magical!

    It's true, the experience is not for everyone, but it's also what you make of it. And if you want to make it awesome, than you have the power to do so!
  7. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Working at disney made it even more magical for me! Cheesy, but I'm gonna say it anyway - I loved making the magic for the guests!! that in itself made it more magical for me ;D Yes it is very very hard work, yes its hot and you're wearing polyester and yes you work very long hours, sometimes until 3 or 4am but the benefits totally outweigh the negatives and having done the ICP it will make your CV look amazing ;D
  8. pinksparkles2

    pinksparkles2 New Member

    Thank yooou guys :)
    I didn't really take him seriously because I KNOW I will enjoy working there! But it's nice to hear that from some of you that have actually been before!

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