So what does successful mean anyway???

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by cmac, Nov 22, 2006.

  1. cmac

    cmac New Member

    So I got the whole dumb message saying you were successful but there are no positions, so Im on a waitlist, which totally sucks cuz I've been planning for this hoping for this for half a year now and now Im on a waitlist, so Im wondering do they just tell this to everyone that hasn't gotten accepted?? and how many people do they really pull from these lists and how often??
  2. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    well i have heard about people who really got a NO, but the waitinglist its a maybe... i was on there las year for a hole year! and didnt get an offer and i reapply im on it again :-\, it really depends on the country cuz here the waiting list its for one year! mainly cuz they said in one semester its hard u have something new to offer, i know its frustrating but hey! atleast they said they are interesting in you ;) so maybe it isnt the time to go, or i dont know keep trying maybe some day ;D

    u will get a offer if some one declines the offer or they are short of staff, so its more like a maybe....

    hope u understand a little my english lol, still need a lot to improve


  3. cmac

    cmac New Member

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Thanks for the reply! Ya I dont how it is here, but I dont really know if I can wait a whole year, cuz the reason I wanted this so bad was cuz I knew I could pick up and leave for the way my life is right now, but I dont think it will be that way a year from now, cuz a lot changes in a year! I guess dreams dont come true for everyone, but thanks for the help!
  4. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    dont give up ;), where are u from??

    i know that in UK and Canada for example more people its called from the waiting list, maybe its not your time, well i dont know i started thinking like you that no all dreams can come true, but then i remember that in a magical place like Disney yes they can ;), maybe u should ask them about times and possibilitys and they can give u a better information ;D
  5. gamecube1984

    gamecube1984 New Member

    Don't worry about being on a waitlist - it is good! Lots of people just get a "no" letter, but a waitlist means you still have a chance!

    I was put on the waitlist for just over a month and then got the email everyone wants saying I have a place!

  6. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    I was on the Canadian waitlist for about 2 months last year, before getting a call to go down on the seasonal/summer work program (june-Nov), and now I'm going back again allready this summer. It sucks waiting but after a week or two you don't really think about it anymore (you may be here now judging from how old this topic is allready), then eventually out of the blue, BOOM phone call.
  7. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Yeah theres ways of filling up the time, and everyone has these counters on their signature now as well, always good fun!

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