So very very Cold .... makes me wish i was in Florida even more...:(:(

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by hockey_town_canada, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    Just thought i would inform you all to make you feel a little better... and show you how sad i am today lol... it is today here in Winnipeg,Manitoba,Canada

    -28 degress... and with the windchill it feels like -41 degress...... soo to all of you down in florida ... lol you suck lol ...... jk

    its retardedly cold... hope some of you feel sorry for me ... lol.....

    they say skin can freeze in under a minuate today....

    so im glad i bundled up on my way to school.......

    anyways just thought i would share that with you all.... enjoy your day/or night wherever you may be ....
  2. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    At my place it rained all day, but the cold is even worse.
    Guess I should think about my plans again to move to Canada :-\

    I would prefer Florida right now as well. Instead I am sitting in front of my PC and should write my final paper... and what am I doing???... looking stupid things up at the internet
  3. mirko

    mirko New Member

    you're a bad girl ;)
  4. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    -36 degrees today .... with the windchill it is -49.... :(:(

    soo sad lol
  5. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    Aaah Manitoba! I didn't know you got hit, too! I have friends in Alberta, too, that got hit really bad. The entire city of Saskatoon shut down - three people died in the storm! Mind you, it was because they got stuck on the highways and tried wandering away for help, which any Canadian should know NOT to do!

    My friend called me and she lives a few hours south of me - it was -49 yesterday! I think we only hit the negative mid-30's in the past couple of days, but we got hit bad. One hundred people got stranded overnight in Costco!

    I'm just dreaming of that Florida weather!

    Oh - and I also took a few videos while waiting for the bus. They're really short and without sound, but I'll post em up so you can see the blanket of white!
  6. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    It's just three seconds long, but you can tell from the people just packed into the shelters and the fact you can barely see across the street that it was pretty cold ;)

  7. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    well im glad im not alone in getting my butt kicked by this cold ... lol... we're actually not as bad here as further out west... didnt get the blizzard just the really really cold... so i guess thats one bonus...

    lol... anyways ashley i feel for you lol... i really do
  8. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    So do I get that right now? There are about -30 degrees outside and u are waiting for the bus? I wouldn't make a step outside. I have a friend in Sascatoon. Hopefully he's ok...
  9. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    I'm sure your friend is fine, Chrissi - just probably really chilly ;D

    I didn't want to take a step outside, lol, but I work at the library and can't just not show up! I thought it would be the very last place to close, since a lot of people were taking refuge there from the storm, but nope, we shut down at 2!

    It's only -36 today... lol... next week it's supposed to settle down a bit.
  10. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    +10 degrees over here in Germany at 10:40pm. But I think that is way too warm for January.
  11. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Wow, we have a national crisis if it goes lower than -2,lol
  12. rachet

    rachet New Member

    wow, im always so impressed that people can live in conditions like that, -32 is ridiculous!!! how do you canadians do it?! the only conclusion i can think of it canadians have ridiculously furry skin that is several inches thick.
  13. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    :( I am moving to Canada in a month...make the cold go away!!!!! lol
  14. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    I'll try my best to make it go away...

    (Can't promise anything, though!)

    I *hope* most Canadians aren't all furry! Haha, we're just super awesome? I like this theory better than the fur one!

    It's -38 right now ;)
  15. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member

    Our blood is just thicker. Here in Ontario I'm still riding my bike to work every day. We've had all of 3 days of snow so far this year and it's been well above zero every day. But it's supposed to drop to -26 on Wed. So we're going from ridiculously warm for this time of year to ridiculously cold for this region for any time of the year. Boourns. Lucky I'm off on Wed, otherwise I'd book in sick. Screw riding your bike in -26!
  16. rachet

    rachet New Member

    i love you for saying that ;D
  17. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    LOL Thank you for trying :) The fun part is I will be living in the Rockies ( Banff ) so good luck! :p
  18. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    ahh you'll be good in Banff .... one day its -25 the other +4 in the winters .... temp changes there so often
  19. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Hmmm interesting. I just know the last time I was there and it was so much colder than in Calgary. But oh well I will just have to drink more hot buttered rum YUMMY!

  20. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    oh god, and i thot scotland was cold :eek:

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