So, how did everyone's interviews go?

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by GXB977, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. GXB977

    GXB977 New Member

    Hey guys, thought we should start a new thread so we can start agonising about how our interviews went. I had my interview with Robin, who was REALLY nice! I'm not so sure how it went though . . . I was interviewing with a girl who'd already been, so she was really passionate and enthusiastic. Her answers were really long and detailed which I remember thinking was too much, but in comparison to her I just kind of answered them to the fullest I could without rambling. If they have to choose one or the other of us, then I'm not sure. I couldn't decide if I didn't speak enough or if she spoke too much. Argh. How did everyone else's go?
  2. Linzee

    Linzee New Member

    I had Robin to :) honestly cant decide how it went as like its been said before they are so nice and positive!! I majorly stumbled when talking about my work experience, I hadnt thought out properly how I would say it before the interview as I have quite a bit and nerves got the best of me so it felt as though I was just reeling things off not really giving them much just incoherent blah! but other than that ........... although I feel as though I should have put more things such as housekeeping higher up on my list as she wrote down our top three and I put down attractions, merch and attendant even though i know they are super popular and she seemed really impressed that the other girl had put down housekeeping so high up ..... argh I hope the whole list is put into account as I would be happy to do ANYTHING so long as I was working for the Mouse :) ......... but overall it just felt like a nice chat, feel silly for being so nervous, but hopefully that could be positive and show how much I want it? ??? Anyways enough of my essay hope everybody else felt better about theirs :)
  3. usher23

    usher23 New Member


    I felt similar i had Robin, mine went ok not problem as such, but it was so hard to get out what i wanted to, but i did show Robin that i really wanted this i think. I do feel i could of done better and will be gutted if i don't get it, really gutted. I will just keep my fingers crossed :)
  4. josh.p.

    josh.p. New Member

    I don't think I could have done any better than I did, I tried my hardest and tried to be friendly, giving good answers. If I don't get it I'll be disappointed but not because I didn't try my best, just because I want it that much.

    The suspense is killing me but I don't want to get my hopes built up.
  5. beccathemouse

    beccathemouse New Member

    I just can't believe how quickly the whole thing went! I mean I'd been building up to this interview for what feels like forever and then it's all over in 15 minutes! I can barely remember the whole thing because I was running on adrenaline so the whole thing seems a bit of a blur- i can barely remember what I was asked!

    I had Jill and she was really nice! I almost fluffed it when I was talking about why I want to go back and was talking about how I would be a better cast member before realising that I was implying I wasn't a good one on my last ICP but I think/hope we managed to make a joke about it! :-\

    This wait is so awful because I just keep over-analysing what I may/ may not/ should/should not have said in the interview!

    Ok vent over - much happier now! :) :) :)

  6. GXB977

    GXB977 New Member

    Haha Becca I know what you mean. Ugh. I wish they could tell us then and there. Because I went to the pub afterwards with some other applicants and we had such a good time that it's going to suck even more if I don't get on :-( If i'd known at the end of the interview I would have gone home for a good cry. And never met the people who made me want to go more. Lol. Argh. I hate this.
    Also though, I got measured for a mouse even though it was only my third choice. Perhaps that's a good sign, like maybe if they hadn't liked me they wouldn't have bothered. Oh I don't know. I could just kill myself with the suspense! Haha.
  7. usher23

    usher23 New Member

    But guys i was thinking, i think will will no by the end of the week, i can't imagine them waiting till the final day in Nov, they will start the process tomorrow i imagine, so i reckon come thurs/fri we will no

  8. beccathemouse

    beccathemouse New Member

    I just don't want to know before thursday because I have a really important essay due on thursday and i won't be able to concentrate if im either extatically excited (fingers crossed) or extatically depressed!

    GXB977 I think it's a good sign that they measured you- when i had my f2f in 2009 they were not nearly as organised with bringing tape measures! The guy who interviewd me gave me his business card and I had to e-mail him my height- i have kept it to this date because i find it exciting to have a business card with the mouse on! :) what height did you come out as? I didn't find anyone at my interview who were mega keen for characters so they might be trying to fill those jobs (which would be an unusual thing to happen but you never know...)

    what starting dates did everyone apply for????

  9. usher23

    usher23 New Member

    I hopefully will be flying out on June 19th :)
  10. josh.p.

    josh.p. New Member

    I'm going to be so nervous when everyone starts getting their email
  11. anjefferson

    anjefferson New Member

    Hey i had mine on 19th nov when beccathemouse had hers!

    I had Jill and I thought that it went really well except it was over soo quickly!!! I just want to know now!!! I keep refreshing my emails LOL!!! I am soo excited and I met some lovely people at the interview and I hope we all get in.

    I want to fly over on the 31st May xxx
  12. GXB977

    GXB977 New Member

    I only know me and one other who put it down and were measured I think. The other guy is Tigger/Hook height, and I was 5'and a half inches lol, which apparently is mouse/chipmunk height? I'm literally dying to go. Omg everytime I think about it my stomach flips. Heather was told by Nick from Yummy at the interview that we could find out as early as this week, although he didn't specify a day. Does anyone know how many they take? It is all speculation really, but a girl from my interview who's been twice said that they invite 450 to the interview, about 400 show up, from which they pick about 350. Someone else said they take about 2000 from around the world and considering there are 11 countries who can apply that would equally divide up at about 181 per country. However, I'm sure in a lot of those countries they don't get anywhere near as much interest as here, such as Peru, Taiwan, Turkey, Argentina . . . Although I'm not sure. International people LOVE Disney so maybe I'm completely off the mark. Argh. See? This is making me crazy. If anyone knows some facts, just let me know.
  13. anjefferson

    anjefferson New Member

    Yeah they invite 450 to interview and take between 300-350 for jobs from the UK alone. I asked Nick from yummy jobs this on friday!

    the waiting is killing me! i want to know NOW!!!! I love disney and i just hope i get on the programme...
  14. marmalade262

    marmalade262 New Member

    I was curious too so I actually asked Nick at the interview.. Pretty shocking figures actually. 3000 applied from the uk alone, with the phone interviews they cut it down to 450 that were invited to interview and they are looking for 300. Also we will find out this week :). Scary right? I can't believe how many were cut out in the phone interviews, and I thought there was less pressure for them!
  15. anjefferson

    anjefferson New Member

    yeah i was shocked as well. i guess from hearing your voice they can tell if you are going to be good - because if you are really quiet and dont answer the questions they give you well enough then they know Disney wont want you working for them because you have to be out going and stuff because disney is a SHOW!!

    I want to know now though, i keep checking my emails permanently!!!

    who interviewed you then? xx
  16. LauraJayne

    LauraJayne New Member

    I hope to go on the 19th too if I get it, which I do hope so but like everyone's saying, suspense is killing me :/ and I keep refeshing my emails too, if feels like ages since my interview already, it's been a week! :s good luck to everyone :D
  17. GXB977

    GXB977 New Member

    I had mine on Thursday and I've been a nervous wreck since then lol. Argh. I could actually kill for this job. Haha.
  18. DisneyPirate

    DisneyPirate New Member

    I think I was so nervous that I waffled way too much so I don't hold out much hope of getting in. Wishing everyone all the very best of luck !!
  19. LisaInWonderland

    LisaInWonderland New Member

    I had mine on the 16th in liverpool! im assuming theyve done all the interviews now and heres comes the waiting again! i do hope they tell us this week as they must know! im hoping to fly out on may 24th, i had robin for my interview and she was so lovely and everyone i met that day were lovely aswell! good luck everyone! x
  20. anjefferson

    anjefferson New Member

    I want to know NOWWW!!!!

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