Sick leave

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Kia, May 29, 2005.

  1. Kia

    Kia New Member

    Hi there,
    I am here as cultural representative but have not yet figured out what happens if I fall ill. Can I miss work to see the doctor? What about my pay?
    Who has experience with this situation?
  2. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    You dont get sick pay until youve been there for a while - nine months maybe? I htink that if you actually get injured on disney property while at work then you may get sick pay but am not sure!?!?!?
  3. marshabrady

    marshabrady New Member

    For legal reasons you will likely get sick pay + medical bills paid if you are injured at work. However, if you come down with the flu etc. in you're first 9 months (i think its nine, might be 6 though) then you get nothing. After this, you get something like 3ish days paid sick leave to take before the end of the year. As an incentive, you do get a little bonus paid if you never have to take them, but the strange thing is, its not as much as the total amount you'd get if you took the full three days off.. so i seem to remember some naughty people calling in sick near to the end of their program just for the extra money!
  4. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    are they usually ok about you calling in sick?? or do you get a "strike" against you or something?
    I think they're points actually that you get against you when you do something bad. And isn't it like three points you're out kinda thing?
  5. There is a point system thingimagig. If you call in sick or a personal then you get a point, 3 points = reprimand, more than 3 reprimands = termination.

    I'm not sure how it works if you are really sick though, like hospital sick. If you just have a bad cold then you expect you to still go in and 'work through it' and we were told that if you break or injure your leg or something you still go into work but you are given something not so strenuous to do. Like, I know someone who 'twisted' his ankle even though he was just blaggin it so he didn't have to work. He had to hand out paychecks.
  6. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    OK I get the point thingamagig lol.

    Well I guess to some that might sound kind of harsh making yo come to work with a broken arm or leg but if you think about it at least you don't lose a days work and you get paid to do something easy lol.
    But there must be some kind of exception if you're in the hospital or if you have a really bad flu or something and are throwing up etc. maybe in that case you just go to work and hope to get out early. Does that happen? getting off early if you're not feeling well or something?
  7. As far as I know, it is all up to your manager. Some will let you out on an early release if you ask them early enough (that can also happen when you are not sick though but want to get off a little earlier)
    I am assuming that if you have been hospitalised then they won't take the points off but to be honest i don't know anyone who got ill enough for that. Apart from one person, everyone else i know went in when they were ill and told their managers so they understood if you decided to hide back stage for a bit; especially if it is 100 degrees outside and you already have a fever or something.
  8. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Yeah, it all depends on your managers I think too..

    For attendance, once you have 3 reprimands, your managers have the choice whether you get terminated or not (Apparently)..Although I was sure that you didn't get termed till you got your fourth one, when I was there everyone was adamant that your managers have the choice once your at your 3rd attendance..

    I had 3 attendance reprimands by the time i'd finished my J1 Academic Program, and I never got termed..I actually had another reprimand, that wasn't an attendance one, but that isn't in the same category..

    I've heard though that the Cult rep programs system is different though, but im not sure how true that is..

    Im pretty sure the system is..

    3 Points in 30 days = Reprimand
    6 Points in 90 days = Reprimand
    9 Points in 180 Days = Reprimand
    12 points in 360 = Reprimand

    1 point for calling in sick or personal and half a point for being late..

    You can also get clocking offence points, for example if you dont clock in or out you get one point, or if you forget to clock in or forget to clock out, then you get half a point..Im not 100% sure, but I think this is a different kind of reprimand..
  9. I think in terms of clocking in/out late then you got a half point each time. Each role *i think* has a walk time after your shift officially ends. You have to clock out between those two times. You can clock in around 10 mins or so early but not late, not even by a minute. It still gets recorded.

    After 30 days, your record is also wiped clean depending on the severity of anything that you may have done.

    Again, everything is really down to your managers what they want to give you. If you have some points they can change your official clock in or out time though most don't like to do it, especially not on a regular basis. As a result I usually left for MK around 1 1/2 hrs before my shift began. It meant sometimes I was really early but at least I was there especially as the bus could be unpredictable in how long it would sit at Vista.
  10. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Its not wiped clean after 30 days..I made this mistake when I was there..I thought exactly the same..I called in and thought it I wouldn't get a reprimand, but I got one for 6 points in 90 days..

    Also, at animal kingdom I didn't get a walk time at all..I had to clock out on the dot, our managers used to tell us if we clocked out early we'd get points..

    Definitly would agree about the manager thing though, as some give you your reprimand as soon as you hit the points target..My manager told me that when you hit the amount of points for a reprimand, the computer automatically sends them an alert telling them and its up to there discretion whether they give you the reprimand or not..Although Im guessing that most of them always do, unless you have a really good reason not to get it..

    When I was at magic kingdom I had 9 points before I got my first reprimand..I dont want to say this as you will get away with that, because you wont..Basically, I was for 5 days in one week and I had to go into hospital..So although they didn't take the points off my record card, my managers were nice enough to let me off with the reprimand..Especially coz I had a doctors note..They can't actually take any points off if you have a doctors note and your only a CP from what I can remember..Only in extremely serious circumstances I think..

    I guess what im trying to say is that 9 times out of ten they'll give you a reprimand if your due one..But if you do have a genuine problem, then its always best to go to them and talk to them about it, coz there could be something they can do..
  11. Darn, I was sure it was wiped after 30 days. Oh well :S

    I thought everyone got a walk time as well, shows what I know doesn't it lol. If you do get a walk time then make sure to ASK your manager how long it is as for MK custodial it is 10 mins but I know for some other roles the got 15 so just make sure so you know.

    Aye, most managers are pretty good if you explain to them, there are also quite a few around who started as cp's as well so they know what you are going through.
  12. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Yeah..Thats the best thing about MK..The walk time! I heard its the only park that still does it..

    Its pretty much not walk time either..Because you end up waiting at the clock in machine by 11 minutes to!
  13. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    whats walk time?!
  14. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    I actually had the happy experience of being sick enough to be throwing up a few times... and I worked both of those. I got ER'd (Early Release) which was great because my managers were pretty empathetic (although it took them over an hour to respond to a message I left on their phoneline!). I did end up switching positions (er, that sounds bad... haha) with other people working so I was not stuck someplace (like Kidcot) where I wasn't able to run off backstage to slump down and take a few breaths.
    I also worked the day of my grandfathers death (because they couldn't ER me as we were understaffed and very busy) but I did a lot of hiding inside the podium between spiels and crying, and I ALSO worked through Strep Throat... twice.

    In the commons, you WILL get Strep Throat. Bahahaha!

    In summary, everyone works when sick because there is usually not a choice, but HOPEFULLY you will get a manager with a soul who will let you go home early (an ER) so it's no docking of points or anything... just a short day!

    And also, we were allowed to sign in 15 minutes early, able to pick up our positions ten minutes early, and able to clock out three minutes early!~ I thought it was like that everywhere? And this is using CDS, by the way.
  15. In MK we could bump in and bump out 10 mins early as well as being able to bump out 10 mins late. Gah CDS, creation of the devil!

    Walktime is given to those castmembers who are not located close to a clock out machine that they are allowed to use. Like in MK it can take you a while to actually find a machine but then you are usually given your bump out 5/10 mins early so it isn't usually a problem. We only had a couple of times, when we were closing areas, that we had to use our walk time or get our shift extended.
  16. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    okay.. what if there is a line for the clock in machine and you happen to get late, but really your not.. .ahah i am not even hired and i am thinking of what ifs :p

    also.. random question.

    if i am only 19 can i still get into bennigans?
    and how about drinking.. can i still be at the parties in the commons.. even if i am not drinking??
  17. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    1) Make sure you're first in line :p or find another machine. Usually each work location will have one so there won't be many of you clocking in. And once you get used to typing in your PERNER number it'll take like 3 seconds.

    2) You can get into bennigans whatever your age as it's a restaurant and bar...kinda like TGI's just Irish themed lol.

    3) As for parties in the Commons, as far as I know, you can go to a party where there is alcohol (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) but you cannot be caught holding alcohol for anyone...otherwise know as 'possession' lol.

    I only once had a day off sick and didn't even call in....I went into work and the bus ride made me feel so ill that by the time I got to the bakery I couldn't stop crying that my homeroom manager sent me home and I didn't get a point for it. I really was ill because in total I slept for 17 hours! And once I got an ER at the bakery because it was getting towards the end of spring break (i.e. working 12 hour days 6 days a week...) and one of the managers asked me the big no no question 'are you alright?' to which i responded with floods of tears whilst cleaning the machines...needless to say, I needed the ER.

    However at the bakery I didn't ever need an ER for being ill LOL
  18. kate003

    kate003 New Member

    So you can't clock in too early or clock out too late? Shouldn't you be able to clock out whenever incase they extend your shift?

    I was wondering about the whole broken leg thing as I'll be working in F&B and you can't really serve people while hopping around on crutches. So you still go into work and they just get you to do things were you don't move around a lot?

    And this might be a dumb question, but say you do get strep throat, or anything were you need drugs or medical help, are there pharmacies and walk in clinics near the apartments?
  19. You have to clock in on time. Some parks have a certain amount of time and even then it also depends on what role you have. If you have an extended shift you will be asked first and then told when your shift now ends. If you think you won't be able to clock out in time you can talk to your managers and sometimes they will extend your shift to make sure that you can make it and not get any points for it.

    If you have an injury such as a broken limb then you are just given different duties. When I was custodial, one of my friends off mainstreet damaged his ankle and instead of doing his normal custodial duties gave out the pay checks in Magic Kingdom.

    There is a drive - thru clinic at Wallgreens which is literally right next to Vista.
  20. kate003

    kate003 New Member

    thanks :)

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