Hi guys, So i'm considering applying for the International Program to start next September but i've got a few reservations. Ideally i'd like it to continue into a real career and allow me to move up in the company and maybe get a reasonable position or something like that, but my first choice is just to enjoy what Disney can offer. I've spent so much time in the parks since i first visited when i was 9, and i've now been 13 times, and i'm 21 now,lol, just after peoples recommendations really, bit apprehensive about leaving family and friends behind but i feel the change might do me good Let me know what you all think! Thanks
hi,i am heading over to work at disney in april,i understand what you mean about leaving family and friends behind - this is something that im sure everyone worrys about,i know that its going to be hard to say good bye to them all and i know im going to miss them all so much while im away but everyone is in the same position - and therefore im hoping that when i have days where i feel upset or homesick theres going to be others around me to help me through it and keep me smiling - just as i will help out others when they feel down. This will be the first time ive ever been so far from home and altho i know its going to be tough i think the whole experience will be brilliant. Family and friends will only ever be at the end of a phone,or an email - so dont worry,you will im sure make loads of new friends in disney who will be there for you in the good times and the bad ones!!! Good luck xx
Yeah its definitely something i'm considering now after a tough few months, would be good to get away and maybe make a fresh new start. I've got a good habit of making friends quickly so no doubt i'd manage fine out there, love the idea of it all, and getting paid is just a bonus tbh!
I'd reccomend it! I left for Florida about 10 days after my university graduation and still have my career on hold for a 2nd go around. My mentality was (and still is) I'm young (although you're younger) and I've got my life ahead of me to start my career, I should do something fun with it while I still can. Just remember once you start your career this is an oportunity that's past you by.
very true, i'm still seriously considering it, but i want it to lead on to more, does anyone know if theres a potential job offer at the end of it all? right now i just wnna get out the UK and start afresh somewhere, i've always loved Florida so i thought what better thing to do than the IP program!
I think the only way to get a real job offer at the end is if you're a US Citizen or can legally work without a Visa if there is any other way. I know of one other Canadain (heard this story while on break this past summer) who had dual citizenship and just stayed in Florida working at Le Cellier when his program ended, all he had to do was move out of the commons.
every time i see the time of this thread i get should i stay or should i go by the clash spinning around my head. not that thats a bad thing
Definitely confusing ain't it, for me its weighin up the pros and cons really, i'm still not quite sure what to do, but i'll have no commitments after June when unis done so i can't see why a year out would hurt and i'd have a blast i'm sure!
Yeah thats the spirit! Thats why I'm going anyway. I'll finish a nursing degree in Sept 08, so this really isn't related to my future career at all. But in a way that makes it all the more perfect, as after 3 year of working and training I'll need the break and a whole new experience! Really hope that you chose to go. I think you'll get more out of it hat you think you will
Yeah i've had a tough few months and the sound of a break from the country and everyone here sounds good right now, although i'll obviously miss my parents and friends massively, should be good, gonna get the form sorted tonight
can i just say that certain careers do let u go and do this - i work for the nhs and im getting a career break to go out and do this so if u do have a career u can still make it out there! ive been away form family and friends before i went to uni in aberdeen which takes about 10 hours to get to by train from where i live so almost as far for me in terms of time as disney is. when ur out there everyones in the same boat so you make friends easily and quickly. if you want to stay in usa permently u have to get a dofferent type of visa - generally its quite hard to get a usa visa u have a few options tho 1. get sponsership through an american company this is kinda hard though because you have to be able to provide a service which no american worker can 2. bring a large amount of money to the country as part of a business start up 3. as a healthworker you get a fast track application particularly if you work as a nurse or therapist 4. marry an american hehe its quite hard to get out there i think so make the most of the chance to go out there for a year!
Yeah? How soon before i fly out can i cancel? Worst case scenario an all, but i've had a pretty good job offer in NYC i'm considering but would like to keep my options open
you may never have this opportunity again !! you are being given a chance to meet soooo many new and exciting people, from all corners of the globe, it will make your mind boggle, and in a great part of the world to boot. unless your NYC job is supersonic, there really is no question. there are people who would eat their hands to have this opportunity (well, there must be at least one). whether you applied on a wim or not, a part of you wants this. there is quote "we always ask for advice, when we know the answer, but wish we didnt", which ever way this rings true with you, you know deep down what you want to do. be it disney or NYC. hope that doesnt sound too much like a rant. x
I know its something i want to do, i'm just not sure if the timings brilliant for next September which is why i'm considering delaying it for another year. Thanks for all the advice tho, keep it coming, can't wait to find out what its really like!
Apply now, don't assume that you will fly out September, it could be later. As for a job at the end of it you'd be super lucky to stay at WDW, but having Disney on your CV is something potential employers love. I just got a Christmas temp job just because of Disney being on there.
when i was on the waitlist and i emailed them to ask about reapplying i was told that the next lot of interviews wouldnt be until autumn 2008 so i dont think u would be flying out next sept time wise anyways
I had my reservations when I got the Disney job - was leaving behind my family and friends and my boyfriend as well - but Jorden is right, you may never get an opportunity to do something like this again. I'll be drinking off my stories from Vista Way and Disney for years to come!! I'm in the same position - Disney vs. real career, or Disney AS my real career - but the way I see it, I'm only 23 and right now returning to Orlando is all I want to do. So I'm gonna do it! Ultimately don't let your reservations stand in the way of something that could be incredible, whether it's Florida or NYC you decide to do