Feeling left out that everyone else has got their leaving date threads to post in now, so thought I'd start this for the 26th lot. What with the massive numbers of people going on the 12th, I figure this is the more exclusive group 8) So, erm, is there actually anyone else out there!? :-\
Ah man..relegated down to the bottom of the 4th page already - a couple of pity posts and not another soul in sight.....looks like I'm going to have to start talking to myself in here at this rate :
moin moin (as we used to say in hamburg), there are some germans who are going to leave on sep. 26th and i'm one of them ;D
Hey! Welcome to the erm, group Was beginning to feel like the unofficial UK outcast, sent away on a 'special' date away from everyone else 8) Nice to know I finally have some company! Andrew
BUMP Gah, this thread needs more than a gentle bump to resuscitate it. (fetches club) THUMP That's better.