scared/nervous/excited/FREAKING OUT... sound like anyone else??

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Shayla, Jan 25, 2008.


Need some help putting my mind at ease!

  1. mind at ease

    0 vote(s)
  2. help, i'm freaking out!

    0 vote(s)
  1. Shayla

    Shayla New Member

    Hello everyone, i'm new to this site and it's my first poll. Just wanted to post some of my concerns and hopefully i'll get some feedback. I am just very nervous that I wont get accepted, like i'm sure a lot of people are. But I was just wondering, (and be honest) is this college program hard to get into? I'm just worried that since my interview isn't until Feb. and the summer thing starts in May or Aug (depending on if I go with the extended one) that my chances aren't good, due to the spots already being filled. And also, what kind of questions will I be asked at my interview? I'm just sooo afraid that after all of this excitement and dreaming I wont get in!!!! heeellllppppp :)
  2. WinterSun

    WinterSun New Member

    Hey, I think most people who haven't been through this before are freaking out. I know I am! From what I've heard the college one is the least competitive, because they can work anywhere in disneyworld as opposed to the CRP which is only for positions in the Canadian Pavilion.
  3. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    My interview is in a couple of days but it really does not feel like it. I am keeping busy. Once in a while my mind gets on it and cant get off and then I start to freak out/get excited/freak out. LOL. I just hate if we fail this time around we have a LONG wait for a second try at it.

    A few weeks ago I was going nuts over it. But this week it just is so unreal I rearly get into that crazy excitment. (Though I know on the Friday when I am heading out, and when we are at dinner talking to everyone, it will really hit me.)
  4. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    what program are you wanting to do? if you want to do a summer program i think you have a fair chance, i had my interview in march last year and left in june... so time wise youll be fine

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