Does anyone know what position pays what? For example, does cruise staff make same amount as youth counsellor? How about someone working as recreation host on Castaway Cay? And are there no retail/merchandising positions on the ships? (Reason I am asking is because on it doesnt list such a category!)
I know Bar Staff earn a BIG !!!! $50 a month and you get a certain percentage of the amount of Drinks you sell also not forgetting the tips. Sound scary doesnt it
Hi I just finished working with DCL and the wage does differ from position. I worked in the dining room, and we made .15 an hour. BUT the tips are crazy and make up for it!!!
hi - i got a friend who just finished working on the ships as a youth councellor - because the £/$ exchange rate is sooooooooo good at the minute she worked out that she was on about £1.20 an hour.... majorly rubbish if you're on the ships and hoping to earn a bit of cash. Youth Councellors do spend their enitire shift with the kids, you eat on the hoof and I don't know what the score is with tips for this position....anyone know?
Are we talking about Miss Rigby??? ;D I managed to save quite a bit on the ship working in merch but they exchange rate wasn't good when I got home so never quite got round to changing the money back. I just kept it in dollars and used it everytime I came out to the states on holiday. But we did work out our hourly rate once and it was quite depressing!!!! Christmas Greetings from rainy Florida!!!! ???
Dougal! We missed you in Louth sunshine Yes i'm talking bout Rigby, she was telling me in Louth about leaving in the middle of her second contract to go do theatre and panto work again. I think she's glad she went on the ships and gave it a go but i don't think she's in a rush to get back on!! I love kids but some of her stories were a bit horrific!!! lol!!! She said the food was that bad she ended up eating carrot sticks everyday for lunch or something?! comedy! Hope you're taking care sunshine and liked my elf pic