Just asking... What is the envelope from the Post Office I need to get for my passport to be sent back? Do I need to bring my passport to weigh it? Thanks!!!
Hey everyone so I'm having a bit of a panic attack right about now. I never seem to get things done smoothly.... So my latest issue is.... I forgot I needed to take an envelope with me. My interview is tomorrow morning at 9.15am and obviously post office aint open at 9pm at night for me to go and get what I need. What exactly do I need to get/take with me? And anyone know what time post offices open?! arrrgghh
1. go on the postoffice website and find out when it opens, chances are there will be one closeish to the embassy that will open early enough or 1. get your kitchen scales out and weigh your passport 2. look on the royal male website and look up how much it'll cost to send it 3. calculate how many stamps you'll need to put on it to cover postage 4. go to supermarket (either now or early tomorrow) and buy stamps
oh hang on, you can purchase it over the internet and print it onto your envelope. http://www.royalmail.com/portal/rm/jump3?catId=400043&mediaId=26800663 or if your going with someone you can put up to 4 passports in one envelope