I got a question for the alumni or anyone eles who knows: When you get to the Commons or Vista Way or whatever are you roomed with people who are arriving the same day as you or are you just replacing someone who just left? Ali
Most of the time, you are placed with people who are already there BECAUSE you are replacing someone who has left! Sometimes, there will be two or more of you in the same apartment arriving at once, but not too often the entire apartment...although it has happened...especially in the one bedrooms. The bonus of already having people in the apt. is that you will most likely already have a lot of the stuff you'd want to buy...tv...dvd...etc. Shan
any chance..u get to PICK your roommates?! like if u konw people already down there and wanna be in their house?
You can move around if front desk allows it ( if it's room in the appartment or they don't have any reason not to move you around) But you may have to pay for it. 50$
You usually move in with people who are already there....sometimes you get to move in with a person in your arrival group, but not often. If a space becomes free, you can ask if you can move in with a friend or they move in with you, but usually they already have that bed designated to someone new coming in.
You can't request your roommates for you arrival day, but sometimes yes you can move. If they don't really see any reason for you to move other than to live with your friend, they may decline it. Many people want to move for valid reasons that are more important, so they'll get moved first. If they didn't make you pay, people would be doing it all the time. They don't always charge you.
It's rare that they'll move you just to be with a friend. More often, there are BAD roommate issues. But I have never heard of not paying for it.
They don't automatically put you with friends as they want you to get something out of the experience and feel the mixing of cultures and meeting new friends are part of it.