Roommate questionnaire

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by KC, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. KC

    KC New Member

    As per episode 5 of ze vlog (, here's the questionnaire for y'all!


    1. Your name:
    2. Are you legal (over 21)?:
    3. Male or female?:
    4. Where do you live?:
    5. What role will you have at Disney?:
    6. What are your arrival/departure dates/program:
    7. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? (i.e. Vista, Chatham, Patterson)
    8. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?:
    9. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?:
    10. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?:
    11. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?:
    12. What kind of music/movies do you like?:
    13. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?:
    14. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic):
    15. Are you a night person or a morning person?:
    16. What do you do for fun?: i
    17. What is your favorite quote?:
    18. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?:
    19. Favorite things to do when not working:
    20. Name one good quality about yourself:
    21. Name one bad quality about yourself:
    22: Your college:
    23: Your major:
    24. Are you messy/tidy?:
    25. Anything else you want to state:
  2. KC

    KC New Member

    Just so there's no confusion, this is all just for fun! This isn't an official questionnaire or anything, it's just something I found on an american college program facebook group ;)
  3. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Awesome! i want a roommate that is quite similar to me, i could not deal with someone who is the complete opposite of me!
  4. *PennyCrayon*

    *PennyCrayon* New Member

    1. Your name: Princess Kirsty
    2. Are you legal (over 21)?: No i am infact an illegal
    3. Male or female?: i believe female
    4. Where do you live?: Norwich (land of the common folk :p)
    5. What role will you have at Disney?: Attractions hostess
    6. What are your arrival/departure dates/program: 21 June - 28 August
    7. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? (i.e. Vista, Chatham, Patterson) Personally Vista or Chatham
    8. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: Preferablly four people (3 to live with) as u can form close bonds with a smaller group.
    9. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: well i do like to boogie but im not a major lover of the party, i prefer the part-ay scene myself.
    10. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: Um chocolate is my favourite food but my favourite meal is probably a good ol' roast. And.... i can bake things, cakes, brownies (i like to fatten people up ala hansel + grettel :p)
    11. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: I dont know but id hope something like nice, funny and caring but im afraid id probably get something like easily excitable, random and phoebe (my nickname - as in friends)
    12. What kind of music/movies do you like?: Anything really I looove musical and comedy films. Music = anything apart from drum and bass, techno etc
    13. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: No and I think its a disgusting habit- what is the point?
    14. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): occassionally, im not a big fan of the taste of alcohol so abstaining from it will not be hard although i do like the taste of smirnoff...
    15. Are you a night person or a morning person?: usually a morning person but when the occassion calls for it i can be a night owl
    16. Are you driving or flying down?: flying (like a bird)
    17. What do you do for fun?: theatre and cinema trips, singing, general fun times with the people i love.
    18. What is your favorite quote?:'Do I look like a mug? Have I got a handle? Am I made of china? Am I kept in a cupboard or on a small wooden tree? Would you like to put your lips on my rim? You may answer that question, the rest were rhetorical.'
    19. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Meeting lots of people who are hopefully just like me (not in a clone way or anything of course as that would be disturbing;))
    20. Favorite things to do when not working: Parkage
    21. Name one good quality about yourself: im gonna go with considerate
    22. Name one bad quality about yourself: i have a high pitched sneeze sound
    23: Your college: University of East Anglia
    24: Your major: Law with American Law
    25. Are you messy/tidy?:a mix
    26. Anything else you want to state: Have a magical day :D
  5. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    1. Your name: Michelle Park... or last time i checked it was :)
    2. Are you legal (over 21)?: Not Legal :( 18 years young :)
    3. Male or female?: Femaleeee :)
    4. Where do you live?: The almighty Preston.. Lancashire :) :)
    5. What role will you have at Disney?: Cultural rep.. Food and Bev at the UK Pavillion
    6. What are your arrival/departure dates/program: 9th June 2009 - 4th June 2010
    7. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? (i.e. Vista, Chatham, Patterson) Don't really mind at all :) aslong as its got four walls :) aha
    8. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: Ideally a 2 room one.. so me and 3 others :) but really dont mind.. i think like just one room mate would be a bit.. blande? specially if we clashed personalities.. and 7 maybeee a bit too much
    9. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: Haha yes.. part-ay in my wellness apartment anyone? haha
    10. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: Ummm i'd have to sayyy beans on toast.. and i can make that.. so yeahh ! =]] or i do love spaghetti :) :) :)
    11. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be? Stupid.. Random.. Funny?
    12. What kind of music/movies do you like?: Loooooooots :) Dont really like the whole actiony bond movies.. there tolerable but prefer childrens, musicals, comedy and romcoms :) and musiiic pretty much everything.. not this whole ghetto scene rap rubbish tho :( no offence to people who like it :)
    13. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: No No No.... Take your cancer sticks away from me!
    14. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): Haha.. Yes :) Socially.. which im quite social.. so quite a lot haha ?
    15. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Nightttt
    16. Are you driving or flying down?: Flying.. dont think i can drive across the ocean?
    17. What do you do for fun?: Be with my friends, go out, drink, watch films, go bowling, shopping, to the movies.. all that jazz
    18. What is your favorite quote?: ' Don't Frown - You'll Get Wrinkles ' ahahah :)
    19. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Umm.. Being at Disney? ahaha :) ::)::):)
    20. Favorite things to do when not working: Umm all the things i listed that i do for fun.. and sleep :)
    21. Name one good quality about yourself: Well id say friendly and caring.. others would just say im there to humour them haha
    22. Name one bad quality about yourself: Umm... I like to gossip with the old people round my neighbourhood?
    23: Your college: Well i've finished that now but was Cardinal Newman College
    24: Your major: Travel & Tourism & English Language
    25. Are you messy/tidy?: Hmmm at home.. Messy :) mother will tidy ;) - Everyone else.. Tidy Haha
    26. Anything else you want to state: Ummm ITS CHRISTMAS EVE DUDE ! :)
  6. KC

    KC New Member

    Oops, sorry! forgot to take out the driving/flying question! Fixed now!
  7. bacondoublecheese

    bacondoublecheese New Member

    1. Your name: Will Wilson
    2. Are you legal (over 21)?: Legal for what? I'm nineteen, so I can legally do a lot of things.
    3. Male or female?: Manly
    4. Where do you live?: Fareham, it's in between Southampton and Portsmouth.
    5. What role will you have at Disney?: Main entrance operations.
    6. What are your arrival/departure dates/program: 21st June 2009 - 28th August 2009
    7. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? I don't know any, so McDonalds.
    8. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: Not too many, the more there are, the more chance you have of one of them being an arse hole.
    9. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: No. Go away.
    10. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: Cheese burger and chips. I can't cook to save my life. I'm gonna fill up on microwavable meals.
    11. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be? Inspirational, wonderful, amazing.
    12. What kind of music/movies do you like?: Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Deep Purple, Aerosmith, Status Quo, Rolling Stones. I like sci-fi movies, anything with a robot or some aliens; Star Wars, Transformers, Terminator, Alien, Predator.
    13. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: Nah.
    14. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): Nah.
    15. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Bed.
    16. Are you driving or flying down?: Flying
    17. What do you do for fun?: Read Star Wars novels, watch football, play football, troll on teh internets.
    18. What is your favorite quote?: These aren't the droids you're looking for.
    19. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Money.
    20. Favorite things to do when not working: Football and trolling.
    21. Name one good quality about yourself: I kick ass.
    22. Name one bad quality about yourself: I have none.
    23: Your college: Southampton Solent.
    24: Your major: Football.
    25. Are you messy/tidy?: I'm tidy, but not anal about it.
    26. Anything else you want to state: I doesn't afraid of anything.
  8. AndyFromDonny

    AndyFromDonny New Member

    1. Your name:Andy
    2. Are you legal (over 21)?:Yeah, 21.
    3. Male or female?:Male
    4. Where do you live?:Doncaster and Sheffield for uni.
    5. What role will you have at Disney?:Attractions
    6. What are your arrival/departure dates/program:21/6-28/8
    7. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? (i.e. Vista, Chatham, Patterson) Not fussed really
    8. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?:The more the merrier
    9. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?:Yes, but I wouldn't fancy the afterparty mess (bound to happen though)
    10. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?:Chicken Roast, Decent if unspectacular cook (well I am male afterall)
    11. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Random, Strange and succinct (IE straight to the point)
    12. What kind of music/movies do you like?: Music - Indieish mainly, bound to hear some kings of leon, coldplay, Stereophonics etc if you're near me. Films - comedy all the way
    13. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?:Asthma :-[ So definately not.
    14. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): Yes often, but I'm a sensible drinker, if it's too expensive I won't drink it ;)
    15. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Bit of both, early riser but late to bed too.
    16. What do you do for fun?: Football fan so watch alot of football, play football, then there's my music I love live music.
    17. What is your favorite quote?: "Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my first instinct is to laugh. But then I think, what if I was an ant, and she fell on me. Then it wouldn't seem quite so funny."
    18. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Hot weather, disney atmosphere, meeting lots of fun people and being somewhere nicer than South Yorkshire (not that South Yorkshire is a bad place but it gets a tad boring).
    19. Favorite things to do when not working: Sit down relax and have a nice cold drink.
    20. Name one good quality about yourself: I can make people laugh.
    21. Name one bad quality about yourself: I'm a bit lazy.
    22: Your college:University of Sheffield
    23: Your major:Accounting and Financial Management
    24. Are you messy/tidy?: I hate mess, but half the time I can't be bothered tidying up. So if I make no mess I have to do no tidying. Ok, bit of both.
    25. Anything else you want to state: Yorkshiremen do not speak funny, just differently. I hate people mocking my accent.
  9. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    1. Your name: Louisa
    2. Are you legal (over 21)?: Yup! Ripe old age of 23
    3. Male or female?: Female
    4. Where do you live?: Surrey (though in my mind im in Orlando!)
    5. What role will you have at Disney?: F&B assigner role
    6. What are your arrival/departure dates/program: 3rd February 2009 - 29th January 2010/ UK Cultural Rep
    7. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? (i.e. Vista, Chatham, Patterson) Commons! And if not that, Vista
    8. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: 1/2 bedroom, though I'll take whatever!
    9. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: I like to party, just not in my own apartment! I hope we don't have any parties, I like my sleep. I'd rather go to Jellyrolls
    10. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: Roast dinner (beef or chicken!) I can cook very good roast potatoes and I cook a mean bolognese and yeah, I can cook well if I put my mind to it.
    11. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Musical, magical, sweet ;) haha
    12. What kind of music/movies do you like?: I adore Musicals and Disney music, but I'll pretty much listen to anything (except for songs that aren't songs at all, they're shouting). As for films, I love Disney films, musical films, comedies, fantasy, some romance films, horror (it's my all time favourite genre!)...
    13. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: No, it's disgusting and I think should be made illegal. I'd like to die from natural causes please, not passive smoking.
    14. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): I drink very little, maybe the odd glass of wine or a cocktail..and bucks fizz in Premium Economy on VS :p
    15. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Well seeing as I currently start work at 4am (meaning I have to get up at 2am) which is both the morning and nighttime, I'm allowed to say both.
    16. What do you do for fun?: I sing, dance, read, do cross stitch, make costumes (rarely at the moment though), take pictures, see musicals, shop!
    17. What is your favorite quote?: "Pull the lever Kronk! Wrong lever! Why do we even have that lever?!?" (The Emperor's New Groove)
    18. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCRP?: Being back home!!! Meeting old friends for the first time, and meeting older friends again! Getting that lovely discount...having SUN!!! cos I've forgotten what it looks like.
    19. Favorite things to do when not working: Sing, wander around the parks, watching fireworks and hanging out at Wendy's.
    20. Name one good quality about yourself: I make magic no matter what
    21. Name one bad quality about yourself: I procrastinate!
    22: Your college: University of Gloucestershire Alumni
    23: Your course: Tourism Management with Hospitality Management
    24. Are you messy/tidy?: I hate mess, so normally I'm very tidy. However, I just don't have the storage space in my room, so it's a complete tip.
    25. Anything else you want to state: Don't EVER call me's not my name and it never will be. If you forget whether it's an 'e' or an 'a', simply call me Lou. Did I also mention that I sing??? A lot???
  10. vik

    vik New Member

    . Your name: Miss Victoria Amy Charter!
    2. Are you legal (over 21)?: Indeedio (i am 21)
    3. Male or female?: female
    4. Where do you live?: Yateley, a tiny village between reading and guildford
    5. What role will you have at Disney?: character perfomer (dependant on an audish of course)
    6. What are your arrival/departure dates/program: 21st june-28th august though il be in the usa until the 21st september
    7. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? (i.e. Vista, Chatham, Patterson) well last year i was at vista and i loved it so to be there again would be wicked!
    8. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: i would love to be in a 4 person apt much space!
    9. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: well im not a crazy party person but i do like to get together with mates so parties are cool with me as long as theyre not EVERY night!
    10. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: I love chinese and indian food. Last summer however i did not cook a single meal, therefore i must be some kind of lazy freak! but i can and enjoy cooking when i have plenty of time :)
    11. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?:
    ah man i remember they asked me this in my interview and i said loyal, understanding and willing. Realistically, im sarcastic, incredibly vain and a little kooky
    12. What kind of music/movies do you like?:I love all kinds of music, really! im a saddo for disney music by alan menken, but band wise i lovethe killers, john mayer, arctic monkeys and alphabeat. Moviewise, i study em so i love loads, particularly hot fuzz, beauty and the beast, edward scissorhands, beetlejuice, star wars, hsm (sorry guys) waynes world
    13. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: NOPE, not at all thank you!
    14. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): occasionally but not all the time (im SUCH a lightweight!)
    15. Are you a night person or a morning person?:probably more of a morning person because it reaches a certain point at night where i just collapse if im not in bed!
    16. Are you driving or flying down?: ...flying
    17. What do you do for fun?: go to the movies with friends, go to the theatre to see musicals, bake, play piano
    18. What is your favorite quote?:"When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do? Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." - its one that can help you get through a lot of things!
    19. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: getting to see the mk day parade i worked last year and seeing if anyone remembers me! also ice cream at ghiradelli's...mmmm
    20. Favorite things to do when not working: eat! (i am a pie!)
    21. Name one good quality about yourself: im extremely forgiving and never hold grudges
    22. Name one bad quality about yourself: i allow people to walk all over me!
    23: Your college: University of Reading
    24: Your major: Film and Theatre
    25. Are you messy/tidy?: generally tidy, though we all slip up from time to time!
    26. Anything else you want to state: im so freakin excited about the summer! AAAHHH!!!
  11. Mr. Mortell

    Mr. Mortell New Member

  12. the_anarky_boy

    the_anarky_boy New Member

    1. Your name: Roderick Daniel McCahon, Roddy in social company
    2. Are you legal (over 21)?: No, 19 right now, 20 at WDW
    3. Male or female?: Male
    4. Where do you live?: Greenock, Scotland (just outside Glasgow)
    5. What role will you have at Disney?: Main Entrance Operations
    6. What are your arrival/departure dates/program: May 26th - August 7th 2009
    7. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? (i.e. Vista, Chatham, Patterson) Don't know the differences so I'm keeping my options open
    8. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: About 4 roommates sounds cool
    9. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: I'll attend parties... but probably won't ever host one
    10. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: Peperoni pizza. I can cook simple stuff. Not much else without a recipe.
    11. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: punk, perceptive, positive
    12. What kind of music/movies do you like?: Music: punk, rock, ska, reggae, hip-hop, rock'n'roll, rockabilly, psychobilly, dub, some electronic, some heavy metal (Nightwish!) and the list goes on
    Movies: fantasy, sci-fi, horror, martial arts, action, adventure, anime (a genre unto itself), certain comedies (very picky about them), asian films in general
    13. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL
    14. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): yes, but like 2-3 beers a month! I'm serious.
    15. Are you a night person or a morning person?: I'm positive all the time (the line can blur at 4 AM)
    16. What do you do for fun?: playing/writing/recording music (drums, guitar, bass, keyboards), video/computer games, reading, role playing games ie. Dungeons and Dragons
    17. What is your favorite quote?: "Groovy" Ash Williams, Evil dead 2
    18. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: What is there not to be excited about!
    19. Favorite things to do when not working: geek out, no im not joking.
    20. Name one good quality about yourself: Fun loving
    21. Name one bad quality about yourself: im a creature of habit
    22: Your college: University of the West of Scotland (Paisley campus)
    23: Your major: Music Technology
    24. Are you messy/tidy?: Organised chaos.
    25. Anything else you want to state: No alcohol, so what! I get Mountain Dew!
  13. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    1. Your name: Leom
    2. Are you legal (over 21)?: No, im only 18, long time to wait, hehe!
    3. Male or female?: Male
    4. Where do you live?: Irvine, Scotland
    5. What role will you have at Disney?: Merchandise
    6. What are your arrival/departure dates/program: 21st June 2009 - 28th August 2009
    7. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? (i.e. Vista, Chatham, Patterson): Vista
    8. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: Not bothered
    9. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: I love parties but wouldnt host one in my apartment cause then i would need to clean it up, no thanks!
    10. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: I love mash potatoes, i am not good at cooking at all. i can follow cooking instructions.
    11. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: annoying, funny, musical!
    12. What kind of music/movies do you like?: i love comedies, any music really except R&B, do not like that at all.
    13. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: yuck, horrible thing, i dont smoke!
    14. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): socially
    15. Are you a night person or a morning person?: both! But more a night person, i love mornings though, hehe.
    16. What do you do for fun?: dance/sing/watch dvds/go jogging/text and talk to people online
    17. What is your favorite quote?: "Look!" "A Stick!" "Oh mother, lets wack her with it!" (Cinderella 3)
    18. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: meeting everyone, especially Lou and Kev, legends!
    19. Favorite things to do when not working: relaxing, shopping, sleeping etc.
    20. Name one good quality about yourself: I can sing
    21. Name one bad quality about yourself: Im random!
    22: Your college: Glasgow Caledonian University
    23: Your major: Mircrobiology
    24. Are you messy/tidy?: tidy
    25. Anything else you want to state: 10 minutes until CHRISTMAS!!!
  14. Liss_88

    Liss_88 New Member

    1. Your name: Alice
    2. Are you legal (over 21)?: I'm 20, so nope!
    3. Male or female?: Female
    4. Where do you live?: In a little village near oxford.
    5. What role will you have at Disney?: Merchandise
    6. What are your arrival/departure dates/program: 21st june
    7. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? (i.e. Vista, Chatham, Patterson) meh...
    8. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: small i think, but big would be cool too if my flatmates were lovely!
    9. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: Hmm, sometimes the best nights are the ones when you don't party, but maybe host one during the time.
    10. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: I can bake yummy cake type things.
    11. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: well in my school leavers book my best friend wrote quality not quantity, but I didn't know quite how to take that....
    12. What kind of music/movies do you like?: movies; anything except horror films. And any music with a tune i can hum!
    13. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: no smoking thank you
    14. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): not much.
    15. Are you a night person or a morning person?: night time, yes thankyou please
    16. What do you do for fun?: i sing, lots. and dance. YAY
    17. What is your favorite quote?: Life is a long preparation for something that never happens
    18. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWICP?: OOO, everything, but mostly my cast member badge! a dream come true
    19. Favorite things to do when not working: dancing in my room like a crazy person, or hanging out with friends, or eating.
    20. Name one good quality about yourself: I am nice, mostly...
    21. Name one bad quality about yourself: I get grouchy in the mornings
    22: Your college: University of Nottingham
    23: Your major: Art History
    24. Are you messy/tidy?: depends...
    25. Anything else you want to state: not so much.
  15. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    Hope Everyone had a looovely Christmas :)

    1. Your name: Gina
    2. Are you legal (over 21)?: no im not...will be legal whilst im out there though! YAY
    3. Male or female?: Female
    4. Where do you live?: Cheltenham - Uni / Winchester/Southampton - Home
    5. What role will you have at Disney?: Attractions
    6. What are your arrival/departure dates/program: 21st June - 28th August
    7. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? (i.e. Vista, Chatham, Patterson): I really don't mind.
    8. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: I don't mind...lived with upto 7 in the past!
    9. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: I like going out, im not a huge party girl....but its hte clean up i can't no hosting for me!
    10. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: I LOVE cooking...i wouldn't say i do it well but im learning!
    11. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: friendly, confident when you get to know me,
    12. What kind of music/movies do you like?: i love music i can sing along too and boogie around too...i can be a bit of an 80s/90s child. moviewise..disney duh =P but seriously, anything not scary!
    13. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: no, never have never will
    14. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): i drink socially, however recently im pretty much tee total, apart from the odd glass of wine.
    15. Are you a night person or a morning person?: definately a night person, note im doing this at 1am and i have work tomorrow!
    16. What do you do for fun?: sing, dance, play on the wii, bake/cook, shop
    17. What is your favorite quote?: 'to die would be an awfully great adventure' Hook 1991.
    18. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: there are too many to right down!!
    19. Favorite things to do when not working: sleep!
    20. Name one good quality about yourself: i always want to listen, and help.
    21. Name one bad quality about yourself: i like to sleep too much
    22: Your college: University of Gloucestershire
    23: Your major: Broadcast Journalism
    24. Are you messy/tidy?: depends, i can be OCD tidy though lol! not in a bad way....everything looks right when its in place.
    25. Anything else you want to state: Have a magical day, see you in Florida BABY!!
  16. hayley...x

    hayley...x New Member

    1. Your name: Hayley Adamson
    2. Are you legal (over 21)?: sadly not...only a wee youngster 18
    3. Male or female?: female
    4. Where do you live?: airdrie (between glasgow and edinburgh) or dundee for uni
    5. What role will you have at Disney?: lifeguard!! :)
    6. What are your arrival/departure dates/program: 2nd june 09 - 21 aug 09
    7. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? (i.e. Vista, Chatham, Patterson) i dunoo? which ones best?
    8. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: well i live with 5 other just now so lots would be welcome ;D
    9. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: i LOVE to partaaay! but maybe not in my apartment...too messy! :-\
    10. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: has to be lasagne! anyone that can cook a good lasagne is welcome anytime, anyday! but no sadly cannt cook to save myself!
    11. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: blonde (in the head), disney (yes i am nicknamed disney) and loud!
    12. What kind of music/movies do you like?: danceee music makes me happy ;D but pretty much anything!
    13. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: i have to say i do occasionally :-[ but i do want to stop! nasty habit!
    14. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): socially of course! everyones gotta love a little sociable beverage!
    15. Are you a night person or a morning person?: neither. i love my bed!
    16. What do you do for fun?: horse riding! bebo! (yes im that sad), partying!, driving my little car
    17. What is your favorite quote?: i actually cant thik of one!! ???
    18. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: SUN, being a lifeguard of course i am going tohave the best tan ever!! ;D
    19. Favorite things to do when not working: spending time with my friends and lovely bf
    20. Name one good quality about yourself: i am crazy fun!
    21. Name one bad quality about yourself: i am too loud
    22: Your college: university of dundee
    23: Your major: zoology
    24. Are you messy/tidy?: both! i want to be tidy but it doesnt happen often
    25. Anything else you want to state: yes, my pink ugg boots are real!
  17. Jodi

    Jodi New Member

    1: Your name: Jodi
    2. Are you legal (over 21)?: I'm 20 but will turn 21 at disney!
    3. Male or female?: Female
    4. Where do you live?: Melbourne Australia
    5. What role will you have at Disney?: front entrance operations/hospitality
    6. What are your arrival/departure dates/program: Feb 9th ICP till for 12 months!
    7. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? (i.e. Vista, Chatham, Patterson) Any!
    8. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: More the merrier :)
    9. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: Yes! and yes why not if my roomies dont mind!
    10. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: umm fav food is nachos and i can cook them well hehe i also make good stirfry :)
    11. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: hmm not sure..def talkative tho!
    12. What kind of music/movies do you like?: heaps!
    13. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: nah dont smoke
    14. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): yup
    15. Are you a night person or a morning person?: both!
    16. What do you do for fun?: hmm depends!! i like shopping and doing childish things :)
    17. What is your favorite quote?: "your host sister speaks korean???" lol sorry inside joke
    18. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWICP?: umm omg like everything!!
    19. Favorite things to do when not working: eat, drink, sleep, talk, shop
    20. Name one good quality about yourself: I'm a nice person!
    21. Name one bad quality about yourself: umm i probs can talk too much ;)
    22: Your college: University of Ballarat
    23: Your major: Tourism
    24. Are you messy/tidy?: hrmm bedroom messy but kitchen/ bathroom has to be clean
    25. Anything else you want to state: 33 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Stepharoo

    Stepharoo Guest

    1. Your name: Stephie
    2. Are you legal (over 21)?: Nope, 19
    3. Male or female?: Female
    4. Where do you live?: Essex (no jokes lol)
    5. What role will you have at Disney?: Merchandise
    6. What are your arrival/departure dates/program: 21st June - 28th August
    7. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Don't mind!
    8. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: Don't mind!
    9. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: Prefer going out, I mean we have free passes through disney!
    10. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: BBQ Chicken I say lol, and yep I can cook.
    11. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Confident-ish, Bouncy, Funny
    12. What kind of music/movies do you like?: Ooo love some rom coms, disney of course! some serious movies, comedies, all sorts lol.
    13. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: Never!
    14. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): Ummm not much, but I have the odd drink socially.
    15. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Both.
    16. What do you do for fun?: Watch disney movies (along with regular ones lol), read, write, hang out with my boyfriend, family and friends
    17. What is your favorite quote?: Ooo I dunno has to be something from disney, notebook or big bang theory!
    18. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: I get to work in disneyworld!!!
    19. Favorite things to do when not working: *points to 'what do you do for fun'*
    20. Name one good quality about yourself: I'm friendly
    21. Name one bad quality about yourself: I can get grumpy.
    22: Your college: University of Kent
    23: Your major: English & American Literature and History
    24. Are you messy/tidy?: Tidy most of the time.
    25. Anything else you want to state: Nope!
  19. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    1. Your name: Katie
    2. Are you legal (over 21)?: no - 20
    3. Male or female?: Female
    4. Where do you live?: Lancaster for uni, outside YORK rest of time :)
    5. What role will you have at Disney?: Quick Service Food and Beverage
    6. What are your arrival/departure dates/program: 21st June - 28th August
    7. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Any really - cheapest preferred ;)
    8. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: 3 roomates, 2 rooms for preference :)
    9. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: Don't really party, won't be hosting them!
    10. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: Favourite food hmmmmm - chicken kiev. I can kind of cook, don't really enjoy it tho
    11. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Crazy, friendly, weird? (as I'm not my friends... :p)
    12. What kind of music/movies do you like?: The Killers! Status Quo, Bruce Springsteen, Chris Isaak, Nickleback.
    Movies: Disney (well duh), rom coms, comedy, drama (Fifth Element!!) - will watch most really - but not horror
    13. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: Nope. Cooler ways to die.
    14. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): Not really - don't really like the taste.
    15. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Prob a night person :)
    16. What do you do for fun?: Play piano, walk, swim, ICE SKATE (badly), read, go to Disney, watch TV, watch snooker :)
    17. What is your favorite quote?: A closed mouth gathers no feet.
    18. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: I get to work in Disney! and LIVE there!!
    19. Favorite things to do when not working: umm - see above?? (why the two questions huh?? :p)
    20. Name one good quality about yourself: I'm friendly
    21. Name one bad quality about yourself: I get stressed about random things too easily
    22: Your college: Lancaster University
    23: Your major: Earth and Environmental Science
    24. Are you messy/tidy?: generally tidy, but have a tendency to leave stuff around
    25. Anything else you want to state: ummmm - The Truth is Out There??
    (sorry - felt like being random :p)
  20. holst88

    holst88 New Member

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